Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

this one really got to me. had me thinking for about 30 seconds
until i forgot what i was thinking about of course (classic) :blsmoke:
then i remembered and pondered some more :confused:

feel free to post some interesting quotes
"FUCK YOU! fuck who? Yes you. Guess who? Then Who? Not You." lol i packed the bowl, smoked and cashed it during ur trip bro, heres the other half of the joint I just rolled and smoked.
Not exactly blew my mind but got me thinking for a while: "The art of living is earning respect without appearing smuggish about it."
"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed."

I thought this was fucking epic when i first read it baked out of my skull.
"do you like getting handjobs? yes!? do you like giving hanjobs? ew noo!! then your a hipicriter too" haha harold kumar 2
Burger King: Anyway you want it
Kumar Patelllll:1 Sometimes myt dad wants me to be like him cuz its good fur me or cuz he wants me to the his legacy or something
me-dude its like 5 oclock
stoned/drunk ass friend-man its just time

we said that for about a month after that night....we were fucked
"No matter how I struggle and strive/ I'll never get outta this world alive"
- Hank Williams
"Rain a pour/ but a dirt it tough"
- Bob Marley