Does The Atheist Believe In LOVE? (If So) What Is The Nature Of This LOVE?


Well-Known Member
Does The Atheist Believe In LOVE? (If So) What Is The Nature Of This LOVE?

If Not, Why Don't You Believe In LOVE. Did Someone You Put Your LOVE In A Long TIME Ago Hurt You?

JESUS Parents, His Friends, Religious Leaders And Political Leaders, Turned Against HIM, Hell The Whole World (You Might As Well Say); But, HE Knew That GOD, The FATHER Is Greater Than This World.

There Is A Difference Between Religion, False Religion, Preachers, False Preachers, Right And Wrong; And The SPIRIT That Makes GOD So ORIGINAL In Contrast And Comparison To These Natural And Worldly Derivatives Of HIS DIVINE IMAGE.

Don't LET Man Or Anything In This World Or Existence Deter You From The Will Of GOD In Your LIFE.

The Devil Wins When You Turn From GOD Due To The World's Wickedness.

"Love" is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own... Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy. - Robert H. Heinlein. Love has nothing to do with religion.

As far as atheist, christian, etc, I believe you being a staunch christian know me as an "abomination." I think I'm starting to prefer that title to be honest.

I do notice a quite a bit of psychological manipulation in the way you wrote it, what you decided to color, capitalize, etc, They are normally referred to as "marketing tricks" used when someone is trying to sell something...just sayin...


Well-Known Member
There is no love, only lust.
Let me correct you, YOU don't love, you only lust. Thats a personal shortcoming we do not all share, I have enough of my own without taking up yours to.... :blsmoke:

Wow...though seriously the fact that someone convinced themselves that before one dude walked through history no one knew what love was. Really? We have a battery from 8 century b.c., but they weren't capable of love? I'm starting to see this correlation between zealots and a complete abandonment of straight common sense.