FFOF Vs Roots Organic Soil~Pictures=Proof

Read your own post and think about how ridiculous you sound. Soil is sold as a medium that is ready for seeds/clones. No science required. ROFLAO
Wow...ok. I will let you think about that one.

Is soil a product or is it biology? Well, it's both but treating it as a simple product won't teach you anything.
I like FOX Farms Happy Frog. Ocean Forest did burn my little one's.

FFOF soil alone will not burn your little one's.
This is from FoxFarm ~Foxfarm's response to what is the NPK in FFOF

We do not have an npk on our soils , it has a balanced ratio of nutrients that will feed your plants in a sustained gentle manner.
Too true. Next trip to the Local Hydro store in Eugene, Or. where RO is made, I will ask one of them RO pushers to do a simple side by side with 2 in RO and 2 in FFOF seed or clones no matter. And see what they say then.
some jus do not get it....
Too true. Next trip to the Local Hydro store in Eugene, Or. where RO is made, I will ask one of them RO pushers to do a simple side by side with 2 in RO and 2 in FFOF seed or clones no matter. And see what they say then.

yea,that might help with the sci-fi part,(hydro shop and all)lol
but ffof will still out shine
Yeah I have no doubts. That is why I want a few of them to give it a try. They are brainwashed with the RO being it's local. Everytime I would come in with a J they would flip on how good it was and ask me if it was done with FF. They even talked me into going organic. Which I am ever so happy they did. But you see these organic grows they have are in RO and if they would try FFOF they would see a difference.
yea,that might help with the sci-fi part,(hydro shop and all)lol
but ffof will still out shine
Here is one of my clueless, Non Scientific grows ( The Church, 6.5 oz)
And then you add a ton of nutrients to it. You are clueless. Enjoy your non scientific soil experiment that told you what you wanted to know.
I've had bad results using every bag-o-soil i've tried that were available in my area, which includes FF products and Roots products. Straight off the shelf and into your pots? I didn't even know people did that for marijuana. Every single time I've done that, I've gotten fail plants. I will use either as a base soil though. I've used FFOF as a base in the past and I mixed up a batch of Subcool's SS this time, even with his suggested RO but i still use my own Veg mix. The SSS has given me the best results so far but I have not tried the Super Soil with FF as a base.

I have NEVER been able to get good results with anything straight off the shelves without amendments, though. It always is low on N and requires worm castings. Always has poor drainage and needs vermiculite and perlite. Always has poor water retention and needs peat moss and since im in a dryer climate i even through a layer of clay pellets on top. And this is just for Vegging! I see that you are dosing your soil with like 10 different products during watering though. If i fertilize, its little and not often.

The best results I have had so far has been using an aquaponics setup in a greenroom (and fluoros depending on the time of year) using a soiless castings/perlite/vermiculite Veg mix throughout veg and flower. Used some molasses every now and then. The FF added absolutely nothing in a side by side comparison of clones taken and rooted at the same time. I can and will recommend FF as I can and will recommend RO. Depending on what you have available in your area those are 2 great options if you intend on using a soil medium.

Now on a side note; Some of my girls in the SSS are curling on the leaf edges and starting to claw but I do not know what to attribute it too since only some of them are doing it under all of the same conditions. The soil is very "hot" though only 1 shows slightly burnt tips but no curling.
Also, you can not PROVE something without putting your ideas to the scientific method of proving something. It exists for a reason, one which a few people in this thread do not seem to realize, the OP included. My kids are all different and by your logic, that's because they get different food. You planted two different seeds and got 2 different results. At the same time, you are claiming the soil is at fault since they both get all the same line of nutes? Not every marijuana plant or seed from the same strain will react the same to your rigid regimen of nute pounding and you are only displaying your ignorance by using your faux "experiment" to attempt to reinforce your own beliefs and those of others. "What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves." -Robert Anton Wilson

The funniest part of this thread though is that you did it AGAIN! You planted 2 different seeds in different mediums and probably have every intention of pounding them both with the same chemicals. This is hilarious and I plan on watching this thread further. OP you have to see how ridiculous you look by trying to pass this off as evidence of anything other than your Fox Farm Fanboyism.
Also, you can not PROVE something without putting your ideas to the scientific method of proving something. It exists for a reason, one which a few people in this thread do not seem to realize, the OP included. My kids are all different and by your logic, that's because they get different food. You planted two different seeds and got 2 different results. At the same time, you are claiming the soil is at fault since they both get all the same line of nutes? Not every marijuana plant or seed from the same strain will react the same to your rigid regimen of nute pounding and you are only displaying your ignorance by using your faux "experiment" to attempt to reinforce your own beliefs and those of others. "What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves." -Robert Anton Wilson

The funniest part of this thread though is that you did it AGAIN! You planted 2 different seeds in different mediums and probably have every intention of pounding them both with the same chemicals. This is hilarious and I plan on watching this thread further. OP you have to see how ridiculous you look by trying to pass this off as evidence of anything other than your Fox Farm Fanboyism.

Prometheus Rising...I love Wilson...pure genius...:twisted: So practice what Wilson taught then why don't you?

As for the rest of your opinion I feel that this exercise in comparing was informative and leads one to be able to reasonably decipher the info provided to apply in their own knowledge base.If it doesn't fit into yours then disregard it. But I do not feel it beneficial to anyone except maybe your own ego, to lambaste or put the person's efforts and time used to document and share this good info, down, as how does that help anyone or anything? If YOU feel it wasn't done correctly in your perception then do it correctly in your perception and share that info. Would be a good use of your time and effort rather than these words you wrote. IMHHO.

So when can we look forward to your comparison grow comparing the 2 soils?


"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:
I have no intention on comparing the two nor did i suggest such.

The results of the OP are being skewed to suggest that only one factor is the cause when i pointed out many factors that could possibly be the cause. In a different post, I pointed out the flaws in his methodology, something others tried to do before myself.

Yes, it was informative. I learned that the OP conducts experiments to figure out which medium grows best with his chosen style of growing. Yet his "experiments" are not using the scientific method therefor his results are suspect even if they are accurate.

Nothing in his experiments prove that one soil is better than the other. It is still a hypothesis.
this was an awsome thread , full of usefull info for people interested in both soils.... and i think the results are correct, ive never heard of ffof burning anything i putt clones straight out of the ez-cloner into ffof never seen any burn.