Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I'm with ya Chiclet,,re-firin a dooby,,too chilly for work today,,or at least thats my excuse,,and i'm stikkin too it:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It sure is chilly, the plow just went by and made a nice moutain at the end of my driveway too. Supossed to be even colder tomorrow. Oh well, just smoke more I guess to stay warm, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

I'm with ya Chiclet,,re-firin a dooby,,too chilly for work today,,or at least thats my excuse,,and i'm stikkin too it:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
We're celebrating your b-day?!?!? Well hell yes!

C'mon people! Wake-n-bake tomorrow for chiceh!

Be sure to make a wish before you spark your bowl! Like blowing out the candles... for stoners


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey thanks, so I guess I am gonna need lots and lots of bowls then if they are like candles, gonna be a great start to the day!, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

We're celebrating your b-day?!?!? Well hell yes!

C'mon people! Wake-n-bake tomorrow for chiceh!

Be sure to make a wish before you spark your bowl! Like blowing out the candles... for stoners


Well-Known Member
Do it chiceh! One bowl for every year you've been alive on this earth!

Don't forget the One for good luck

Just for you I'm smoking multiple bowls! well... maybe not "just" for you


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Well buckle your seat belts kiddies, you are in for a long wait while I smoke all these bowls, lol. 35 (including the one for good luck, lol). :mrgreen::peace:

Do it chiceh! One bowl for every year you've been alive on this earth!

Don't forget the One for good luck

Just for you I'm smoking multiple bowls! well... maybe not "just" for you


Well-Known Member
hey chiceh! a pre-emptive happy b-day to you! your only getting better! all of our love and best wishes for anther GR8 year for you and those close to you!