Someone just gave me their plant! WITH LITTLE INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO CARE AFTER IT!!!


I have never grown before! They were nice enough to set the plant up in my closet, hung up 4 lights and some of her branches from string. Upon close inspection you can already see hairs starting to grow on her!!

All they told me was to turn on the lights for 12 hours everyday and to feed her every other day half a galloon of water.

WHICH DOESN"T SOUND RIGHT! Don't pot plants need nutrients??? :-?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have never grown before! They were nice enough to set the plant up in my closet, hung up 4 lights and some of her branches from string. Upon close inspection you can already see hairs starting to grow on her!!

All they told me was to turn on the lights for 12 hours everyday and to feed her every other day half a galloon of water.

WHICH DOESN"T SOUND RIGHT! Don't pot plants need nutrients??? :-?
depends wether its in good compost supersoil, it might have plety of nutes in the soil.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Dankrank didnt you ask him loadsa questions? Im guessing urll see him again yeah? Ask him, asking questions is a good way to find stuff out


New Member
yea if its fresh strong soil with a lot of nutrients his instructions sound should get some buds atleast...

you need to give us more details and clear pictures to really help you


Well-Known Member
If you want to do this right, you're going to have to do a LOT of reading. Start searching online and on this site's forums. There are many FAQ threads with loads of helpful info.

What kind of lights, though?