Im Done


Well-Known Member
well ive been placed on probation for 2 years and although i have my medical card i guess you still cant smoke meds while on probation so i will no longer be on this site for awhile except mabye to lurk and update my veggie garden. peace to all and i hope every ones grows tun out great:joint:
are you on probation for a federal charge? how can the state have medical mj but if that same state puts you on probation you cannot medicate? that's just stupid.
That really sucks!

Whats their reasoning behind not allowing to take meds?

yes it does and i dont know the reason except that im on probation

are you on probation for a federal charge? how can the state have medical mj but if that same state puts you on probation you cannot medicate? that's just stupid.

no, it was a felony, and ya it is stupid. they dont take peoples perscripted pain pills away.
that sucks, mcpurp.............

what got you popped?

not being nosey, but perhaps others can learn what to avoid.
Quit spamming this site with this crap !:evil:

ya i didnt know what that was and i checked it out and it had like 2 postes

that sucks, mcpurp.............

what got you popped?

not being nosey, but perhaps others can learn what to avoid.

well i wasnt really a dealer i only sold about 20 dollors worth a week to a 1 person who i thought was my good freind, it turns out he wore a wire to my house and bought weed off me for a few detectives and then they busted me and got me with possession of a firearm and distribution. they told me they would give me a deal if i turned around and snitched on someone who was more big time but i didnt because i know how it feels to have your life fucked up do to a snitch.
damn man, im sorry, that really sucks.
try and fly low for awhile man, 2 years on the books is better than 2 years in the house.
Hey Mcpurp, not to sure but it sounds like you may be from Cali? At least one of the medical states. Did you have a lawyer?

The reason I ask is because I got caught around 2 1/2 year ago for growing and "intent to sell" because they found a stash(just over an ounce) of moldy bud i kept around for some dumb reason, in a tin in my garage! Anyway, at the time both my girlfriend and I were medical patients, although we were over our legal limit so we were taken and the whole bit.
I was HUGE into growing, but not all for the money.. Just for the hobby of it, i mean, there your babies! So, I had enough a few months ago and called my lawyer to see what was up.

Even though I'm on probation, nowhere on the paperwork that I signed states I cant posses or grow medical marijuana. So, I got my card again, and started growing my 2 plants (legal limit where i live is 72!)for the hobby of it.. I'm sure you have researched and all but perhaps there is someway? Anyhow, I hope everything works out, and just keep on keepin on cause it will pass like everything else. Peace
Don't sweat it my friend! 2 years is NOTHING, and will be gone by before you realize it.
I had to quit for 5 years at one point for damned-near identical reasons (also set-up by a "friend"), but I made it through. And just think how good that first bowl is going to taste once you get off probation!!!!!
Hey Mcpurp, not to sure but it sounds like you may be from Cali? At least one of the medical states. Did you have a lawyer?

The reason I ask is because I got caught around 2 1/2 year ago for growing and "intent to sell" because they found a stash(just over an ounce) of moldy bud i kept around for some dumb reason, in a tin in my garage! Anyway, at the time both my girlfriend and I were medical patients, although we were over our legal limit so we were taken and the whole bit.
I was HUGE into growing, but not all for the money.. Just for the hobby of it, i mean, there your babies! So, I had enough a few months ago and called my lawyer to see what was up.

Even though I'm on probation, nowhere on the paperwork that I signed states I cant posses or grow medical marijuana. So, I got my card again, and started growing my 2 plants (legal limit where i live is 72!)for the hobby of it.. I'm sure you have researched and all but perhaps there is someway? Anyhow, I hope everything works out, and just keep on keepin on cause it will pass like everything else. Peace

no i live in oregon, and i still have my card but its my po who wont let me smoke, and i called a yhcf clinic the other day and they said i cant grow for my self or any one else for 5 years, but in 2 yeasr i can smoke again and get a grower.

Don't sweat it my friend! 2 years is NOTHING, and will be gone by before you realize it.
I had to quit for 5 years at one point for damned-near identical reasons (also set-up by a "friend"), but I made it through. And just think how good that first bowl is going to taste once you get off probation!!!!!

ya im down on it i jusy am mad cuz i cant grow, i dont mind not bein able to smoke although now i have to take pain pills witch sux. thanks for all the kind words guys
He needs that wire rapped tight around his nuts and hooked to car battery. 2 years can go by fast...good luck to ya
well ive been placed on probation for 2 years and although i have my medical card i guess you still cant smoke meds while on probation so i will no longer be on this site for awhile except mabye to lurk and update my veggie garden. peace to all and i hope every ones grows tun out great:joint:

hows that. who told you that. im going threw ADAPT classes right now and can still medicate. i wonder what the deffrence is. that sucks
He needs that wire rapped tight around his nuts and hooked to car battery. 2 years can go by fast...good luck to ya

ya he does, i havent seen him in my city for a year now. and when i am off probation im gona find him and have a talk with him if you know what i mean.

hows that. who told you that. im going threw ADAPT classes right now and can still medicate. i wonder what the deffrence is. that sucks

i called the thcf clinic in portland and they said that. im gonna try to fight it and protest and try to take it to the courts to change it cuz i hate pain pills witch are allowed on probation but weed isnt.
are you on probation or do you just have classes, if you can mabye talk to some people up theri and see what they say about it if you know anyone who might know
O damn man, I didn't account for what type of probation you were placed on. Sorry to hear that man, but in all honesty these guys are completely right- 2 years will definitely fly by.
ya i know bt its 2 years before i can smoke and 5 till i can grow again i dont mind the smoking part but not being able to grow is eatin me up inside. it has been my passion ever since i got into it.
well ive been placed on probation for 2 years and although i have my medical card i guess you still cant smoke meds while on probation so i will no longer be on this site for awhile except mabye to lurk and update my veggie garden. peace to all and i hope every ones grows tun out great:joint:
actually it depends on if your probation officer allows it or not. at least where i live thats how it works. i know ppl that were allowed to. maybe it depends on your charge. was it drug related? if so thats probably why because in their eyes it was probably due to irresponsibility. hopefully not cause if so you risk losing your card.
ya he does, i haven't seen him in my city for a year now. and when i am off probation im gonna find him and have a talk with him if you know what i mean.

i called the thcf clinic in portland and they said that. im gonna try to fight it and protest and try to take it to the courts to change it cuz i hate pain pills witch are allowed on probation but weed isnt.
are you on probation or do you just have classes, if you can maybe talk to some people up there and see what they say about it if you know anyone who might know

no im not on probation. i have class monday evening and i'll ass the counselor what he knows about that.