The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4422546]Nice porn westy, I had some DP seedlings but they never made it :([/QUOTE]

now thats a damn shame, its a lovely smoke and sexy plant as the next few weeks will show if it dunt go all barry white on me lol. DST is growing some too the dpq's that is


Well-Known Member
I think the hairs are just shorter than some other strains...just something I noticed and it looked similar on yer girl there as well. Okay, so I think we are on the same time as min is also 4.5 weeks....

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think the hairs are just shorter than some other strains...just something I noticed and it looked similar on yer girl there as well. Okay, so I think we are on the same time as min is also 4.5 weeks....
and urs look much better than mine lol


Well-Known Member
I really like them, have you seen them before? I get the impression that he will probably be like Ian brown live, (not a great singer really)

I haven't hear their new album, will investigate further...the one above is certainly banging!

Peace ma bru,


mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah the name of the new album is called 'higher than the eiefel' theres two of em I think. You and the good lady wife should come over for the bugjam next year its dead cheap, like 50 quid for a weekend ticket bing a tent and we'll creamate some burgers or something lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah the name of the new album is called 'higher than the eiefel' theres two of em I think. You and the good lady wife should come over for the bugjam next year its dead cheap, like 50 quid for a weekend ticket bing a tent and we'll creamate some burgers or something lol.
Christ, you just need to mention Tent to my wife and she'll be there, haha....she loves a bit of I prefer the 5 star option but have been known to settle down in a tent once in a while. I would have come this year but I got a friend arriving'll need to remind me lad. If you are into festivals the Lowlands over here is a good one to go to.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
fucking cock sucking audio bullys didnt turn up, didnt think it was a big enough event or got a better offer more like. So in their sted Doctor and the medics did and hour impromptu set wich was very well recieved by the bugjam crowd lol


Well-Known Member
I looked on the audio bullys myspace and they hadn't advertised that they were playing there. Is it the same company that that does the run to the sun beetle bash in newquay? coz they used to say bands and DJ's were gonna be there and then blame the band/dj for not turning up and then have the front to say they don't care about the fans when they hadn't even attempted to book them, they are a right bunch of rip off merchants. If bugjam has nowt to do with them cowboys, sorry.

All that matters is that you had a good time Fred and i hope you did