Have you grown greenhouse big bang? need help plz... nearly 10wks of 12/12


Active Member
i think im having some issues with my big bang grow...for some reason the last stage of flowering has really slowed down it seems like...

i have 6 big bang plants that have been flowering 9+ weeks (day 68 of 12/12 today).

1 of the plants has nearly all orange hairs......i even harvested the main cola (it was done already but some of the lower branches have a few white hairs...)

the other 5 are all pretty well behind...1 has no orange hairs yet and the others have 50-75%...i know trichs are where its at but i know im not even close if the hairs haven't changed colors and begun to sink back into the plant (rather than stick straight out).

i was told big bang was a 9 week flowering plant im only a few days away from the 10 week mark of flowering.

ph is stable at 6.3-6.7...no issues w/ the leaves (other than the typical yellowing for a lack of nitrogen)...they don't appear to be stressed...actually the buds are still getting a little fatter everyday...i've already flushed and have just been feeding molasses...

i have like 3 phenos i believe as well...2-3 of which grow like sativas (with giant main colas)...the others resemble indica traits...

do these sometimes tend to take longer than advertised?

any/all info appreciated...everything (to my knowledge) is good with the plants...no light leaks...i forgot to mention i also have them on a shorter light schedule for the past week to week and a half...they been getting 10hrs light...14hrs dark...trying to force them to speed up...should i just go back to 12/12? (doubt thats the problem unless they are picky)

Big Red 2316

Active Member
dude I just read that blog on prop the legalization of pot you put up and im really glad i read that me and my wife are both voting NO for sure man , i think eceybody should read this!!! good shit bro:hug:


Active Member
dude I just read that blog on prop the legalization of pot you put up and im really glad i read that me and my wife are both voting NO for sure man , i think eceybody should read this!!! good shit bro:hug:
no problem. thanks. im glad my effort is paying off. too many people are being fooled into thinking voting yes on 19 is in the interest of the marijuana users/growers, etc when infact its us signing over our rights to big business/the state/gov...they are the ones to profit/benefit most from this measure...if voted yes we have lost control of the california marijuana market...right now the people overall control the market in cali (with prop 215)...prop 19 will put big business in charge.