Does The Atheist Believe In LOVE? (If So) What Is The Nature Of This LOVE?


New Member
Does The Atheist Believe In LOVE? (If So) What Is The Nature Of This LOVE?

If Not, Why Don't You Believe In LOVE. Did Someone You Put Your LOVE In A Long TIME Ago Hurt You?

JESUS Parents, His Friends, Religious Leaders And Political Leaders, Turned Against HIM, Hell The Whole World (You Might As Well Say); But, HE Knew That GOD, The FATHER Is Greater Than This World.

There Is A Difference Between Religion, False Religion, Preachers, False Preachers, Right And Wrong; And The SPIRIT That Makes GOD So ORIGINAL In Contrast And Comparison To These Natural And Worldly Derivatives Of HIS DIVINE IMAGE.

Don't LET Man Or Anything In This World Or Existence Deter You From The Will Of GOD In Your LIFE.

The Devil Wins When You Turn From GOD Due To The World's Wickedness.



Undercover Mod
How many other beliefs do you still cling onto from the bronze age?

You really need to live your life for yourself.

Jesus Christ was just a man. A con artist looking for a free ride. Sure he was a philosopher and he had the right message.

Religion is outdated social control, I have my own set of morals and they are not from some shining light in the sky.


Undercover Mod
I'm quite free sir. I usually do as I please. I hold restraint from committing any crime that has a victim.

Lust is the need to procreate. That is the only meaning in life. To FUCK and LIVE.

The Potologist

Active Member
This guy doesn't like the littlest bit of confrontation to his ideas.
Word, most Christian Missionaries dont. They used to just behead the non believer. Now they think that can use words to brainswash ....Christian and there "calling to convert". They need to realize that they are not holding a phone to thier head...rather a hot Iron :)

Since when does being a Atheist mean you dont have or exp. love? Someone get me a doctor please :) Im fuckin confused dudes :)


Well-Known Member
What the fuck does being an atheist have anything to do with love? Just another baseless attack against non-believers? Funny how I continually hear about how atheists are teh mean aggressors against the poor, poor Jebus followers.


Active Member
How many other beliefs do you still cling onto from the bronze age?

You really need to live your life for yourself.

Jesus Christ was just a man. A con artist looking for a free ride. Sure he was a philosopher and he had the right message.

Religion is outdated social control, I have my own set of morals and they are not from some shining light in the sky.
Preach it brother!!!


Active Member
Call it what you will love does exist. Lust is our natural desire to reproduce. Love is a creation of the advanced state of human knowledge. A negative when looking at it from a evolutionary point of view. If there was only lust and not love everybody would reproduce at an exponential rate thus furthering the spieces, until you cross the line in to a population overload and end the speices.


Active Member
Sorry for the three posts in a row, i got a lot to say. My mushroom experience (first and only so far) opened my eyes to true atheism. I always questioned and always have identified myself as athiest but until that experience i never realized what athiesm truly is. Belief that life is life and when you die you fucking die. We will NEVER know why were here or where were going and i hate to break it to you but life's short and we should not be wasting it for some falsely promised,never proved, idea of going to heaven. LIVE FOR THE SAKE OF LIVING. REPRODUCE. LOVE. WANDER. live your life without purpose other than to make the lives of others easier. and they will do the same. take mushrooms. open your eyes and your mind.


Active Member
I think he means that because atheists dont believe in anything than they must not possess the ability to believe in love. Although yes its a baseless attack against us. it does make some sense where he is coming from.


New Member
In this world life is only what your make it . 5,000 years ago when men were mostly savage aniamls Some one had to put the fear of god into them. But honestly these people who feared god were turned to SLAVES !~ the truth is this if you are a free thinker and think that why jesus Christ was crusified on the cross why ? why was it that only the worest of criminals were crusified ? why ? i have found out why ! Jesus did read the jewish bible the TORAH ! do not get it comfused with the muslim bible the KORAN In the Jewish bible it was ok to kill " Gentiles " but a jew is sacred because they bleived what moses recived from GOD to be able to scare the jews into slavery. The bottom line is Jesus found this out and preached against the Jews ! He was Murdered for proving that jews are all bad a faluse people theye are not gods choosen people . Did you know Jew are the real decendentsof " Kain " ? you know kain who killed able ? please read your bible and find out the true turth of ancestory.

The Potologist

Active Member
In this world life is only what your make it . 5,000 years ago when men were mostly savage aniamls Some one had to put the fear of god into them. But honestly these people who feared god were turned to SLAVES !~ the truth is this if you are a free thinker and think that why jesus Christ was crusified on the cross why ? why was it that only the worest of criminals were crusified ? why ? i have found out why ! Jesus did read the jewish bible the TORAH ! do not get it comfused with the muslim bible the KORAN In the Jewish bible it was ok to kill " Gentiles " but a jew is sacred because they bleived what moses recived from GOD to be able to scare the jews into slavery. The bottom line is Jesus found this out and preached against the Jews ! He was Murdered for proving that jews are all bad a faluse people theye are not gods choosen people . Did you know Jew are the real decendentsof " Kain " ? you know kain who killed able ? please read your bible and find out the true turth of ancestory.
Not that I own a bible to read, but if I did...I am sure I would be totally out of ANYTHING to start a fire....hint hint hint :)

7 years of bible school have taught me that the bible has a holding device....its called the garbage can :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Active Member
Not that I own a bible to read, but if I did...I am sure I would be totally out of ANYTHING to start a fire....hint hint hint :)

7 years of bible school have taught me that the bible has a holding device....its called the garbage can :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness
I disagree entirely, the bible is the single most popular and greatest work of FICTION of all time.


Well-Known Member
well as a judge once told me, "son you're smoking the evil weed from the devils garden".