Fred Thompson will be the next prez.(a prediction)

Poor old Ron, Poor old Fred....You sure weave a good yarn. I don't think poor old lazy dumb bongspit is up to the challenge. So who's your pick, or is it still too early for everyone else to have decided for you?
poldbs likes John Edwards..
In Iowa Thompson tied McCain with 13%.
He did a lot better than most people thought he would.
NH will determine his chances much better....stay tuned!
Big Fred, got some votes in Iowa from conservative Christians. New Hampshire won't show this group much. But, South Carolina has a large CC group. See what happens next.
Big Fred, got some votes in Iowa from conservative Christians. New Hampshire won't show this group much. But, South Carolina has a large CC group. See what happens next.

I think your mistaken. Huckabee took most, if not all, of those votes. New Hampshire should favor Thompson over Huckabee. We'll see.
I think your mistaken. Huckabee took most, if not all, of those votes. New Hampshire should favor Thompson over Huckabee. We'll see.

It IS true that most of the Christian Coalition went largely to Huckabee in Iowa. But, some voted for big Fred. This thread is about Fred's chances to take the nomination. I think his appeal in NH is marginal. His appeal in SC is good with the CCs. Remember, in Iowa, big Fred was a visiter. In SC, Fred is a cousin. He is very well liked in his home state of Tennessee. And that goodwill aids him in SC.

And for trivia, why did Al Gore loose the presidential election? Because he failed to win his home state and those electorial votes went to George Bush. So the moral of this story is, Tennessee is a major player in the election, because it is the state next door, to 8 other states. That does make big Fred almost the guy next door.
It IS true that most of the Christian Coalition went largely to Huckabee in Iowa. But, some voted for big Fred. This thread is about Fred's chances to take the nomination. I think his appeal in NH is marginal. His appeal in SC is good with the CCs. Remember, in Iowa, big Fred was a visiter. In SC, Fred is a cousin. He is very well liked in his home state of Tennessee. And that goodwill aids him in SC.

And for trivia, why did Al Gore loose the presidential election? Because he failed to win his home state and those electorial votes went to George Bush. So the moral of this story is, Tennessee is a major player in the election, because it is the state next door, to 8 other states. That does make big Fred almost the guy next door.

Your close. This thread is about Big Fred becoming the next President of the USA. Just a prediction, in part meant to solicit other predictions. The "feet to the fire" thing when all is said and done, and we have a new prez.

I noticed a few weeks ago that the "news" media was not only trash talking Thompson whenever possible, they were completely ignoring him as a story, instead covering the R's who they wanted to run against. This compelled me to do some research, and I was pleasantly surprised. Many of Big Freds positions lined up nicely with my own conservative viewpoints. Immigration being a big component. His federalist position, returning powers to the states, is also huge for me. I think these are topics which will turn conservatives out in droves.

The R field is still wide open, and this plays well for Thompson.
Thompson needs to get back to his TV show and forget politics. He has no chance. He is way too ugly to be president.
Thompson needs to get back to his TV show and forget politics. He has no chance. He is way too ugly to be president.

That was a mean thing to say medicineman. I hope you don't hate his face too much. Because I think you will be seeing quite a bit of him for the next several years.

I think you may see him as a vp-candidate with a front runner. Him and McCain seem like a natural team.

Remember, according to Rasmussusin polls, he gets banged hard by republicans. But, when pooled against the opposition party, Thompson takes ALL the democrats to a statisical dead-heat finish.
Thompson needs to get back to his TV show and forget politics. He has no chance. He is way too ugly to be president.

But not too ugly to be on TV? You trouble me with your lack of logic. Anyway, I always heard that Washington was the Hollywood for ugly people.