• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What Do You Believe?


Active Member
Infinite means without beginning or end. I don't think you can go beyond either of those but I could be wrong. :weed:
The universe is obviously expansive beyond our measure as of yet, but i think we can all agree that science proves the universe is finite.


Well-Known Member
The universe is obviously expansive beyond our measure as of yet, but i think we can all agree that science proves the universe is finite.
Science hasn't proven that at all. We are bound by the observable universe which can be measured but it truly may be infinite and unbound or even infinite and bound. The further out we look, the further back in time we observe to a point when the universe was very young and much smaller. That tells us nothing about the true shape and size of the current configuration. A rapidly accelerating expansion as appears to be occurring due to dark energy makes the universe effectively infinite.


Well-Known Member
the universe, cannot be infinite, if it had a beginning, or will have an end. of that, we do not know. we have many theories, some more valid than others, depending on your perspective.
to say the universe is infinite, would be to say that it is static, an infinite object has no beggining, or end, it just is.. einstein took years of thought to realize that the universe is a very dynamic place.... the idea gave him many problems with his theory of relativity. but to put it as simple as possible, in observable terms, its kind of like this-

it the universe wasn't accelerating away from a central point in space-time (aka The Beginning, the big bang...) then it would simply collapse under its own gravity. just like objects are sucked into a black hole.... sooner or later, everything would collapse into a central blackhole.

this evidence of a beginning would also suggest the evidence of an ending, because as of date, the only infinite object we know, is the mathematical expression for it: ∞

an interesting question though, is our observable universe really 'the' universe, by definition?
or is it just another formation, as particles form atoms that form molecules that form stars that form planets that form solar systems that form galaxies that form galaxie clusters that form our visible universe.... could be our entire visible universe is just a particle in another formation, yet to be observed.

mind freak! :lol:


Well-Known Member
irregardless isn't a word, regardless is though and means what you are trying to say. =p

The two suffer for very different reasons though and I do agree that christianity could learn from buddhism. Nirvana is much more intrinsic than eternity in Heaven. The Buddhist teachings are as close to true altruism as people probably get. Its about understanding and acceptance, releasing your "burden" and therefor relieving your suffering.
sorry dude, i must have forgotten riu was just a big english class.


Active Member
sorry dude, i must have forgotten riu was just a big english class.
I agree very much. I dont understand how we have managed to get off track of the subject at hand. Last time I checked, I am at rollitup.org, not properenglish.com :) I think we need to stick to the thread subject at hand...not someones struggles to find "proper english" :)

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Does it seem like the more intelligent an individual is, the more inclined they are to turn to atheism? Yes. It is not so much 'turning' to Atheism as rejecting illogical or unfounded, unproven hypotheses. We are born Atheists first and then taught to imagine God. Do people use science and their own logic as proof that God does not exist? To prove that God does not exist is a Negative Proof Fallacy. It is an illogical argument from ignorance. There is no goal to prove God doesn't exist, there is just no evidence whatsoever for the existence of God in the first place. It is a non-argument, a non-issue.Does it seem like people will base their beliefs on other people's words? Yes. Millions of religious people do it every week. This happens in Science too, but is accompanied by proof of method and experiment. Thus a scientific belief is held as tenable and will be regarded as the leading argument until proven otherwise. Do we try to find truth that will conveniently fit our wish of the universe? Yes. Selective reasoning and
Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses[Note 1][1] whether or not it is true. As a result, people gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way. The biases appear in particular for emotionally significant issues and for established beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, people usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and/or recall have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a stronger weighting for data encountered early in an arbitrary series) and illusory correlation (in which people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).
A series of experiments in the 1960s suggested that people are biased towards confirming their existing beliefs. Later work explained these results in terms of a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives. In combination with other effects, this strategy can bias the conclusions that are reached. Explanations for the observed biases include wishful thinking and the limited human capacity to process information. Another proposal is that people show confirmation bias because they are pragmatically assessing the costs of being wrong, rather than investigating in a neutral, scientific way.
Confirmation biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Hence they can lead to disastrous decisions, especially in organizational, military, political and social contexts
. - Wikipedia

I just want to know the range of thoughts out there, and how distant our beliefs are. I dont like to see anyone flaming or regurgitating religious facts. I just want to know. What do you believe and hold dear to the deepest part of your cerebral cortex?


Active Member
sorry dude, i must have forgotten riu was just a big english class.
We are talking about many things and none of them are about Marijuana which is what the site is truly about. You're welcome for teaching you something that will help you so that people think more highly of you and the way you present yourself, though. While being a logical fallacy, people will judge you by how you say things regardless of the message. That will no longer happen since you can now use the word correctly. Spell-checkers exist for this reason.

And yeah, the Universe has an end because we can physically see where it begins. We can point to the center and say "it started there". We especially know this because our universe is expanding from its center and we can measure its growth. If we are just a Universe within a Universe then we are probably encroaching upon another Universe's space much the same way galaxies do.

Fun fact, when galaxies collide and their suns intermingle, gravity goes wonky and the suns spin around each other for longer than you can imagine until they eventually touch. Holy supernova, Batman! I wonder what happens if Universes were to collide?

Also, Thank you Miss MeanWeed who has far more patience than I.


Well-Known Member
type "irregardless" in and the red underline doesn't pop up. i guess there was a plot on me to use the word and be dogged for it. pick your bones else where. you could probably say that i started it with you, but at least i stayed on subject. now ill excuse myself from this thread and maybe chime in later if it picks back up on anything related to the topic.


Well-Known Member
I actually hold a belief/theory that it is possible that our universe was a creation of 2 universes. Universes not quite established/defined as our own, but our universe being the created result of it. I expanded on this thought a little bit in some previous thread, which basically called for two Membranes (M-theory). I'm not completely read up thoroughly on string theory, but I theorize that friction between 2 opposing but complimentary membranes gave us our resulting Universe. Anyhow, just a profound thought..:roll:


Holy supernova, Batman! I wonder what happens if Universes were to collide?


Active Member
The highest form of Intelligence is "Understanding" which you did, just as I understood you meant "therefore", which you do.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/therefor I said what I meant to. The word "irregardless" is "regardless" with the "ir" attached as a prefix. "ir", as a prefix, is there to mean the opposite of the word it is attached to such as "irreplaceable", "irrelevant" and "irresponsible". If he meant us to "Understand" what he was saying then he would not use "irregardless" since it means the exact opposite of what he meant to say and literally has no meaning.

I tried to be nice by not giving him an English lesson and simply inform him instead but you poked the dragon with ignorance so you get the full lesson.


Active Member
Neat membrane theory. I bet someone else as thought of it and there is probably information out there on the subject, even if it is just conjecture.


Well-Known Member
Therefor is a word, but you used it incorrectly, and the correct word to use was therefore, which you didn't..therefor....get it!! You understood what he meant because you said it and if there was a confusion it was only on your part, which it wasn't...therefor...get it!!
Regardless, irregardless has been used in the English language and is denoted in many dictionaries. It doesn't mean it's the correct spelling / or has distinguished meaning other than it's use towards the word regardless, which everyone understood including you...therefor....get it!! Dragon :lol:

(I'm no enlgiss major, so did i use the word correctly) don't answer because it doesn't matter!! The Point..Understood :roll:

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/therefor I said what I meant to. The word "irregardless" is "regardless" with the "ir" attached as a prefix. "ir", as a prefix, is there to mean the opposite of the word it is attached to such as "irreplaceable", "irrelevant" and "irresponsible". If he meant us to "Understand" what he was saying then he would not use "irregardless" since it means the exact opposite of what he meant to say and literally has no meaning.

I tried to be nice by not giving him an English lesson and simply inform him instead but you poked the dragon with ignorance so you get the full lesson.

There is information on it...String Theory...., but no there is no documented proof or anything to conclude as this is what happened. Thanks, but I was just rolling off on your inability to formulate an idea of what happens when universes collide. I guess you'll just have to wait to be told what and how to think when there is sufficient evidence to allow you so..


Neat membrane theory. I bet someone else as thought of it and there is probably information out there on the subject, even if it is just conjecture.


Well-Known Member
And yeah, the Universe has an end because we can physically see where it begins. We can point to the center and say "it started there". We especially know this because our universe is expanding from its center and we can measure its growth. If we are just a Universe within a Universe then we are probably encroaching upon another Universe's space much the same way galaxies do.
There is no one place in the existing universe that is the 'center.' The space-time expansion occurs everywhere and from every point.



Well-Known Member
You were being formal at the time? I didn't know formality had anything to do with it, other than one being a law term used by lawyers and the other by humans.. No pun

RogJo..You are correct

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless I was an wEnglish major and I am aware of the different contexts of "therefor" and "therefore". Since I was typing in a formal tone, I used the more formal version of the word.

In reference to String Theory; I see my sarcasm did not translate well via text.


Active Member
You were manipulated because you fell for it. If you are trying to say that you believe because most other people do than why are you not a Muslim since most believers are Muslim.
There is a documented list of logical fallacies (im not going to describe each of them) that many people use in their thinking process to reinforce their own beliefs and you are displaying many of them. This is the cause of our proverbial wall.
Whenever there is a discussion about God, there are always 3 forms of "evidence" that will be presented:
Now if we can have a constructive conversation about religion and God/s without a believer resorting to any of the above mentioned "cop outs", ill be impressed.
I wasn’t trying to say I believe in God because other people do. It’s a simple statement of fact that most people believe in a God or higher power. I believe because of my personal experiences. Am I using them to prove to you there is a higher power? NO I’m talking about my personal beliefs and not presenting them as fact. You can believe what you want to man. You can call it a “cop out” or say I’m using logical fallacies but explain what it is to love someone without talking about beliefs and experiences. Someone could do it by talking about chemical reactions in the brain but that doesn’t fully explain what it is to love.


Active Member
I want to believe, I've tried. I'm 30 now and all kinds of educated on the subject of religion and the psychology behind it. I have even studied the philosophies behind many of the major religions as well as having read multiple bibles from different religions. All of this was in attempt to learn and become a believer but with that much knowledge and experience I have only come to learn what I knew when I first started questioning what I was being force fed.
I was also raised in a southern religious environment but rejected it because of all the hypocrisy. I discovered my faith in a higher power some years later on a mountain top in Yellowstone. Since that day I have questioned my beliefs many times, refining them as I discovered and experienced more and will continue to do so until the day I die.
You won’t find God in a book. You’ll find the rules and philosophies of religions. God, like life needs to be experienced.


Active Member
Great video. Fundamentalists are defiantly a bazaar bunch. They need to realize the Bible was written by men and is fallible.
Oh and the other 2 you posted where pretty good as well. I can’t believe I watch that hour long one but it was pretty interesting.
Haven't read the posts, really can't, it's just too much info, too far removed from myself, sorta like beliefs. I'm with the movie Dogma on this one: I don't have beliefs, just good ideas. And don't go around calling me an Atheist and shoving your scientific beliefs down my throat either.

Jane's Addiction, 1%, Qoute: All the people I know, they wanna be left alone. Some people, I don't know, they won't leave you alone.