First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

Silent Running

Active Member
My first grow I didn't do a dark cycle. This grow I did. I won't be able to compare for another 3-4 weeks when curring is done though.


Active Member
I thought u might LOL. Okay, so that settles it! I'll give her overnight tonight for one last dark cycle and then once the dew dries off tomorrow its chop chop for her! I'm so excited...I squeezed the upper middle a little tonight and damn that bitch is hard! :D


Active Member
So this day just keeps getting better and better! I went and checked out the flowering room this morning, and lo and behold, Violet is a girl! In case you've forgotten, she's the VERY stretched Super Skunk #1 that has grown from 12 inches when I put her in to about 2 feet already. It has been 15 days since I put her in flower.

I'll be right back with some pics of Hope and Faith!


Active Member

The first one is Hope, and the second two are of Faith. They are on day 54. By looking at them though I think they may be done a couple days sooner than Destiny. I hope lol.


Active Member
Well, Destiny is history! I cut her a couple of hours ago, she is now trimmed and hanging. She looks like a little Christmas tree lol. She is 8.2 wet weight, so I will be happy if I end up with around an eighth or so.

Silent Running

Active Member
Mother nature doesnt do a dark cycle...any body got any experience comparing the two methods?
I was re-reading and it popped into my head...there is a lot mother nature doesn't do that we do. 20/4 or 24/0 (well I guess in some parts of the world their light cycles are like that), flushing, sun doesn't come down to prevent stretch, topping, lst, super cropping....BOOM (sorry head exploded). Wouldn't it be awesome if mother nature gave molasses with the rain? lol. God I couldn't imagine trying to clean my car after that though.

Not trying to be snippy...those are just a few of the things that came to mind after reading that line. Yay for your harvest! Can't wait to read the smoke report.


Active Member
Thanks silent, I can't wait to smoke it so I can give a report LOL. No worries, I just meant that maybe pot growers worry a little too much about different things, things that don't really make that big of difference in the long run. There were grasshoppers or some such munching on my last 3 fan leaves on Destiny, and she didn't seem to mind a bit.

I have heard alot of people on here say that growing outdoors is the best way to go, that sunlight and filtered rainwater are the best, well I just have to think that maybe they would do okay if we just didn't fuck with em as much LOL. I have seen alot of grows that mother nature was in charge of, and none of them seemed to be suffering from deficiences or pH problems...As you stated, not tryin to argue, just discussing different options and techniques...

Silent Running

Active Member
All very true. I can't wait to do an outdoor grow and see the difference. I might take one of my NLs and toss her into a pot outside and do little other than water her just for the fun of it. Again, can't wait for the smoke report :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Silent! After reading threads by people like UB and Fdd, I think the dark cycle is unecessary. Mother nature doesnt do a dark cycle...any body got any experience comparing the two methods?
Do the dark cycle. The one time I did it with some purple indica I got droplets of liquid thc oozing out of some of the buds that I rolled up into a little purplish green colored hash ball that bubbled & sizzled when I smoked it. It will create more thc, I promise. You can get great weed from just a standard harvest but I really do believe it works & I plan on doing it with my current grow. So stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Thanks silent, I can't wait to smoke it so I can give a report LOL. No worries, I just meant that maybe pot growers worry a little too much about different things, things that don't really make that big of difference in the long run. There were grasshoppers or some such munching on my last 3 fan leaves on Destiny, and she didn't seem to mind a bit.

I have heard alot of people on here say that growing outdoors is the best way to go, that sunlight and filtered rainwater are the best, well I just have to think that maybe they would do okay if we just didn't fuck with em as much LOL. I have seen alot of grows that mother nature was in charge of, and none of them seemed to be suffering from deficiences or pH problems...As you stated, not tryin to argue, just discussing different options and techniques...
The plants are just naturally going to get bigger outside. Ideally you veg indoors during the winter then put them outside, there are some outdoor threads with ridiculous results on this site. If I could, I would prefer to grow outdoors. As far as "fucking with them" goes, it seems to me the guys who get the best outdoor results are watering & often feeding twice daily depending on the climate. So they are definitely fucking with their plants because if they didn't the plant would be trying to root deeper to get more water & not be growing up top as much. I would love to grow a giant outdoor sativa that yielded a couple lbs of huge colas & golf ball sized nugs. I guess there's always something to shoot for in life.


Well, Destiny is history! I cut her a couple of hours ago, she is now trimmed and hanging. She looks like a little Christmas tree lol. She is 8.2 wet weight, so I will be happy if I end up with around an eighth or so.
I'm rather curious about the wet weight to dry weight conversion. You're estimating that a wet plant that weights 8.2oz or 229gms would convert to 1/8 or 7gms? That seems rather extreme. That estimate would say that the plant is 97% water, and 3% leaf/bud weight dry. Does anyone know that actual water percent for a plant? I mean humans are like 70% I would think a plant would be less. Like maybe 60% water or something.
It just seems like a waste of money and effort to spend all that money on electricity, nutes, soil, to wind up with 1/8 or even 1/2oz per plant. I mean if you do the math you may be actually spending more than double just to grow your pot, vs buying it which seems like it would actually be cheaper.

I'm wondering mainly because I'm spending $40 bucks a month to grow 3 plants, I'm gonna double the lights in another months which will throw it up to $80. Than another month at $80. Thats about $200 in electricity to grow 3 plants. Another $70-$100 for everything else (AND I'm doing it cheap). So thats about $270, if I don't get at least 3ozs, or an ounce from each plant (I can only grow 4.5 feet max in height), I'll never grow again. Not when I can take that money and just go buy 3ozs. I don't know I just thought the whole reason to grow was to save money. And it doesn't even seem like a lot of people are breaking even. Or am I just being an idiot newbie? idk. Even the people with larger gardens and the 2000 watts of electricity they're using... they can't really be getting a lot of bang for their buck. I'm new to growing I just thought it would be a lot more worth it than what I see on this forum.

edit: just read a plant can be between 65% to 80% water by weight or 72.5% avg. So that would = 64gms avg dried out from the 229gms wet that you have. Now if you get 64gms, or basically 2ozs, THAT would definitely seem worth it. But I have too wait I guess till I harvest to figure out roughly what I'll wind up with. But if I get under an oz per plant I can't see myself getting into growing.. as much as I love it.