Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]


Well-Known Member
A1 oh brother Bender of ours......

You has either got very short arms, or you's is growing very long colas, innit!!!! hehe.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
A1 oh brother Bender of ours......

You has either got very short arms, or you's is growing very long colas, innit!!!! hehe.

Peace, DST
LMAO. Hahaha, you got me man. I am indeed what you would refer to as "little people" aka midget. LOL that cola is only 3 inches long.
Grape Rom is indeed very good, I am literally laughing my ass off right now.


Well-Known Member
LMAO. Hahaha, you got me man. I am indeed what you would refer to as "little people" aka midget. LOL that cola is only 3 inches long.
Grape Rom is indeed very good, I am literally laughing my ass off right now.
Laughter tear in my eye....Aaaah, how cute, for ever to be known as "The Wee Man with Incredibly Out of Proportion Arms!"....

the sun is making me a bit cookoo...I haven't even had a joint yet and I feel mad. Think I'll go and eat me a space cookie, last one left. Me old partner is arriving from Scotland tonight with another batch of skunk chocolate shortbread (midgets especially like them as far as I am aware!!!hehe) These things have you spaced for about 5 hours, they are fantastico.


Well-Known Member
Laughter tear in my eye....Aaaah, how cute, for ever to be known as "The Wee Man with Incredibly Out of Proportion Arms!"....

the sun is making me a bit cookoo...I haven't even had a joint yet and I feel mad. Think I'll go and eat me a space cookie, last one left. Me old partner is arriving from Scotland tonight with another batch of skunk chocolate shortbread (midgets especially like them as far as I am aware!!!hehe) These things have you spaced for about 5 hours, they are fantastico.
Hahaaa. Oh I wish I could get a taste of some of those space cakes. Space cakes/cookies/shortbread, I have never had one. May be I'll just look up the recipe and make some with my batch of bubble hash.


Well-Known Member
Hahaaa. Oh I wish I could get a taste of some of those space cakes. Space cakes/cookies/shortbread, I have never had one. May be I'll just look up the recipe and make some with my batch of bubble hash.
Well this is the pic my mate sms'd me.....looking tasty....and some good old Irn Bru!! Scotlands favourite fizzy drink



Well-Known Member
Shut the fuck up! Are you kidding me, you must have some short arms and a miniature water bottle too for this pic. That is incredible man. Nice cola there brotha. I can see why you keep growing this one. The Jupiter OG looks like a delicousy man. Probably a lot like my pk is to me. I wish you weren't so far away man, we could so get together and have a smoke out.
Anyway my friend, you just keep raising the bar. You are such a talented grower, just perrfect man.

Wee man with a mini water bottle :hump:
Just redankulous!!



Well-Known Member
damn man, that is one of the all around tastiest looking pulls Ive seen on this site :weed:
from the frosssssted out grape rom to the frosted out OG and GH then the mini arm'd man growing CJ colas bigger than anything Ive seen done indoors ;-)
really some of the best lookin buds Ive seen. just wish pc monitors were scratch and sniff!
great work B :clap:


Well-Known Member
B, that is some fantastic!!!! work.. whoa!!
That CJ looks heavy, and those GR oh man.. tasty tasy great great work man and the harvest to prove it!


Well-Known Member
I heard from Bender this morning and he had a loss in his family this morning and won't be online for a minute. He has lost 3 family members this year and is having a tough time with it, as would anyone. Just wanted all those that have come to know Bender on here that he could probable use some encouragement right now. I for one consider Bender a good freind even though if just on line. You can tell good people right off.

B, my thoughts and prayers are with you bro.


Well-Known Member
I'll join the lads and lasses and send mad love to our good pal over the water, Bender! stay strong for your family bru!!!

My sincere condolences,
