Apartment help needed .


Well-Known Member
will 600w be noticeable ??
can my landlord pop in at anytime ??

never rented before so I need some help D: .

any advice appreciated .

yes I have grown plants indoors :P before .


Active Member
will 600w be noticeable ??
can my landlord pop in at anytime ??

never rented before so I need some help D: .

any advice appreciated .

yes I have grown plants indoors :P before .
i am renting...check your contract, but in general your land lord must give written notice of a visit...

my 400w hps jump my bill 300kw a month approx, although i just hooked up ac and a new electric dryer, so not sure but the washer and ac were near end of month.

hope this helps some...

myself i got a trailer in my yard an i grow in that...my land lord can come in my house anythime he want..just give me a min to clean up eh.


Well-Known Member
Yes if you are renting your landlord can come in anytime he pleases to check his investment. It is not wise to grow in a rented house. If so you should change all locks so no one has a key but you. Also it is easier for cops to get a search warrant from the landloard than having to get one from a judge.

But a 6oow wont be noticeable, its the same as buying a new laptop.

Good luck and be careful!


Well-Known Member
Your landlord must give you at least 24 hr notice, its the law, if he comes over and wants to come in w/o notice tell him no, your busy or something, all he can do is say "ok, I'll be back in 24 hrs, this is your notice, see ya tommorow." That gives you plenty of time to hide your shit so he wont notice, he cant go and look through your personal stuff in any way shape or form. he can only work on the house or check it over or wharever. 600w isnt too bad, a normal incandesent bulb uses 100-150w each, so its like running 4-6 halogen bulbs.


Well-Known Member
remember to take precautions against possible flooding/overflowing and get a good renters insurance policy. keep it out of the way, locked up, and small enough to it's manageable and low key. honestly, if it wasnt for my medical status i wouldnt have the nuts to grow in my apartment.


Well-Known Member
Yes if you are renting your landlord can come in anytime he pleases to check his investment. It is not wise to grow in a rented house. If so you should change all locks so no one has a key but you. Also it is easier for cops to get a search warrant from the landloard than having to get one from a judge.

But a 6oow wont be noticeable, its the same as buying a new laptop.

Good luck and be careful!
I dunno if thats the case where you are but here it is law that the landlord needs to give you 24hr notice to come in. Im pretty sure that law applies throughout the us. I could always be wrong though, its just every state ive lived in has had that law.


Active Member
Most states require that the landlord give reasonable notice. If you are in an apartment complex there is likely a clause in the lease that says they may come in for maintenence without prior notification (like if you report a maintenence issue and are not home to let them in. I found that out when i pulled a pistol on the maintenence guy because he knocked once and opened the door. I would suggest that if you are not a medical patient it is not worth doing in an apartment. RIsk vs reward. Good luck with whatever you choose.


Well-Known Member
I think you should, its not hard to make a grow stealth so that even if he was in your apartment he couldnt tell at all. Get a good sized cabinet and make sure it locks, get a carbon filter, muffle the fans if needed(or just always have a fan on sort of by the area as a cover noise, lightproof it and your all good to go.


Well-Known Member
I think a 600W draws 6-7 Amps depending if it's mag or digi. A portable AC can pull 10+Amps.

Remember though, you'll have a couple fans added to that load so the Fan/HPS combo will pull about as much as an AC. Plus if you have computers and stuff your E bill will be higher than all other renters... just something to think about.

Personally I grew in an Apartment when I was in college. Only grew for personal so I had an old 400w magnetic ballast and a fan blowing over the leaves. Lived in a dry climate so I used a swamp cooler to cool my cab (only pulled 1A). Total of about 6Amps for a 2month supply of herb :)


Well-Known Member
Your landlord must give you at least 24 hr notice, its the law, if he comes over and wants to come in w/o notice tell him no, your busy or something, all he can do is say "ok, I'll be back in 24 hrs, this is your notice, see ya tommorow." That gives you plenty of time to hide your shit so he wont notice, he cant go and look through your personal stuff in any way shape or form. he can only work on the house or check it over or wharever. 600w isnt too bad, a normal incandesent bulb uses 100-150w each, so its like running 4-6 halogen bulbs.
best excuse ever .. got a couple ladies over man ... know what I mean ;) .
if its a guy , he will understand that no person can intrude on a 3some with 2 hot chicks .
but if its in a apartment .. hmm , thats probably true about maintenance . :S .


Well-Known Member
So what happens when the aptment next to you floods????? Guess what is going to happen, I can tell you from experiance because I was a property manager for a couple years, They will come straight into your apt to check for damage. They dont have to ask for your permision if their investment is at risk! I am telling you they dont have to give ANY KIND OF NOTICE! If they are doing a yearly check then yes they will tell you but if something happens even if its not in your apt they have the right to check and maintain a safe environment. Like dark said im sure it is different from state to state.


Well-Known Member
So what happens when the aptment next to you floods????? Guess what is going to happen, I can tell you from experiance because I was a property manager for a couple years, They will come straight into your apt to check for damage. They dont have to ask for your permision if their investment is at risk! I am telling you they dont have to give ANY KIND OF NOTICE! If they are doing a yearly check then yes they will tell you but if something happens even if its not in your apt they have the right to check and maintain a safe environment. Like dark said im sure it is different from state to state.
Yeah, i guess you'd best check your local laws. My landlord himself told me that it was my right and had me sign a peice of paper saying i had been informed and understood that right(among others) when i paid him his money. It was the same way when i had all my other apartments too, I guess texas must suck on privacy laws like that.


Never take a chance like that. Law can be whatever it is, most people dont know it or care about it. The cops will instruct the manager, when he calls them, on how to handle it. You probably wont even know the manager is envolved untill its too late.

If you still gotta do it then keep it small and put as many locks between your stash and an invader as possible. lock room door, lock closet, lock grow cabinet and for Gods sake use a real carbon scrubber. Good Luck!!!


If the cab/tent what ever your gonna grow is in a bedroom, put a new lock on that one room and make sure you keep it locked.