pizza guy asks me if im high


Active Member
so i am sittin here baked as fuck an im hungry as hell so i call pizza hut an order 5 opizzas an 7 things of bread sticks the guy comes over i open the door an its just me an my dog an he was russain so i really couldnt under stand so i keep saying what was that na finally he got pissed off an was LIKE ARE YOU HIGH IS IT JUST YOU I WAS LIKE YA ITS JUST ME AAN WHATS IT TO YOU IF IM HIGH OR NOT an he just walked out an i gave him a .50 cent tip lol he was pissed but i thought it was funny that he asked if i was high


Well-Known Member
so i am sittin here baked as fuck an im hungry as hell so i call pizza hut an order 5 opizzas an 7 things of bread sticks the guy comes over i open the door an its just me an my dog an he was russain so i really couldnt under stand so i keep saying what was that na finally he got pissed off an was LIKE ARE YOU HIGH IS IT JUST YOU I WAS LIKE YA ITS JUST ME AAN WHATS IT TO YOU IF IM HIGH OR NOT an he just walked out an i gave him a .50 cent tip lol he was pissed but i thought it was funny that he asked if i was high
Let me get this straight. You ordered 5 pizzas for yourself and then stiffed the delivery guy with a 50 cent tip? If I was that pizza delivery guy, you'd be getting a molotov cocktail through a window later that night.:evil:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
5 pizzas and 7 things of breadsticks for one person is madness. I don't see the reason for giving delivery guys any tip.


Active Member
ugh i bought to much i ate 2 pizzas an 4 things of bread sticks i think my stomache is going to burst an i used the last of my money so he didnt get a big tip an i ordered that much cause i thought i could eat it all i had the serious munchies


Well-Known Member
5 pizzas and 7 things of breadsticks for one person is madness. I don't see the reason for giving delivery guys any tip.
Man, I was a pizza delivery guy many, many years ago. I had to drive my own car and got like minimum wage plus mileage, which was a joke. Without tips it's totally not worth it because you end up losing money, big time!:cry:


Global Moderator
Staff member
ugh i bought to much i ate 2 pizzas an 4 things of bread sticks i think my stomache is going to burst an i used the last of my money so he didnt get a big tip an i ordered that much cause i thought i could eat it all i had the serious munchies
You seriously thought you could eat 5 pizza's and 7 orders of bread sticks in a sitting ????
Check out that show man vs food - you could be a serious contender if you can do shit like that !


Well-Known Member
Man, I was a pizza delivery guy many, many years ago. I had to drive my own car and got like minimum wage plus mileage, which was a joke. Without tips it's totally not worth it because you end up losing money, big time!:cry:
yeah thats why if i got it i always give a big tip


Active Member
i gotta check into tyhe man vs food sounds awesome an im happy cause i got really high motabolizem so i dont gain weight unless i work out an last time i accidently gave a 30 dollar tip to the same guy so he should be happy


Active Member
do you guys have anything on man vs food lol i want to try getting into eating compitions to :P i love food especially baked


Well-Known Member
$30-40 dollar tips was my average when living in Alaska, it was a 10 mile drive down a crappy road, and the house reeked of ganja...

Needless to say, our pizza guy was one cool cat.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man, I was a pizza delivery guy many, many years ago. I had to drive my own car and got like minimum wage plus mileage, which was a joke. Without tips it's totally not worth it because you end up losing money, big time!:cry:
I worked on minimum wage, i never got a tip, i had to use my own car for work related pickups and deliveries and errands, no petrol money, i didn't need that tip. If they are on minimum wage and need the tip, then they are living outside of their means, or the government needs to raise minimum wage. I see no reason to tip someone for doing their job, now if they went out of their way to make the service better, then that might warrant a tip. I mean it's not like he even cooked up the nice pizza for you, just picked up a box and made a delivery, that does not warrant a tip in my books and i would refuse it myself.