you started off right by calling it a business. the government pays the state prisons per prisoner. so they feed and house you and it may cost them like 11 bucks or something but their making 65 off you so $54 profit each day each prisoner. this is why they want you in jail. make sence now?
lol o yea its been made sence thats the point i was at.
its just amazing how fucked up the system is .
curious but do they still have in houses for inmates?
And yea i wouldnt ask the neighboor anything , id just bump in to him on the strrets and start a conversation and see how he reacts or talks back to you , if he dosent bring up the plants or is mad , or angry or anything negative , then you most likely will be fine .
I personally would do that first before i decide to get rid of them .
police need a warrant anyways , so get a lock and lock up that gate , and hopefully it dosent smell to bad , ..... you need take things into consideration , smell , your other indoor plants , neighboor , police ....
let us know what you are thinking of doing , if you dont do anything , things might get worse.