I know, it is a bit of a moral dilema for me sometimes. Ad to that my typical halucigenic appocalytic view of the world, I like to know how I would get my spices if all routes of access to other ingredients are lost.
Probably also why I believe in planting as much of what I consume, entheogenicaly wise, as I can.

Please watch this series of clips. It is important that we understand.

this is why I love this website. I learn so much!

Shit man you've got yourself a fuckin crazy time in that 40mg. I've smoked some form of DMT twice and both times were totally crazy.

My favorite combo of any substances i think though, would be 2c-b + DMT+ opium+ some nice purple dank, that just topped it off haha

But yeah like your friend said smoke that shit like crack nigga lol find a way to freebase it, you'll burn it if you use direct flame.

Edit: actually my favorite has to be Oxycontin + LSD. lol talk about fuckin EUPHORIA:hump:
Shit man you've got yourself a fuckin crazy time in that 40mg. I've smoked some form of DMT twice and both times were totally crazy.

My favorite combo of any substances i think though, would be 2c-b + DMT+ opium+ some nice purple dank, that just topped it off haha

But yeah like your friend said smoke that shit like crack nigga lol find a way to freebase it, you'll burn it if you use direct flame.

Edit: actually my favorite has to be Oxycontin + LSD. lol talk about fuckin EUPHORIA:hump:

nice mixes. opiates have a great synergy with hallucinogenics.

ive smoked dmt 6 times and have consumed it in a oral fashion with an maoi.
Well you guys would probably like to know how it went... Sorry for not updating it in a while but I was holding onto it to see if anyone wanted to try it with me or at least spot me... So my buddy said he would as long as he could smoke some bud so I was liek whatevs..
let me start off by saying.. I havent slept in a couple days and I dont know if its because of the substance or because of other medical reasoning (I haven't smoked weed in a week).

So I started off with 10mg as suggested as the max. dosage. It didn't take long after I got done smoking it to realize I was in for a trip. Immediately things became fuzzy and everything turned into this complete new world that I have never seen (seriously like avitar shit). I honestly wish I could give you guys details but there is no way to explain the complete rush that you get. I felt like I was going to die for a while, but that went away when my friend gave me some of his prescribed morphine. We then decided to go swimming outside... BAD IDEA. I've tripped while swimming before but that was on dxm. It was a completely different experiance and there are no words for it. I really cant even begin to explain to you the things that I saw and felt... It was life changing. I am really not exaggerating.
Lol and thats why you don't start at 10mg... :) You'll be fine in the long run.
Bet that shook up your understanding of everything.
all i know is i think differently now. Like WAY differently about a lot of different topics. Like the legalization of marijuana. I dont know what happened but now I think that it should stay illegal... I dont know.
i have found a really good source for pure naptha and pure lye. so i have been doing an extraction. to bad i cant start a thread on this extraction =[ but i am sure i am going to have a way better product this time. i have been taking my time on this extraction. letting the base site for a few days then letting the naptha sit in the mixture for a few days. i am on my second pull right now. did 5 days on my first pull im going to wait a week for the second. can i post pics off the extraction product or is that against rules to?
all i know is i think differently now. Like WAY differently about a lot of different topics. Like the legalization of marijuana. I dont know what happened but now I think that it should stay illegal... I dont know.
i think it made me think in different ways for the better, but by all means i think marijuana should be legal. no doubt. and no one could convince me otherwise.
OK morfin, you are confusing two difirent substances here... 5MeO has an extra oxygen molecule, which makes all the difirence in the mulitverse.
This substance is realy not a toy and not suitable for recreation at all, in my opion.... even compared to the type of DMT you may have used...from the bark.
It is not just diffirent in percieved effect but also dosage. It will either be the most severe or most enlightening experience of your life.
With the fastfood and TV generation we have around these days, my money is on the first option. Most kids couldn't handle sitting down quietly for 10 minutes without external stimulation anymore. Leave alone quiet their minds while they are trying.
OK morfin, you are confusing two difirent substances here...
yea i realized this thread was on 5meo instead of n,n DMT yesterday after i left the thread. sorry for my mistake. i was really tired and not paying attention.
Have you done this already, how did it go? 40mg is a bit much to do. a good rule of thumb for 5-meo-dmt is to smoke the amount equal to a match head. prepare to be knocked out of this world for 20 minutes, and have a pleasant buzz afterwords.
No harm done, and it removed confusion for those people who don't know you get diffirent forms of DMT.
Have you done this already, how did it go? 40mg is a bit much to do. a good rule of thumb for 5-meo-dmt is to smoke the amount equal to a match head. prepare to be knocked out of this world for 20 minutes, and have a pleasant buzz afterwords.

It was the best time of my life. I don't know.. I know people who say they think (blahblah) changed their lives... But this is different. I know it did. Because everytime I go to bed now I feel so incredibly grateful just to wake up in the morning. Picture dying. Like, actually dying and being revived. Thats EXACTLY how I felt.