mold on dry bud


Well-Known Member
Inhalling mould can lead to legionaires disese, where mould spore's are inhailed into the lungs and the mould multiples inside your lungs. IT WILL FUCK YOU UP - DONT DO IT !!! I'd much prefere to lose a few notes as opposed of ultimatley loosing my life after inhalling shitty mouldy bud. You wouldnt eat mouldy fish n chips or brush your teeth with mouldy tooth-paste or go to your local and down a mouldy beer, don't be a dick and smoke mouldy bud! throw it away n either grow some more and look after it properly, or buy some more but dont smoke that MOULDY SHIT, peace - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Yeah... make hash or throw it away ... but don't smoke mouldy bud what ever you do - STELTHY


Active Member
Yeah... make hash or throw it away ... but don't smoke mouldy bud what ever you do - STELTHY
Agreed. Just inhaling low concentrations of mold spores without your knowledge in your house can adversely affect your health in a lot of ways. Deliberately inhaling a higher concentration by smoking mold-ridden buds is a sure-fire way to shave some years off your life.


Active Member
Not scrubbing your shower stall and changing out your hot water pipes before EACH warm shower carries more of a threat than smoking moldy buds. There is no proof moldy buds can hurt. Mold is everywhere.


Active Member
Not scrubbing your shower stall and changing out your hot water pipes before EACH warm shower carries more of a threat than smoking moldy buds. There is no proof moldy buds can hurt. Mold is everywhere.
Uh.. There's more of a threat from soap scum and dirty hot water pipes than smoking something that's actually covered in mold? That makes no sense, man. Changing out your hot water pipes? Where in the hell did you 'come across' this information? Inhaling mold spores and being exposed to high concentrations regularly, seriously degrades your health. Not scrubbing out your shower or.. 'changing out your hot water pipes' will leave you with basically, a very dirty shower.


Active Member
Uh.. There's more of a threat from soap scum and dirty hot water pipes than smoking something that's actually covered in mold? That makes no sense, man. Changing out your hot water pipes? Where in the hell did you 'come across' this information? Inhaling mold spores and being exposed to high concentrations regularly, seriously degrades your health. Not scrubbing out your shower or.. 'changing out your hot water pipes' will leave you with basically, a very dirty shower.
Actually I was responding to someone that mentioned legionnaires bacteria that is typically found nowadys in high concentrations bathstalls etc. I was merely comparing the vigilance betewen the two -throwing entire buds away because of a mold spot instead just cutting the bad part away and scrubbing the i.e. bathroom before each use. And clearing legionnaires bacteria is futile because it's airborne everywhere to some degree. I admit that it was an unbaked response and I had strayed from being objective :) Maybe I should've if you're like between 60-80 years old, sure I would start taking measures..... I've had to smoke 'contaminated' bud in the past and it sucked but I'm still here. My chi qigong is as focused as ever and my sifu noticed no degradation in my studies. I don't bs, I can speak from experience.
extract the THC from the moldy buds, make hash of it, dont smoke them. It promotes diseases and shit like cancer. If you buy medical bud with mold that means they are slacking and not searching well enough for that shit. I'd take that shit right back.
Bullshit. It will fuck your day up, no doubt, but you won't get cancer.