DWC w/RO Water and GH Nutes


Active Member
I'm running a DWC w/ GH 3 part nutes and ro water. I'm having problems with my plants having small brown spots on their leaves. I thought it was magnesium deficiency, but I added some cal-mag plus and there still seems to be problems. Can anyone using GH nutes in hydro system w/ro water tell me how much cal-mag to add, or any other supplements I should use? Ph stays close to 5.6 and temps are 75-80 w/lights on and 65 with lights off.


Well-Known Member
I'm running a DWC w/ GH 3 part nutes and ro water. I'm having problems with my plants having small brown spots on their leaves. I thought it was magnesium deficiency, but I added some cal-mag plus and there still seems to be problems. Can anyone using GH nutes in hydro system w/ro water tell me how much cal-mag to add, or any other supplements I should use? Ph stays close to 5.6 and temps are 75-80 w/lights on and 65 with lights off.
Tack a pic mabey i can help


Active Member
Here are some pics. As you can see, the buds still look okay, but the fan leaves have some problems. I couldn't get a good pic from the top because the lights are on. I'll take more if needed later. I just want to fix this before it gets worse.
