Active Member
get heavy ceramic ones and keep them under your pots
Hey LTB,What's a good method to keep your airstones positioned correctly?
Would you mind posting a link to it like on ebay or something please?I use the Hanna GrowChek continuous meter. I love it!
Thanks my man!!This should be the dwc growers mantra,,,,
No Light,
Cool Waters
truer words have never been spoken.
Kudos and a +rep to ya!
I'm running both. GH Dual Diaphragm 4 outlet pumps. Christ I've had twelve of them for years and only had to rebuild two.I just throw the stones in the rez and don't worry about their position. It seems to me that so long as the stone is under water it really doesnt matter where it's at inside of the rez. I would reccomend that you stay away from the aquarium type air pumps and get a piston driven air pump. They push a LOT more air and seem to hold up much better then the cheapo diaphram pumps.
I have started using these and love them http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=ecoplus+air+pump&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=6438659192085341284&ei=zrNQTNWLAYi-sQOnmaiVBw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCQQ8wIwAA#
One pump is enough to run 4 5 gallon buckets.