What's this bs about indoor hydro weed being superior to outdoor/green house weed???

Just like the title says. This seems to be the prevailing school of thought when I hear people describing hydro as some sort of magic key to growing the best pot because you can "control every aspect of the environment".
I contend you can (if you know what you are doing) grow better pot (albeit slower) in greater quantity in a green house or in my location (southern cal) in a screened lath house, under the real sun with the best ventilation system in the world.
Big healthy plants, meticulously grown equals big healthy buds with tons of resin and a yield that cannot be matched indoors.

Back me up or tell me I'm crazy. Either way I'm anxious to hear your thoughts
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
What is your idea of superior? If you mean fast growing weed that has no taste then it is superior. I would never use hydro for head stash. The plant maybe superior but the weed is inferior and I use the school of thought that says I would rather have pretty weed rather than pretty plants.
What is your idea of superior? If you mean fast growing weed that has no taste then it is superior. I would never use hydro for head stash. The plant maybe superior but the weed is inferior and I use the school of thought that says I would rather have pretty weed rather than pretty plants.
You're singing to the choir. I agree.
But you hear this a lot on TV, the web, magazines etc. and I'm sure there are many indoor hydro growers that will defend this school of thought.
And for the record I don't think indoor/hydro plants are superior in any way.

I hope to hear from both schools of thought on this.


Well-Known Member
Its a tough topic because your idea of a great grow or great weed may be bullshit to me. If I was hydro grower I would probably be on here calling me an idiot. Fortunately I have enough experience smoking weed that I know the origins of enough to have an educated opinion on this but there again it is just my opinion.
Great weed is great weed. My ability to judge weed has nothing to do with it. Your digressing.

Maybe I was vague. I'll try again:

All things being equal (strain, growers skill, no freak weather, etc), Which environment will produce better quality pot, indoor/hydro or greenhouse in a friendly environment (like Southern Calif. etc)?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am not into weed that tastes like dirt though dude. I grow my own so I dont have to smoke weed that tastes like dirt.


Well-Known Member
Yup I agree with ya. I would not trade mother earth for some silly hydro set up, yea you can grow nice buds in hydro but you can grow awsome buds outside.


Well-Known Member
sounds like the only thing different is the sun, they are both indoor grows. an indoor light is a candle compared to the sun.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1058601

try and grow that in your hydro set up, hell try and fit that in your house! When I was younger the best pot was 30 an eigth or 60 a quarter.. The reason now the same quality dope is now 90 a quarter because all these silly preps around here bought hydro systems and now their dum asses are spending alot more in raw material for there chemicals and everything else. I have more pot on that plant then you can fit in your closet for about 5 dollars...silly preps


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am not into weed that tastes like dirt though dude. I grow my own so I dont have to smoke weed that tastes like dirt.

I would rather have it taste like dirt, and have it 12foot tall, then have it taste like a strawberry and be 3 foot


Well-Known Member
seen the very same strain do so much better outside than in.
same. same.
SSH that's been getting cloned for more than a decade.
the outdoor was far superior to the indoor, almost doesn't even look like the same strain.
and the smell... the stickiness, the thickness.
no electrical light can duplicate the sun.


Well-Known Member
You guys are all talking quantity. And who said Hydro? I said the best smoke comes from indoor soil grows and then everyone starts talking pounds of weed and hydro. Man this forum has zero attention spam. Ok lets play again Ill start "ham sandwich" ok go.


Back in the 1980's or so, "hydroponic weed" started showing up, and it was MUCH better than Mexican shwag.

And hydro growers were experimenting and finding the best genetics and growing conditions. Better than large scale industrial operations... and better care for drying, curing, transporting. The weed was fresher too.

Also, local outdoor growers couldn't put as much care into their plants.

IMO, all these are reasons why hydro got a good rep a few decades ago.

But with the same care and genetics, indoor and outdoor are pretty comparable IMO, although I'd agree there may be benefits to more organic methods than hydroponic, but there are also benefits to sanitary indoor hydro too.


Well-Known Member
Just like the title says. This seems to be the prevailing school of thought when I hear people describing hydro as some sort of magic key to growing the best pot because you can "control every aspect of the environment".
I contend you can (if you know what you are doing) grow better pot (albeit slower) in greater quantity in a green house or in my location (southern cal) in a screened lath house, under the real sun with the best ventilation system in the world.
Big healthy plants, meticulously grown equals big healthy buds with tons of resin and a yield that cannot be matched indoors.

Back me up or tell me I'm crazy. Either way I'm anxious to hear your thoughts
Thanks in advance.
Growing season length could be a major factor. In Southern Cali strain selection and flowering times are far less of a concern than when you travel further north. You guys can almost pick a strain at random and take for granted that it will finish. Up north we have to choose carefully, experiment and find our keepers, often with plenty of disappointment and premature fuzz to harvest at the end of the season if we've picked the wrong seeds. Selections are limited to the fastest varieties on the seedbanks, or seeds from other growers you may know whose plants are acclimatized.

Indoors, people can grow the exotic heavy-duty stuff without worrying about frost or mold or both. I think this is the main reason people prefer it up here. Well, that and the (lack of) trimming skills of some of the outdoor growers one some of the buds I've seen...


Well-Known Member
An anecdote that makes the point.

I've been growing a very long time, outdoors.

A friend opened a dispensary a few years ago, and asked my wife to handle the front desk(clearing patients for membership).

All employees were allowed to medicate(smoke or eat) Cannabis on the job, provided by the dispensary, plus a free gram, daily.

My spouse smokes about 10 grams a day, so she would bring a dozen or so joints with her each day.

Her fellow employees asked why she bothered since she could smoke the best, all day long at work.

She told them she liked my home grown, better.

Of course, they all eventually tried her pot. Some asked what hydro system I used, and were shocked when she told them about my vegetable garden. Some said that my weed was too "mild".(It didn't make them cough.)

After a few weeks of this, our friend, the owner noticed that the entire staff were joining my wife on the patio, any time she went on a "smoke break".

They'd discovered a few things.

My weed, although not quite as high in THC, tasted better, and was far easier to smoke due to fewer contaminants. The high lasted much longer as well.

Anyway, their comments convinced me that I have no reason to go indoors.

The hydro systems I've seen that were worth considering were 100% organic drip systems in soil, with 100+ watts per square foot of lighting and CO2.


Well-Known Member
I have grown indoors and outdoors the same strain.. Outdoors I prefer, just as tasty as indoors but alot more