Why the surge will never work in Iraq!


Well-Known Member
I guess your idea is better, cause we could just float the mexicans across the atlantic and not have to worry about shipping costs. lmfao


Well-Known Member
What pathetic defeatism.
Why even bother to give the Middle East a chance at some form of democracy?
Negativity is destructive to the human spirit.

Its not the American military job to to die for someone elses "Democracy" if the Iraqi people want to fight for their democracy they can.................Their is another Democracy in the middle east in palestinian occupied territories where Hamas won the election.......do you see the American government praising that great victory of Democracy? We pushed real hard for them to have elections, and then when the people vote in a party we don't like, we say oh well fuck you then were not going to support that Democracy because they don't do what we tell them. Stop trying to force your political Idealogies on other cultures


New Member
OR we could have just bombed all of their hospitals, then poisoned all of their water, leaving them to die with no way of surving cause we'd killed all their doctors. Then we could just take over their oilfields without trading any oil for blood. Just strategically stealing it....but i'm sure we'd have to fight with the iranians eventually.
Wasn't this Hillary's plan?


New Member
What pathetic defeatism.
Why even bother to give the Middle East a chance at some form of democracy?
Negativity is destructive to the human spirit.

Its not the American military job to to die for someone elses "Democracy" if the Iraqi people want to fight for their democracy they can.................Their is another Democracy in the middle east in palestinian occupied territories where Hamas won the election.......do you see the American government praising that great victory of Democracy? We pushed real hard for them to have elections, and then when the people vote in a party we don't like, we say oh well fuck you then were not going to support that Democracy because they don't do what we tell them. Stop trying to force your political Idealogies on other cultures
If the American military commanders say that it is the American militaries job to fight, and die, for someone else's democracy, then thats the American militaries job. Thats how it works, we fight in defense of freedom. The palestinian civil war is another story. When given the opportunity to vote they voted for a terrorist government. Thats fine, but we don't deal with state sponsors of terror. With freedom comes responsibility. Do you want to secure your borders and feed your children or do you want to annhilate Israel. The choice was theirs, they chose, and they endure the consequences. Freedom isn't a political ideology, its a god given right. Whether you believe this or not, you live in a society that flourishes because of it.


Well-Known Member
"we fight in defense of freedom" who exactly is oppressing the iraqi people now that saddam is dead?


Well-Known Member
didn't we give afghans weapons to fight the russians? and didn't we give saddam money and weapons also? are you sure we don't deal with state that sponser terrorism??????


New Member
didn't we give afghans weapons to fight the russians? and didn't we give saddam money and weapons also? are you sure we don't deal with state that sponser terrorism??????
I think these might have been Democrat presidents. Look it up and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
so were fighting for freedom but when the Palestinians fight for their freedom in the Occupied territories, you call them terrorists? if you support freedom fighters you should support all freedom fighters right?


Well-Known Member
Here's an idea

How about we dissolve all ideas about government and control and release human from themselves. Why do i even have to see the word terror? Is terror death?

If so, our mothers are terrorists for bearing us into a world where inevitably and without warning we all will die

Can't we just start existing already? Ohh so many labels... peace


Active Member
Wow, are we really back to the casualty rate argument. It's been months since the libs pulled that one out of their bag of tricks and deceit. Whats the "casualty rate" of your city, your county, state??? For any number of categories, violent crime, accidents, etc... Do you know, do you care?? I bet it would shock you how often people die. Probably not, since you can't use their deaths to further your silly arguments. We are going to "win" this one, so get on the side of optimism. It's ok to be positive. It's ok to have pride in your country for again doing the "right" thing when the rest of the world chose to sit idly by and then reap the benefits of a more stable middle east without firmly supporting freedom for others, the freedom we/they have obviously come to take for granted. Sad really, but then again you probably think we live under a dictator right now, probably better to have old Saddam as president rather than evil maniacal Bush.
Nicely said...


New Member
so were fighting for freedom but when the Palestinians fight for their freedom in the Occupied territories, you call them terrorists? if you support freedom fighters you should support all freedom fighters right?
Hey guy, words mean things. The order words are phrased mean things. Fighting for freedom is waging war against tyrannical dictators who suppress the freedom of their "people" in order to ensure a firm grip on control. "Freedom fighters" is the catchy name the Israel despising, America hating media has given to TERRORISTS who kill innocent civilians in order to draw attention to their "causes". Who would cover such a cause. Oh yes, the media. Who would celebrate such a cause. Oh yes, the Democrats. And you.


New Member
ccodiane ...

Yer on a roll!

The Left is fond of saying that "the world hates America." Truth be told, the International Left hates America. Normal people in the world love America. For you lefties in the forum ... if you don't believe this, just talk to an Eastern European who lived under Soviet rule, or under a puppet of Soviet rule.

Here's another shocker for you lefties ... Ronald Reagan is a revered hero in Eastern Europe.
