• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What Do You Believe?


Active Member
Great video. Fundamentalists are defiantly a bazaar bunch. They need to realize the Bible was written by men and is fallible.
Oh and the other 2 you posted where pretty good as well. I can’t believe I watch that hour long one but it was pretty interesting.
Yea, i wish fundamentalists wouldnt make Christians look bad. And that long video summed up quite a bit of info that i found really eye opening. The arguments for God are a lot more persuasive than against him, and if people choose to deny it then thats their choice. I wonder what possible counter arguments people can come up with..
Well TrippyReefer, most people I've heard counter that one force creating religion was established to explain the unexplainable... just. like. now.

In other words, you can give me two arguments for something, two. really. lame. arguments, and not choosing is a choice too. Not choosing, is a choice, despite the beliefs of this capitalistic system. And on another note, science has been spending a lot more time proselytizing than they have researching as well. good grief.


Well-Known Member
Yea, i wish fundamentalists wouldnt make Christians look bad. And that long video summed up quite a bit of info that i found really eye opening. The arguments for God are a lot more persuasive than against him, and if people choose to deny it then thats their choice. I wonder what possible counter arguments people can come up with..
Using your logic, the arguments for the Flying Spaghetti Monster is more persuasive than against him. Anyone can posit the existence of all kinds of incredible things that cannot be empirically verified but without an actual reason to believe such things, there is no reason to accept their existence a priori.

No one really needs to create an argument against god. Theists continually miss this point. An atheist is merely someone that doesn't think that your positive claim for the existence of such a being has an validity. Since you are the one making the positive claim, then the burden of proof to show evidence of this existence is on you.


Active Member
I believe in chaos .
Nothing exists with or without it .
there can be no order without a relic of chaos
everything is and isnt what it seems to be
everything you think is something is actually nothing
and everything .mumbo jumbo


Active Member
The whole basis of Religion is "believe" thus faith not fact. There is alot of things that religious people can not explain. There is more unexplainable than explainable in any religion. I think one argument that is really tough to explain is the dinosaurs. Minus the excuse of humans not being able to understand or comprehend the "whys" of a god is just sad, lame, silly, and a non-starter. Moreso, I think the hypocracies of any religion make ( IMO) religion a default fictional creation. The idea that any god would want to bless these ones and not those ones, really does shine the fact of a god not being real. If there is a god, his basis would start by wanting to bless EVERYONE, not just these ones or those ones. Last time I checked, specifically in christianity, Jesus of Nazareth died for EVERYONE'S SINS, not just these ones or those ones. Please dont be the pretending christian and say that christ does bless anyone/everyone. I guarentee no christian would want or would admit to god blessing child molestors or sex offenders. Actual, they are not even allowed on or around most churches without special permission to my understanding. Kinda hard to believe in christianity with hypocracies like such, however, (IMO) it does not dis-prove an actual god or jesus. So I guess apparently humans and christians alike still consume themself with doing gods heavenly work on earth for him for some reason. If there is a god, wouldnt he do that? I guess that all realates back to trying not to figure out the reasons and whys of a god. Kinda hard to believe it something without trying to figure out what you are exactly believing in and given a so called soul or spirit to.

Religion is a lossing battle. More people are turning their back on religion and faith. With so many questions, humans typically dont have the perserveriance to commit to commandments without justification that the actual commander is real. IMO, to those who have "personally felt him in my life and all that mumbo jumbo...I think that is mostly superstition. If you cant prove what you are feeling, seeing, hearing, and believing...thus far...humans call that, for the most part, Hullicination, or make believe. Its made up folks :) To those that say, god wrote the books through humans...literally means humans made the books. Regardless of who they made it for, the bottom line is humans made it up. To say that everything is planned, everyone has a destiny, and god hears everything ( then why go to church or even pray...he can hear everything right?) is ludacris. Nothing can prove it, and alot says that its made up. Science cant explain everything thus far, but in my opinion, not much of it points in the direction of a all powerful, all knowing god. And of the science that does point to god, its mostly because of uncertianties, or circumstantial evidence. There is nothing overwhelming that can explain the ignorrance( IMO) as to why so many people believe in something they cant prove and have no desire ( for the most part) to prove. All in all, I would love for there to be a god, but I am not holding my breath waiting and devoting to a certian way of life. If in the end I fucked up by not living like a catholic or amish or whatever...then by all means condemn me to whatever...however....WE WILL NEVER KNOW( IMO)...I think that is just human nature. NOBODY will KNOW for 100% that there is a god and a heaven and hell. Until we die.....that is where the awnser is, and the only awnser is in said death ( IMO)

Lastly, on the comment of "heaven" being the eternal life...Well they say through christ, nothing is impossible. SO, MY INTENTIONS were to say...LIVE FOR 2,000 YEARS ALIVE ON EARTH...now there...take your jesus or whatever personal god you use, ...and start there...once you get that done...wake me up outta my grave and I will join you for another 2,000 years of breaking the impossible.

WOW, I apologize for bad spelling and ramblings. I am extremely high, and tired. I do wish to say I had no pun intended and everything above is just my take of it all. Peace


Active Member
Using your logic, the arguments for the Flying Spaghetti Monster is more persuasive than against him. Anyone can posit the existence of all kinds of incredible things that cannot be empirically verified but without an actual reason to believe such things, there is no reason to accept their existence a priori.

No one really needs to create an argument against god. Theists continually miss this point. An atheist is merely someone that doesn't think that your positive claim for the existence of such a being has an validity. Since you are the one making the positive claim, then the burden of proof to show evidence of this existence is on you.
Very well said mindphuk....I think the whole existence issue is on each person individually.


Active Member
I believe in chaos .
Nothing exists with or without it .
there can be no order without a relic of chaos
everything is and isnt what it seems to be
everything you think is something is actually nothing
and everything .mumbo jumbo
You might like the study of zen.

Yamaoka Tesshu, as a young student of Zen, visited one
master after another. He called upon Dokuon of Shokoku.

Desiring to show his attainment, he said: "The mind,
Buddha, and sentient beings, after all, do not exist.
The true nature of phenomena is emptiness.
There is no realization, no delusion, no sage, no mediocrity.
There is no giving and nothing to be received."

Dokuon, who was smoking quietly, said nothing.
Suddenly he whacked Yamaoka with his bamboo pipe.
This made the youth quite angry.

"If nothing exists," inquired Dokuon, "where did this anger come from?"


Active Member
Using your logic, the arguments for the Flying Spaghetti Monster is more persuasive than against him. Anyone can posit the existence of all kinds of incredible things that cannot be empirically verified but without an actual reason to believe such things, there is no reason to accept their existence a priori.

No one really needs to create an argument against god. Theists continually miss this point. An atheist is merely someone that doesn't think that your positive claim for the existence of such a being has an validity. Since you are the one making the positive claim, then the burden of proof to show evidence of this existence is on you.
He exists in my mind, as well as everybody elses. If you cant feel him, well thats just that. And did you even watch the video?


Well-Known Member
Using your logic, the arguments for the Flying Spaghetti Monster is more persuasive than against him. Anyone can posit the existence of all kinds of incredible things that cannot be empirically verified but without an actual reason to believe such things, there is no reason to accept their existence a priori.

No one really needs to create an argument against god. Theists continually miss this point. An atheist is merely someone that doesn't think that your positive claim for the existence of such a being has an validity. Since you are the one making the positive claim, then the burden of proof to show evidence of this existence is on you.
you best be leaving the FSM out of this, or he will smite thee with his noodley appendages.


Well-Known Member
Ill add a bit of salt, pepper n spice to this one,
well basically my belief is that we were all created for a specific reason. period.
we all knew the truth when our souls were created before we were placed on earth and our purpose is to seek knowledge/guidance and look around us and find the truth. and we all agreed before we were born to do just that.
We as humans were given something special that angels were not given, which is freedom of choice, angels are creations of god that are there to worship him and they were never given freedom like us.
anyways the word insane(translated human from arabic) is actually derived from the word ins. which is derived from the word NS{spelt nasa}. which means forget or forgotten.

god made humans forget the truth in order to test them to see who will sincerely seek knowledge and guidance and who will denounce him and make mischief on earth etc...
and every single person that ever lived has had a message passed to him about His existence and every single person has thought and thinks about death and about god, the difference is some choose to deny it willingly and some choose to do something about it. some of those who deny it get to a certain point in life where they forget about things and thoughts that have passed them early in life and really do believe they are just smart animals that will only become dust one day and that will be that. and hey if thats what ur on then thats what your on. only one way to find out.... wait for death, and thats something u cant deny.

We have the freedom of choice and not the freedom of will as some say.
Meaning we can choose to seek the truth and live by gods pure rules or we can live the way we want, at the end everything in life has a price and so do our actions, if u want to buy a ferrari there is a price for it, if u want to dig for diamonds/oil/uranium/gold etc.. there is a price to pay too. if we want to live the way we want to and not give a second thought to anything else then no problem we just have to be ready to pay the price and we will never be ready and by that time it will be too late to change and there will be no escape.

some might think well oh its unfair why would god do something like that and play games with us etc...
its a good question but its one thing asking urself that Q and then answering it urself with limited knowledge and limited sight{im not talking about limited general knowledge}, and its another thing to ask urself that Q and then try and seek a correct answer from other than ur mind and ur best friend.
i mean i can say well why is the ocean blue, then i can come up with a theory saying well its probly cuz there is blue dye somewhere in the water or i ask Bob and he says cuz the fish reflect the sky and leave it at that. or i can go and do my own sincere research and ask people in that field to try and derive the correct answer.

lets put it this way.
you just bought a dog/cat, you put it in a shed in ur backyard, chain it up, bring it food, treat it well, play with it, take it for walks and treat it when its sick.
it will love you to bits, {unless u were a basted then it might bite ur ass when it gets older lol}. it will protect you with its life, it will serve u in any possible way, it will keep u company and it will never get angry and ask u as to why u kept it in lockup all its life or why u chain it to a post when u go into a shop or why you dont let it into the house or why u sleep inside the house and let it sleep outside{provided that u dont let it enter the house or sleep in ur bed}.
everytime you go away and come back that animal will be soooo happy to see you and smell u and it will be full of joy to see you. y? because it wont forget what you provided and provide it on a daily basis. even if u beat it on saturday, it wont forget all the rest of the week that u played with it, fed it etc... thankful and appreciative comes to mind.

What gives us a right to OWN a dog/cat/horse etc...?
because we feed it, paid and pay for it continually, play with it, take it for walks, give it shelter and etc... so we feel we have a right over that animal. correct me if im wrong?
Now if that animal did something wrong, we will sometimes scream at it and we might give it a lil slap and some people go to the extent of seriously hitting and etc... why? because it did not follow OUR orders/rules. - it pays the price for its actions and choices- and we are talking about a creation with almost no intellect compared to ours and thats how we react to it, so imagine if "my dog" had an intellect like mine but still shat on the kitchen table or on my bed. boy i would be seriously pisssseddd to say the least.

now another thing.
we get married and we produce kids, now every parent has a duty and feels a need and right to enforce some law in his house hold and make rules and regulations for his kids to abide by. (i know kids nowadays think it should be the other way round lol but seriously}. why do parents have a right to set rules and regulations for their kids and why do they give them a slap when they misbehave or shout at them or ground them etc...? same story, we feel that they are OUR kids and we produced them from a piece of OUR sperm and therefore they are kind of a byproduct of us therefore we own them for the first bit of their life at least not to mention that they have inelegance so they should learn and think of the consequence before acting. no matter what u say every single person on earth owes an undeniable and unrepayable price to their parents no matter what, even if their parents left them or they didnt know their parents or what ever, {and if they were really bad parents and if u see them u would want to kick their teeth out u still cannot deny that if it was not for them u would not EXIST. and to me existing in one way is way better than not existing at all.

Now lets keep looking at it from this point of view, do you think that The Creator that created you from NOTHING and made this earth for you to live on, and provided you with every single material you can see on earth and provided you with a body, hands, hearing, soul, sight, speech, brain, heart, emotion etc... etc... etc... Does not have a single right over you? lol i can almost hear those arrogant yes's.

really just look around you where ever u are now, and i guarantee you that you wont find a single thing around you including ur laptop/pc that you have come forth with from nothing or provided uself. if u know of something, let me know? dont worry ill wait? still cant find anything huh.
now dont come and say WE made laptops and not God, and We made buildings not God, and we made this and that. u didnt make F all, u used ur hands that God provided u with to make those and u used ur eyes to determine that and u used ur hearing to be able to do this, and used ur brain to create/design it, with the help of ur tong and voice to coordinate with him and her, not to mention the powerplant{heart} that keeps u ticking. if u built anything in ur life its only because God gave u all the necessary tools+materials to do so not cuz ur some retarded mutation that came by chance all ready and built with all the materials here, ready and waiting by chance.

so let me get this straight, if ur kid is like 15 now, he robs from you, steals things from home, lies to you, hits his mother, is unkind etc... to his brothers n sisters and is so ungrateful towards you, has caused you great pain and emotional stress that u just feel so destroyed after all you provided for him and all the money spent and you worked like a mule to upbring him. would there not come a day when the minimum you would say is, get the hell out of my house and i dont wanna see you again. and thats the minimum as i think i would kick his ass all the way down the road if he even did one of those mentioned.
if u feel thats harsh or that you wouldnt do that then u need to go straight from ur pc to a mental hospital.

So now in my view our Creator which has the power to create us, earth, space, water, animals etc... etc... has the power to punish us when we go wrong especially since he has EVERY SINGLE RIGHT over us, and we will have no power what so ever to stop that punishment if we have earned it, especially since he provided us with so much and all he wants in return is us to worship him and stay away from bad things and be patient for only such a short perioud of time since we live here for 40-70 years and then in heaven for ever? thats like telling ur elder son you love so much to stay home for 15 minutes and dont burn the house down, and you come back to find the house burnt and hes gone. who is to blame? did u force him or did he choose to do so? and thats a retarded and downplayed example which cannot even express an atom of the situation.

people get a little knowledgeable so they feel so arrogant, and when they sit at home in the afternoon having fun and relaxing they feel safe, right up to that drunken moment of death that things and perspectives change extremely quickly.
in my view, we take our money from our hard earned cash for car insurance, house insurance, death insurance etc... and we prepare ourselves everyday for all kinds of things like going out on saturday or going to work on monday, shopping on tusday taking the kids to school in the morning etc... but have we thought about after death insurance? have we thought about preparing for death? uhhh no obviously cuz there is nothing after death right? wt ever u say i say.

Every prophet that came before us, including jesus {pbuh} had the same message and had some sort of proof of god. but people were rebellious as most are today and they loved to live life by what the devil provided so they seeked the material life which not one of us will ever succeed in catching in this life. i believe its our choice to live truths of fallacy.

Earth is the disbelievers heaven and the believers hell we are told.
you live the way God wants you to live in a respectable slightly restricted matter and ur patient you will get whats coming to you.
you live the way the devil wants you to live then you get whats coming to you.
either way one thing is for sure which everyone can agree on, you will get whats coming to you.{death and after}

its alot deeper than that but i wont really bother.
i say this all the time:
you can take a horse to water but cant force him to drink, but in reality you dont need to take a horse anywhere, if he is truly thirsty then you will only find that he will use his instincts/tools that he was provided with in the first place to find it, and even if u throw him in the desert he will keep looking till he either finds it or will die in the search.

in contrast i believe that if a person is sincerely hungry for that knowledge and truth he will find it no matter what. and no its not a product of a human brain to think there is a God so then there is a God, thats such a retarded and misinformed lie.
no true believer can explain to anyone what he/she has found at the end of the search and thats for a very obvious and straight forward reason which i wont expound on.

my point of view is a muslim point of view by the way.

lol and to the missinformed person that says religions are on the decline, my reply would be your absolutly right except for one religion.
and if in our age and time and technology and brains if one religion is ploughing through like a rocket on steriods then either there is a brilliant scam or maybe its the truth. though if you like that truth or dont thats a completely different story.

price to pay comes to mind.
This is not intended to fuel dynamite, its a reply to what the topic is about not an argument.


Well-Known Member
oh and one more thing, if i believe in a religion then it has to be perfect, as if there is a god then he must be perfect too. so why would he bring in a religion that is not perfect?
it would have to have truths and would have to be side by side with science in any age and time, and you must be able to question every single aspect of it 24/7 and must have answers which are realistic and not some mumbo jumbo. if i do find one discripancy init then its rubish and a hoax.
i look forward every single day to anyone that can present me with a claim of a lie or discripancy as it gives me a chance to put the religion to the test and in return will be repaid with even more reassurance. and the otherside that it has to provide has to be something that cannot be explained by words.

a search for the truth does not take 15 minutes or 1 week, its different between people on how sincere they are in their search and how hard they are looking for it.

you wouldnt expect to find diamonds or oil in a 15 minute search, but after ur long quest u do find it then the reward will be huge.

so i find it hard to understand how people expect to find the truth in 2-3 youtube videos or what tv says or what Bob claims, since the truth is the most valuble and priceless thing on earth and beyoned then how can it take 15 minutes? no test is easy, not ur university exams nor ur job examinations and definatly not the test that takes you from one extream to the other - hell/heaven.

it cant take 15 mins, it might and probly will be the hardest thing you will look for in ur life, but the repayment is miles away from any hard effort youv made not to mention ur repayment after ur die.



Well-Known Member
lol i think ur post says enuff about u. great reply i would give u loads of point for ur brilliance and intelligent reply, but i havent got any.

thank you about presenting this guy, since he wouldnt be on there in the first place if islam wasnt rocketting upwards and causing panic to people of his likes and the ones who pay him for it.
ur kinda proving wt im saying in a way. great.lol.

trichlone fiend

New Member
lol i think ur post says enuff about u. great reply i would give u loads of point for ur brilliance and intelligent reply, but i havent got any.

thank you about presenting this guy, since he wouldnt be on there in the first place if islam wasnt rocketting upwards and causing panic to people of his likes and the ones who pay him for it.
ur kinda proving wt im saying in a way. great.lol.

...ummm, yeah. My post wasn't posted with you "in mind" actually. Your muslim ? Dude, I'd eat a pig's asshole! I love me some swine! ...o'yeah, hasta lama lakum.


Well-Known Member
what you believe doesn't matter cause its probably the same thing down the road. creationists believe in the beginning there was nothing then god suddenly decided to create some shit. atheists believe that in the beginning there was nothing then some shit collided with some other shit and now we have a whole bunch of other shit. so you see, no matter what we believe, we still come to the same conclusion.....shit happens.


Well-Known Member
I think that Aliens influenced the Human race. Gods = Aliens. Jesus was an Alien...you might not like it...but thats the way it is. Peace


Well-Known Member
Dude, I don't mean to single you out, but some of this stuff has to be addressed.

Ill add a bit of salt, pepper n spice to this one,
well basically my belief is that we were all created for a specific reason. period.
we all knew the truth when our souls were created before we were placed on earth and our purpose is to seek knowledge/guidance and look around us and find the truth. and we all agreed before we were born to do just that.
We as humans were given something special that angels were not given, which is freedom of choice, angels are creations of god that are there to worship him and they were never given freedom like us.
anyways the word insane(translated human from arabic) is actually derived from the word ins. which is derived from the word NS{spelt nasa}. which means forget or forgotten.

OK, just remember that's your own personal belief, and when it comes to objective fact, individual beliefs don't really matter.

god made humans forget the truth in order to test them to see who will sincerely seek knowledge and guidance and who will denounce him and make mischief on earth etc...

This doesn't seem pointless to you? Sit down and think about what you just said for 10 seconds, read it, then think about it... God made humans forget the truth in order to test them... Why not just give humans "the truth" from the start so all of God's creations don't need to be tested?

The whole purpose of Earth and our existence on it is pointless if you're a believer.

and every single person that ever lived has had a message passed to him about His existence and every single person has thought and thinks about death and about god, the difference is some choose to deny it willingly and some choose to do something about it. some of those who deny it get to a certain point in life where they forget about things and thoughts that have passed them early in life and really do believe they are just smart animals that will only become dust one day and that will be that. and hey if thats what ur on then thats what your on. only one way to find out.... wait for death, and thats something u cant deny.

Well technically you'll be dead right, so you wont be capable of finding anything out at that point...

We have the freedom of choice and not the freedom of will as some say.
Meaning we can choose to seek the truth and live by gods pure rules or we can live the way we want, at the end everything in life has a price and so do our actions, if u want to buy a ferrari there is a price for it, if u want to dig for diamonds/oil/uranium/gold etc.. there is a price to pay too. if we want to live the way we want to and not give a second thought to anything else then no problem we just have to be ready to pay the price and we will never be ready and by that time it will be too late to change and there will be no escape.

Well, again, that's part of your own personal belief system.

some might think well oh its unfair why would god do something like that and play games with us etc...
its a good question but its one thing asking urself that Q and then answering it urself with limited knowledge and limited sight{im not talking about limited general knowledge}, and its another thing to ask urself that Q and then try and seek a correct answer from other than ur mind and ur best friend.
i mean i can say well why is the ocean blue, then i can come up with a theory saying well its probly cuz there is blue dye somewhere in the water or i ask Bob and he says cuz the fish reflect the sky and leave it at that. or i can go and do my own sincere research and ask people in that field to try and derive the correct answer.

That's something I simply can't accept. Show me some evidence to support this claim. You're claiming "God is above us, beyond us, too much for us to know, too much for us to understand because he's just too complex"... well OK, that might actually be true, who knows? Show me some evidence to support it. You can't just say "this shit is just too complicated to understand, so you just have to take my word for it...", that's the bullshit claim that doesn't go anywhere because that's not how science works. If it's a natural occurrence within our universe, it can be studied by modern science, if not it's supernatural which renders it outside the realm of science completely which makes it useless.

So we can test it because it's real or we can't because it's not.

lets put it this way.
you just bought a dog/cat, you put it in a shed in ur backyard, chain it up, bring it food, treat it well, play with it, take it for walks and treat it when its sick.
it will love you to bits, {unless u were a basted then it might bite ur ass when it gets older lol}. it will protect you with its life, it will serve u in any possible way, it will keep u company and it will never get angry and ask u as to why u kept it in lockup all its life or why u chain it to a post when u go into a shop or why you dont let it into the house or why u sleep inside the house and let it sleep outside{provided that u dont let it enter the house or sleep in ur bed}.
everytime you go away and come back that animal will be soooo happy to see you and smell u and it will be full of joy to see you. y? because it wont forget what you provided and provide it on a daily basis. even if u beat it on saturday, it wont forget all the rest of the week that u played with it, fed it etc... thankful and appreciative comes to mind.

What gives us a right to OWN a dog/cat/horse etc...?

One could seriously argue the point you don't actually own it. It's simply a member of the family, like a son or daughter.

Dairy and poultry farmers might argue that their animals are a piece of property as they're used for certain purposes around the farm.

It depends on who you ask and how you look at it...

because we feed it, paid and pay for it continually, play with it, take it for walks, give it shelter and etc... so we feel we have a right over that animal. correct me if im wrong?
Now if that animal did something wrong, we will sometimes scream at it and we might give it a lil slap and some people go to the extent of seriously hitting and etc... why? because it did not follow OUR orders/rules. - it pays the price for its actions and choices- and we are talking about a creation with almost no intellect compared to ours and thats how we react to it, so imagine if "my dog" had an intellect like mine but still shat on the kitchen table or on my bed. boy i would be seriously pisssseddd to say the least.

This is a poor analogy because animals are not aware of the extent of reality as humans are.

now another thing.
we get married and we produce kids, now every parent has a duty and feels a need and right to enforce some law in his house hold and make rules and regulations for his kids to abide by. (i know kids nowadays think it should be the other way round lol but seriously}. why do parents have a right to set rules and regulations for their kids and why do they give them a slap when they misbehave or shout at them or ground them etc...? same story, we feel that they are OUR kids and we produced them from a piece of OUR sperm and therefore they are kind of a byproduct of us therefore we own them for the first bit of their life at least not to mention that they have inelegance so they should learn and think of the consequence before acting. no matter what u say every single person on earth owes an undeniable and unrepayable price to their parents no matter what, even if their parents left them or they didnt know their parents or what ever, {and if they were really bad parents and if u see them u would want to kick their teeth out u still cannot deny that if it was not for them u would not EXIST. and to me existing in one way is way better than not existing at all.

That's probably because you exist without any life debilitating diseases. Go spend some time in the child section of a hospital and you might change your mind. Being born with HIV or sickle cell anemia is an existence many people would rather not even go through.

And some parents are worthless. I was lucky enough to have two decent parents but some people aren't that lucky and just because they may have provided the sperm or couldn't keep her legs closed and created a child doesn't mean they should automatically deserve respect. Being a parent is easy, being a mother or a father isn't.

Now lets keep looking at it from this point of view, do you think that The Creator that created you from NOTHING and made this earth for you to live on, and provided you with every single material you can see on earth and provided you with a body, hands, hearing, soul, sight, speech, brain, heart, emotion etc... etc... etc... Does not have a single right over you? lol i can almost hear those arrogant yes's.

So if I give someone something, that means I have control over them? Likewise, using your previous poor analogy, giving someone shelter or food means I have a right to control them?

Your logic seems flawed.

The only person who has control over me is me.

really just look around you where ever u are now, and i guarantee you that you wont find a single thing around you including ur laptop/pc that you have come forth with from nothing or provided uself. if u know of something, let me know? dont worry ill wait? still cant find anything huh.

The windex god has provided you with everything you have, go ahead, prove me wrong, I'll wait... :-|

Talk about arrogant... You leap from a broken foundation and fall short of landing on reality.

now dont come and say WE made laptops and not God, and We made buildings not God, and we made this and that. u didnt make F all, u used ur hands that God provided u with to make those and u used ur eyes to determine that and u used ur hearing to be able to do this, and used ur brain to create/design it, with the help of ur tong and voice to coordinate with him and her, not to mention the powerplant{heart} that keeps u ticking. if u built anything in ur life its only because God gave u all the necessary tools+materials to do so not cuz ur some retarded mutation that came by chance all ready and built with all the materials here, ready and waiting by chance.

Omg, people with no understanding of evolution should really stop talking about it...

And again, this is all part of your own personal belief system, others do not believe the same thing you do...

so let me get this straight, if ur kid is like 15 now, he robs from you, steals things from home, lies to you, hits his mother, is unkind etc... to his brothers n sisters and is so ungrateful towards you, has caused you great pain and emotional stress that u just feel so destroyed after all you provided for him and all the money spent and you worked like a mule to upbring him. would there not come a day when the minimum you would say is, get the hell out of my house and i dont wanna see you again. and thats the minimum as i think i would kick his ass all the way down the road if he even did one of those mentioned.
if u feel thats harsh or that you wouldnt do that then u need to go straight from ur pc to a mental hospital.

Yes, abandon your child. Awesome parenting bro. :finger:

So now in my view our Creator which has the power to create us, earth, space, water, animals etc... etc... has the power to punish us when we go wrong especially since he has EVERY SINGLE RIGHT over us, and we will have no power what so ever to stop that punishment if we have earned it, especially since he provided us with so much and all he wants in return is us to worship him and stay away from bad things and be patient for only such a short perioud of time since we live here for 40-70 years and then in heaven for ever? thats like telling ur elder son you love so much to stay home for 15 minutes and dont burn the house down, and you come back to find the house burnt and hes gone. who is to blame? did u force him or did he choose to do so? and thats a retarded and downplayed example which cannot even express an atom of the situation.

If the purpose of existence is to be Gods slave, I'll be smiling in Hell when I kick the bucket. Fuck slavery. Any righteous God would high five me for saying that.

people get a little knowledgeable so they feel so arrogant, and when they sit at home in the afternoon having fun and relaxing they feel safe, right up to that drunken moment of death that things and perspectives change extremely quickly.
in my view, we take our money from our hard earned cash for car insurance, house insurance, death insurance etc... and we prepare ourselves everyday for all kinds of things like going out on saturday or going to work on monday, shopping on tusday taking the kids to school in the morning etc... but have we thought about after death insurance? have we thought about preparing for death? uhhh no obviously cuz there is nothing after death right? wt ever u say i say.

What evidence do you have that there is anything after death? Show me.

Every prophet that came before us, including jesus {pbuh} had the same message and had some sort of proof of god. but people were rebellious as most are today and they loved to live life by what the devil provided so they seeked the material life which not one of us will ever succeed in catching in this life. i believe its our choice to live truths of fallacy.

What proof? Show me.

Earth is the disbelievers heaven and the believers hell we are told.
you live the way God wants you to live in a respectable slightly restricted matter and ur patient you will get whats coming to you.
you live the way the devil wants you to live then you get whats coming to you.

either way one thing is for sure which everyone can agree on, you will get whats coming to you.{death and after}

Slightly restricted? That's a bit of an understatement...

The way the devil wants you to live? aka human nature?

its alot deeper than that but i wont really bother.
i say this all the time:
you can take a horse to water but cant force him to drink, but in reality you dont need to take a horse anywhere, if he is truly thirsty then you will only find that he will use his instincts/tools that he was provided with in the first place to find it, and even if u throw him in the desert he will keep looking till he either finds it or will die in the search.

in contrast i believe that if a person is sincerely hungry for that knowledge and truth he will find it no matter what. and no its not a product of a human brain to think there is a God so then there is a God, thats such a retarded and misinformed lie.
no true believer can explain to anyone what he/she has found at the end of the search and thats for a very obvious and straight forward reason which i wont expound on.

my point of view is a muslim point of view by the way.

lol and to the missinformed person that says religions are on the decline, my reply would be your absolutly right except for one religion.
and if in our age and time and technology and brains if one religion is ploughing through like a rocket on steriods then either there is a brilliant scam or maybe its the truth. though if you like that truth or dont thats a completely different story.

price to pay comes to mind.
This is not intended to fuel dynamite, its a reply to what the topic is about not an argument.

The only reason Islam is on the rise is because of the control it keeps over it's believers and the threats of death for apostasy, along with the restrictions of freedom of speech and restrictions over the media. If westernized freedom was available in the middle east you'd see a much different picture. That's one of the reasons there is so much tension between western civilization and the middle east, they want to keep people under control, under the cloak of Islam for as long as possible, they're not stupid, they know things like freedom of speech and individualism is a HUGE THREAT to spreading Islam and their message of domination and control, so they stifle it, at every possible opportunity, and fail miserably just about every time.

You join my cult and I tell you you can't leave without being killed, ya, you'll probably stay too!