I believe in ghosts in a sense, never did until some things happened that somewhat proved it to me, I don't necessarily believe in ghosts actually but I do believe that there is a lot we do not know and I think some of what we find as ghosts or spirits is actually sort of telepathy or untapped ability.
Look at Oujia boards for example, they do indeed work....I think they work on our subconsius likely however...and that we arent really talking to spirits. I was shocked when I realized the ouija board actually works and became quite obsessed with it for a few months, I had the theory that it worked from our subconsius and upon further research I found other people had basically proven this as fact, SIMPLE TEST: Ask someone in the same room as an active oujia board but not using the board to write down a 10 digit number and conceal it from everyone else - well the "ghost" can never guess the number, tried it 100 times with many "spirits"...so its obvious in my opinion that the board is working from the user(s) subconscious. If you have someone do this that is touching the planchette thing then the ghost almost always guesses, if it 'feels like it' or if it is spelling English properly lol.
Long story short why I believe: I communicated with someone far away who does believe in 'ghosts' (she is a wiccan) by calling out to their 'sprit guide' and I was able to communicate to them threw their spirit guide (one way communication)..I called their spirit guide and told him something that was really disgusting and bad about her and then she knew what I told him although she was over fifty miles away she called me up about it crying and I did not say a word, she just knew what I said..that is basically why I believe in something, that is the most solid proof I have witnessed of something 'paranormal' but I have experienced quite a few things that make me question.
I have also met 'mediums' who have channeled spirits in my presence, its obvious they are channeling a different person as they truly transform into someone different, but is it really a dead person? or is some sort of alter ego from their subconscious with a different energy to its eyes lol? who knows? Now this isn't the same as seeing someone do this on TV, you cant tell on TV, but when you see someone do this in real life you can tell their energy change completely and their eyes, they are just a total different person.
I think it is kind of naive to assume that something paranormal does not exist! But is it really the ghost of dead people? I think that is the better question. Really if you deny 100% that paranormal or possibly just untapped human ability exist than I believe firmly that you have not really explored the issue.
So you can guess with some of these experiences I had it led me to explore the paranormal deeply for several years.
My conclusion of that journey is that:
1. If you believe something enough then it will become reality.
2. There is a lot of untapped abilities to the human mind/spirit which we do not understand.
3. Ghost might be real lol.