WAIT... Shhh!... did you hear that?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it's cause i take adderall

Adderall is composed of Amphetamines = Speed

Im also surrounded by some crazy shit... It's a police controlled town for sure, bad

It's not fear, it's just an alertness... Like i need to be extra careful
When the man had me on Ritilan i was a very very paranoid person. I still get the random weed paranoia like the shower episode mentioned before. That sounded extremely familiar lol. I understand your paranoia. Checking everything around you all the time. Its something you can over come. I sure have. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd like to drop the ADDerall, but I didn't have add until they stuck me on drugs... Before you can make decisions for yourself. I honestly couldn't survive in society without it now. SEVERE add. It's a rip... But i'll find a way to break it someday


Well-Known Member
Hell yah RATM gets me pumped up every time.

My band is a mix between RATM, Led Zeppelin, and Oasis. It sounds nice!
Music is the reason for living... Music and Pot... And sex...

Got a demo? My band is a mix of Muse and Beck... It's interesting :joint:


Well-Known Member
No right now we are just writing songs. I worked with a guy this summer who owned a recording studio and said he would get me in whenever we were ready. Ill let you know whenever we record some.


New Member
I got so paranoid Over the man I went home and chopped my first ever plant. All because I never got my package from nirvana and I never got a letter from customs saying it was intercepted. Yeah some weed gets me very paranoid. I'll plot out this hole fake scenario that sounds so realistic. So it is a good tool against the man if you look at paranoia preparing you for anything.


New Member
All the time. last concert I went to I plotted an escape route for me and my gf incase it got bombed or somthing. I guarentee we would have been the first ones out. I aint fucking getting trampled like the road island fire..


Well-Known Member
only if i snorted ^^

Marijuana make's me easy.... never had the feeling someone was watching me and if so ... yes i was smoking it in town.... ^^ .... Police there.... ohwell... walk the other way....

And sometimes you get ppl that say : MMMMmmmmmmmm that smells nice... ^^ there like with there kids, and you know, yep you've been a hippie ^^ :P:P


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd like to drop the ADDerall, but I didn't have add until they stuck me on drugs... Before you can make decisions for yourself. I honestly couldn't survive in society without it now. SEVERE add. It's a rip... But i'll find a way to break it someday
So true. I got put on pills when i was way to young. They said i had all this shit. I was on 3 different medications. Blood tests all the time. I didnt need it. Im fine now just smoking. I hope you do break it one day. Its hell.


Well-Known Member
YEAH! Pizip knows what i'm talking about!

Man, stoney showers are the best... Ever smoke in the shower? Great before shower sex!
Hahaha preaching to the choir, m'friend.:joint::mrgreen:

But I will admit that just recently I had a pretty bad bout of it. I was walking along the snowy sidewalks listening to Gorillaz when I saw a cop drive by, so I keep getting this weird thought that they're setting up a sting at my place (no bueno when you have enough n,n DMT, MDMA, mushrooms and ganja to put you in the stoney lonesome for a LONG time), and when I got about two streets away I started hopping fences and scoped out all along the perimeter of my place.
I don't blame the smoke (some purple haze), I blame the situation and the dreary setting (I never liked Midwestern winters), and my own paranoid arse.:hump:

Then again, never hurts to be careful, eh?


Well-Known Member
I know all about them midwest winters... icy... and dreary

Gorillaz! Top 5 favorite bands... P.S. I was talking about blur earlier this thread... same singer/guitar/songwriter