Yes you can produce more females from Reg seeds.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
While there has been some documentation of the methods mentioned to increase the percentage of females, I have serious doubts about many of the statements in that link. The seed-case of cannabis has evolved over eons to protect the fragile endosperm or embryo of the plant. Basically, once the seed is fully formed, there is roughly a 50/50 chance you will have either sex. Changing the number of "Y" or "X" chromosomes through the exposure of Carbon Monoxide or Ethylene is dubious at best and potentially fatal knowing the tendency of many of the growers on this site to do everything to the point of excess. I have the image of some kid holding a bag of seeds up to the tailpipe of his mom's Chrysler and passing out from CO poisoning imprinted in my brain. The most laughable of the statements is the one regarding the use of human birth control pills to alter fully formed seeds.
The only proven method is the use of colloidal silver during critical stages of flower developement. Since this product is fairly difficult to find (much less use) it is best left up to experienced breeders to produce so called "feminized" seeds. Taking cuttings from confirmed females and "cloning" is without question the preferred method for the general public, then make every effort to mitigate stress-factors thereby insuring that fewer plants turn hermaphroditic during flower developement.


Well-Known Member
Actually I will take the info in the link with more credibilty than a post that appears to be almost word for word a collaboration of the most recent posts on here regarding the subject. There are actually several proven methods and chemicals used to produce female seeds. I am not so sure about the birth control pill thing either but obviously someone thought about it.
The problem here is the post is not about producing female seeds. It is about increasing the odds of a growing plant to go female by altering the environment (That's what we do right?) to meet certain conditions shown in study to increase other peoples female to male ratio. When you catch up come on back and say something at least on the topic at hand.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
This isn't the first time that I have seen this link nor, is it the first time that I have made an attempt to discredit it. Perhaps you had read my earlier post regarding it and summized that I had somehow plagiarized quotes from my own post. I did not mention the alteration of the environment as I did offer the caveat that, some of the methods have been documented to produce higher numbers of females. I simply challenged the less believable methods and the thinking that came from their origin(s). I can see how an inexperienced grower, or someone with limited botanical/horticultural training (this would exclude myself) could draw parallels between human and plant biology in a haze of potent cannabis-induced smoke. I'm not sure what to make of the remark regarding offering nothing new or "catching up" I would submit that the link you posted has been submitted many times before. I was simply reiterating the absurdity of many of its points.
As far as the credibility of my posts goes I could easily post my credentials regarding background, education and experience but that would potentially narrow down my identity and I consider paranoia a good thing. Let me put it this way, if you are a fan of golf, you've seen my work on television on Sundays. Hopefully you didn't take offense as that was not the intent.


Active Member
Yet another reason to distrust anything you read on a vendor's website. None of these things makes any sense, biologically. A seed is born as either an XX or XY (with rare exception), and that's the sex (F or M) that it will be. Increased humidity will induce feminization? How can they publish that horseshit? If a seed company really wanted my business, they could actually run a real live experiment and publish the actual results that back up this outlandish claim. All you'd have to do is germinate two sets of 100 seeds, treat them identically except for humidity levels, and voila, you determine whether there's a statistically significant difference between the two groups. How hard would that be? You get a company to start doing something like that and it would give them instant credibility, something the industry wouldn't know if it bit them in the tailpipe.


Active Member
Yet another reason to distrust anything you read on a vendor's website. None of these things makes any sense, biologically. A seed is born as either an XX or XY (with rare exception), and that's the sex (F or M) that it will be. Increased humidity will induce feminization? How can they publish that horseshit? If a seed company really wanted my business, they could actually run a real live experiment and publish the actual results that back up this outlandish claim. All you'd have to do is germinate two sets of 100 seeds, treat them identically except for humidity levels, and voila, you determine whether there's a statistically significant difference between the two groups. How hard would that be? You get a company to start doing something like that and it would give them instant credibility, something the industry wouldn't know if it bit them in the tailpipe.
I'd like to point out that to do a truly accurate experiment, you would need 100 seeds from the same mother. Genetics plant to plant are as varied as from human to human. If you want to conduct an experiment of this nature, your test subjects would need to share the same genetic code.


New Member
These test do not prove a thing, I have to agree with Mr Spackle, he makes a very good argument, he must be an excellent caddy


Well-Known Member
Nobody is saying that anything guarantees females. They are saying that the correct conditions will increase the odds. Just like even with all that scientific shit that you probably read this morning isn't going to guarantee that you will or wont get hermies but we sure do know alot of conditions that will increase the chances right? Why dont you have a chromosone theory for hermies and true females? Ignorance is rampant here at RIU and it is hurting the community. Nobody has anymore evidence to not support the article I posted anymore than the people that wrote it have shown to support it.


Well-Known Member
All of that mess is taken word for from Jorge Cervantes book. Want to talk about plagiarism that website is the best form of it. Fact of the matter is none of it works. It's nothing more than telling the end reader what they wanted to hear.


Well-Known Member
believe what you want. but sex is not as easy as X or Y with many organisms, including some animals. Parrot fish are a good example. it is well documented that environmental factors can play a part in sexual determination AFTER the seed has developed in marijuana. Mel Frank, Robert C. Clark and other noted Cannabis focused botanists have written about this. I'd read the pros and do your work with it and then decide.

I would steer clear of CO and other poisons. But giving seedlings root space and an early dose of (relatively) high N (when the 3rd true set of leaves emerges) has always yielded about a 2 out of three ratio of females to males.


You just stole my thunder; I was going to use the alligator as my example. I grow up in Florida and it's a scientific fact that alligators will produce nearly ENTIRE broods of a single sex depending on the temp during development. The eggs (seeds) are NOT dropped from the mother with a sex already hard wired in.

And explain how a perfectly healthy mature female can be shocked into producing pollen, just showing that the plant has the ability to decide its sex depending on conditions.

WITH ALL BEING THAT said, I will AGREE that some of that stuff is abit off the wall.

But I will have to agree with the environmental stuff (RH, TEMP, nitrogen, and light fluctuations), I've used all four and did end up with 60 females out of 93 seeds (all from a single seeded female AK auto flower). Also might mention, I started with 100, 7 didn't pop.

That's my two cents for what it's worth

Vamps :evil:
I dont believe that xx xy stuff my first grow before i knew about ph i grew 15 plants all males no shit i was pissed. So i did research and now i get at least 7 8 females out of ten seed with just watching ph and adding a black when the lights are off! Genetics prove it!


Well-Known Member
You just stole my thunder; I was going to use the alligator as my example. I grow up in Florida and it's a scientific fact that alligators will produce nearly ENTIRE broods of a single sex depending on the temp during development. The eggs (seeds) are NOT dropped from the mother with a sex already hard wired in.
Sorry Mang! LOL i forgot about gators. i believe the sex is completely determined by incubation temps... some turtles i think are temp wired too. Crazy Shit :eyesmoke: