Is that really me in my avatar ??

No joke! I love the girl in the bottom left corner.


  • frtugftrtfruytryutyutryttrfuygtfrytgggggggggggggggggggggggggg.jpg
    15.4 KB · Views: 147
Whoa, you look a lot like some one I used to know. Especially in the second set of pictures. Crazy. yeah......
No,.. I think you might be more beautiful... yep.
It isn't surprising to see that most women who put tits in their ava only do it because they don't have much else to offer.

Hey, I have tits. Please ignore my compassion, intellect and spirit. Hell I don't even have a spirit. Here, look at my tits. I just remembered that I'm not very smart either. Hey everyone, MY TITS, LOOK! It's the only thing I have worth focusing on. My tits, please guys.. drool more. By the way, send me cash. Is that coke and weed you have there? Look at my tits! You can touch them if you want.

Please give me the hot librarian chick that's fully covered and wears glasses.. You know, the one with self-respect and plays hard to get. The one that's 10x sexier than any other chick once her clothes comes off but only shows her beautiful canvas of a body to her one and only mate because he's worth it. God-damnit why can't that one guy be ME? WHY, GOD, WHY?!

Ok.. enough

Anyway, Dalia.. You are beautiful. This wasn't an attack directed towards you. You're at least one of the cooler chicks with a strong personality and intellect. I'm not sure what-else I have to say for a thread such as this.

except that my inbox is always open if you want to send nudes. :mrgreen:
you speak arabic dank? The main thing thats creepy is you look a lot like my sister. shes lebanese & palistinian too

no boyfreind? or just like showin the boys some sexy pics?

either way i say you should put a differnt sexy pose in your avatar once a week.:mrgreen: after all evryone here should be doing thier part, this includes all you other ladies on here. I would like you all to follow danks lead here on this one. lets bring some spice to this forum. you gurls should do your part like Ms. dalia here. she is selflessly helping the rollitup comunity after all we all appriciete her go getem attitude:mrgreen:

also dank are you growin? i agree with orange, you dont want your pics on here if you are growing. not very hard to pinpoint a lenabese gurl in texas when you have her pics and a mugshot on file.
well I just honestly figured a woman like yourself that looks good wouldn't have a problem showing what she got, because you know you look good. I also read you had an interest in porn....

my bad if I was mistaken, and no hard feelings.

P.S. you can always change your mind however....Im not a perv, I just love the beauty a woman can present:hump:

keyboard mac :hump:
Well you've done it Ms. Dank... Every guy in here is officially your slave

and i was just in texas! crap

Because i was high and decided to drive south for warmth... didn't work...






i'm the one in the stripes...if you couldn't tell.
All I can say is NICE!!!!!!