HELP NEEDED they started as shes but are these now hermies?


hi all this is first grow for me all is going well it day 20 of the 12/12 cycle, my plants started off as females loads of pistals every where but now around the middle of them they are showing pods some with pistals some without and some have turned out like a little daisy lmao!!!! soz best way i can explain it, how ever i have double circled this daisy thing in the pics, is it worth keeping them going or not?? thanks in advance for any info/help. Tocs


Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I honestly hope that I am wrong but in the 4th pic it looks like a fully developed male flower that has already released pollen. If the female flowers were fairly immature it is possible that they will produce little, if any seeds. You may try to carefully remove any more male flowers that haven't opened fully. Mist your plant down with plain water prior to removal to minimize how much pollen may travel in case of rupture. How many plants are you growing and, are all showing hemaphroditic tendencies? Were they from feminized seeds? clones?


I honestly hope that I am wrong but in the 4th pic it looks like a fully developed male flower that has already released pollen. If the female flowers were fairly immature it is possible that they will produce little, if any seeds. You may try to carefully remove any more male flowers that haven't opened fully. Mist your plant down with plain water prior to removal to minimize how much pollen may travel in case of rupture. How many plants are you growing and, are all showing hemaphroditic tendencies? Were they from feminized seeds? clones?
thanks for the fast replys all!!!! so thats what the daisy looking thing is lol, but if you look at the third pic its the same thing but with two pistals growing from it??? and like i sed i got a few pods all around the middle of the plant some with these pistals but all look like male pods??????? im only growing two plants and yes they are both like it a mate gave the seeds to me so dont know where they are from. both plants have only shown sex since last sat but these pods have popped up in the last couple of days. is it just bad luck to end up with two herms or being my first grow have i messed up some where down the line?? soz for all the questions dude!!

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Unless the seeds came from a hermaphroditic plant (hermie plant=hermie seeds) it is likely that a stress-factor came into play at some point. Too dry, too hot, pH imbalance etc. can all contribute stress that can induce herm. characterisitics. Record as much as you can about your first grow to minimize mistakes in the future. Buy feminized seeds from a reputable breeder such as Attitude, Nirvana, Barney's etc. then, cater to every whim of the plant(s) to minimize stress. My personal recommendation is to get books on Botany/Horticulture and learn the basics from growing something as simple as a lettuce, or daisy's from seed. Transfer what you learn to your cannabis grow.


Active Member
I would triple check for light leaks, which are IMO the fastest way to get hermies.

I don't think those pollen sacs look fully viable. Just keep an eye out and pluck the sacs.


Unless the seeds came from a hermaphroditic plant (hermie plant=hermie seeds) it is likely that a stress-factor came into play at some point. Too dry, too hot, pH imbalance etc. can all contribute stress that can induce herm. characterisitics. Record as much as you can about your first grow to minimize mistakes in the future. Buy feminized seeds from a reputable breeder such as Attitude, Nirvana, Barney's etc. then, cater to every whim of the plant(s) to minimize stress. My personal recommendation is to get books on Botany/Horticulture and learn the basics from growing something as simple as a lettuce, or daisy's from seed. Transfer what you learn to your cannabis grow.
excellent thanks for the info dude although these seed banks i have looked at them just carnt choose what to buy never knew there was so many diffrent strains!!


I would triple check for light leaks, which are IMO the fastest way to get hermies.

I don't think those pollen sacs look fully viable. Just keep an eye out and pluck the sacs.
mate spot on i do have light leaks ive never come across but got that sorted, and just spent the last two hours picking them buggers off they defo pollen sacks i put a x60 scope on one intresting but nasty lil buggers lol (around 20 off each one). now that the light issue is sorted will they revert back to females or stay hermies?? either way im going to see this grow through what ever the outcome????