oh boy heres that drama.
lol, first of bro uv reminded me a few times that "its my own belief", im not sure why u did that a few times, as i know its
"my own belief"
i thought i was pretty clear to mention it a few times, maybe i should have put a disclamer?
This doesn't seem pointless to you? Sit down and think about what you just said for 10 seconds, read it, then think about it... God made humans forget the truth in order to test them... Why not just give humans "the truth" from the start so all of God's creations don't need to be tested?
The whole purpose of Earth and our existence on it is pointless if you're a believer.
um im not sure how ur looking at it, but since im claiming there is a god i dont think we have a say in why and how we should be treated or tested since we didnt exist before that and we are not in control of the situation, i wouldnt expect ur or my retarded limited capacity and general retardation to be able to think and comprehend why and when and how. i mean seriously if ur trying to match ur thinking with a being so powerful as to create us and the whole universe around us, then i think uv watched way too much discovery channel.
and im not sure what ur idea of God is but i think the image u reflect is some kind of a stupid being that is proper clumsy and does things for no reason. NOT WHO IM TALKING ABOUT.
Well technically you'll be dead right, so you wont be capable of finding anything out at that point
No, thats your view, u seem a bit confused. you see while you dont think there is anything after death thats you, i on the other hand believe otherwise, and ur life for eternity will only start when u die. {it might not make sence to you i know}
I also believe in the punishment of the grave, where every soul will be questioned. {oh dear, sounds like a bad dearm n pretty out there}
That's something I simply can't accept. Show me some evidence to support this claim. You're claiming "God is above us, beyond us, too much for us to know, too much for us to understand because he's just too complex"... well OK, that might actually be true, who knows? Show me some evidence to support it. You can't just say "this shit is just too complicated to understand, so you just have to take my word for it...", that's the bullshit claim that doesn't go anywhere because that's not how science works. If it's a natural occurrence within our universe, it can be studied by modern science, if not it's supernatural which renders it outside the realm of science completely which makes it useless
lol first of all where did i ask you to accept anything? second of all i dont need to show u any evidence, its not my job.{ref. to the story of the horse and try and understand the meaning since ur smart enough}. Finally i appreciate ur point of view, maybe u should try posting it in a seperate full post?
"this shit is just too complicated to understand, so you just have to take my word for it"
can u show me where u quoted that from? im sorry i couldnt find it in my post, u must be seeing things.{im waiting for copy paste}
incase you have a difficulty decyphering my text, "MY POINT OF VIEW"
One could seriously argue the point you don't actually own it. It's simply a member of the family, like a son or daughter.
son or daugter lol. i mean are u serious. do you put ur kids in a cage? do you put a collar on them when u go out?
iv owned a lot of animals in the past, and we usually use that in a figure of speech type of way not literally.
Dairy and poultry farmers might argue that their animals are a piece of property as they're used for certain purposes around the farm.
owww thats brilliant really, {Fill in the blank: Farmers ___W___ animals as pieces of property to make money, they slaughters them too etc...}
It depends on who you ask and how you look at it...
I didnt ask anyone and thats how "I look at it" for the 10th time.
This is a poor analogy because animals are not aware of the extent of reality as humans are.
which makes you a human and not an animal. special might come to mind. so your clearly saying you agree that you have the capacity to comprehend things on another level than an animal, which in turn means you have the capacity to figure truth from false and you can realise when you do things sincerly or only act as if your being sincer. it basically means that if uv been given those tools then your able to choose to use them wisely and correctly or
(which means ur writing ur will in ur own hands and choosing your own way, if ur right about things your saved, if your wrong{OUCH}.
{in my own view})
That's probably because you exist without any life debilitating diseases. Go spend some time in the child section of a hospital and you might change your mind. Being born with HIV or sickle cell anemia is an existence many people would rather not even go through.
first of all dont worry iv seen my share of hospitals thx for the tour. there you go again with ur invalid view of God and judging with ur extensive
NOT judgment skills.
And some parents are worthless. I was lucky enough to have two decent parents but some people aren't that lucky and just because they may have provided the sperm or couldn't keep her legs closed and created a child doesn't mean they should automatically deserve respect. Being a parent is easy, being a mother or a father isn't.
HAHA. your unreal, really go back to the post and copy and paste where i said. "
they should automatically deserve respect".{ill be waiting for a copy paste of that too}
So if I give someone something, that means I have control over them? Likewise, using your previous poor analogy, giving someone shelter or food means Ihave a right to control them?
This is interesting, U are not a creator, U have control over nothing, not even ur blood pressure, U have not created any earths or universes or hells or heavens or any living creature on earth, not even a fly, and you certainlly have not givin anyone life. throw ur ass in a high goverment seat and ur tone will change.
The windex god has provided you with everything you have, go ahead, prove me wrong, I'll wait...
lol i have no clue what a windex god is, and i dont need to prove anything to you. ur like a lil kid. ohhhh did my post annoy you?
If the purpose of existence is to be Gods slave, I'll be smiling in Hell when I kick the bucket. Fuck slavery. Any righteous God would high five me for saying that. lol okidoki tough guy.
you keep asking me to show you this and that, lol what a guy. for the last time, I DONT NEED TO SHOW YOU ANYTHING, you believe your right then right on sunshine

no problem here.
the next 2 things you said are pretty retarded so im not even gona bother replying.
Ill end you with this.
The only reason Islam is on the rise is because of the control it keeps over it's believers and the threats of death for apostasy, along with the restrictions of freedom of speech and restrictions over the media.If westernized freedom was available in the middle east you'd see a much different picture. That's one of the reasons there is so much tension between western civilization and the middle east, they want to keep people under control, under the cloak of Islam for as long as possible, they're not stupid, they know things like freedom of speech and individualism is a HUGE THREAT to spreading Islam and their message of domination and control, so they stifle it, at every possible opportunity, and fail miserably just about every time.
You join my cult and I tell you you can't leave without being killed, ya, you'll probably stay too!
thank you for your information on "the only reason islam is on the rise". first of all you chat rubbish and uv exposed yourself enough till now.
falsehood will always fail and be exposed infront of rightousness. {thats my point of view and the truth now and always}
boy you had to go and embarras yourself like this, some of you guys jus keep cumin for more dont you and you defo dont learn.
First of all this is your link to your thread that you started on 07-20-2010 02:58 PM:{11 days ago}
This is the 1st post that you made, i do encourage everyone to follow the thread and read it, its only 2 pages.
{topic: Is organized religion on the rise or fall?}
"IMO, it's definitely on the fall. With the surge in atheism and disbelief in the United States over the past 15-20 years, we've reached 14% of the population last time I checked. This has led to PANIC in religious circles! They don't know what the hell to do! Like I've said before, back in the day they could just kill you and that would be that, but now with western societies laws they have to sit there and take all the scientific bitch slaps! When they stand up and oppose it now, they have to come with more than just death threats, and the more they oppose it, the dumber they look! Case in point";
Clearly from your post you had 0 knowledge about islam, and were very cocky in ur speech thinking ur the guy with the jokes.
this was my 1st post:
actually da only religion that is blooming at a phenominal rate is Islam. especially in western countries and there is nothing from science that has contradicted it {so far}, on the contrary, actually its side by side with modern science. and because its on the rise in that manner it means its a threat to alot of governments etc... which is why we have the war on terror{or more accurately The War on Islam}.
and funny enough 60-70% of converts to Islam from western countries are women. {so much for the fairy tale of Islam mistreating women}.
Then you gave a reply and i replied to your whole post and its this below: {
bold is my reply}
I appreciate your opinion, but I think you're mistaken about a few things.
Nothing from modern science that contradicts Islam? nop - nothing
I've never read the Quran before but that can't be a true statement. Why isn't the whole world Muslim if that's the case?
why cant it be? Muslims "claim" that the Holy Quran is a perfect book from "God", and further more The Quran goes furthur on with a challenge to mankind.
and i would love to explain to you why the whole world isnt Muslim but i think its self explanatory if u just give it a lil push n try n figure it out.
You're saying everything inside the Quran and Islam is scientifically accurate? Yup and even more so than accurate. {pretty bold statement i know}
The "War on Terror" is all about $$$, fueled by animosity both organized religions provide, Christianity and Islam.
Its way deeper than what you think you see, its never face value.
I'd like a source for your 60%-70% statistic about converts to Islam. That honestly doesn't sound accurate at all.
lol i dnt need to provide u with Islamic sources as they "obviouslly FAKE", so just watch some CNN, MBC, etc... its all on there.
and im not sure where u live, but were i am you don't need a report to see the spread, Churches are closing down and Mosques are being built, and on Fridays you cant even cross the streets and most of the faces are White's, African's, Asians etc... u don't even see the Pakistanis or Arabs anymore its all foreign converts.
Doesn't "Islam" mean "submit"?
Islam is "the one who submits to Gods/will"
Have you ever heard of Theo van Gogh?
Yes and really i have no reply, im not sure why it was presented anyway.
then i replied again and thought id provide you with "Sources for my Statistics":
here ill help you out.
CNN TV Report.
either people are crazy, or others arnt reading between the lines.
either way everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. that was just my opinion on the topic thats all, not trying to stir anything up.
after that, the other guy jumped in to help you out but poor him he got a little toasted and retreated with no reply till now especially since iv seen him online loads. all that time you had gone quiet after my posts and had no idea what to say, since my last 2 posts on 07-27-2010 07:29 AM. your last cocky post to me was on the 07-21-2010 03:44 PM then you went on hush mode til now{11}days later.
back to that last post of yours:
If westernized freedom was available in the middle east you'd see a much different picture. That's one of the reasons there is so much tension between western civilization and the middle east, they want to keep people under control, under the cloak of Islam for as long as possible, they're not stupid, they know things like freedom of speech and individualism is a HUGE THREAT to spreading Islam and their message of domination and control, so they stifle it, at every possible opportunity, and fail miserably just about every time.
So 11 days ago you were a complete retard on the subject, now all of a sudden you bust out lines like HUGE THREAT and fail miserably and talk like you know it all and ur expert number one????
now lets get back to your first post
Dude, I don't mean to single you out, but some of this stuff has to be addressed.
let me reword that more apropriately DUDE:
Dude, I mean to single you out, because you kinda like shut me up on my own thread and shut another guy up in the process n killed the thread and im pretty islamophobic too, so i thought ill be smart and try and get you back on this thread. i dont know what im talking about and have 0 knowledge so im going to use my lieing and fake experties profile to get you. "SMART MODE ON"
Damn that muslim, he got me again.grrr...
Maybe i should have thought it through before i started typing. since i claim that i have controle over me, then i should be able to try and think with my brain the next time before i reply.
You join my cult and I tell you you can't leave without being killed, ya, you'll probably stay too!
really you should go on holiday or do something more interesting with ur time than talk rubbish and lie.