quick question?


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever used miraclegro rose plant food(18-24-16) during flowering? If so, how'd your buds turn out? Thanks.


Active Member
it'll work, but like phyzix said, too much nitrogen. during flowering you want your N a little lower than that,

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
id stay away fromn miricle grow. scotts and peters foods. all owned by miricicle grow and are not for weed. way toxic and wrong food sources they use. most never even see a harvest using it from bad salting...# are way way to high

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
nonhe of it is fine..do you even know what they use as a food source..fert the lawn and let your dog lick it...see how long it lives....its as bad as antifreeze. you would smoke that....eeewww.
if thats all ya can get sure but for me i care what i put in me.


Well-Known Member
nonhe of it is fine..do you even know what they use as a food source..fert the lawn and let your dog lick it...see how long it lives....its as bad as antifreeze. you would smoke that....eeewww.
if thats all ya can get sure but for me i care what i put in me.
are you a tree hugging, vegan, conservative hippy or something? as long as you stop giving it nutes 2 weeks prior to havest and flush the last couple of days you don't taste anything but bud.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
no ...im sik and dyin so i care what i intake..whats wrong with that.
and youve tested to see if the food realy is gone???...we have. and a 2 week flush looses lots of THC down the drain to. min 5 or more% each time we water. been tested and proven


Well-Known Member
It will work very well - a bit of XS nitrogen will be just ignored by the plant. But good levels of P and K, which is what a flowering plant needs.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
there's nothing wrong with using MG. I've used it for ever and I'm still kicking. Like was posted., you need to flush with water 2 weeks prior. don't listen to whoever say MG is no good, for they apparently don't know themselves. Bloom Booster will be better for buddding than the plant food.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya so you ever have it tested top see what in it...like i said we have and it isnt good. and no a plant dosent need p and k in bloom..its more n than phos in bloom to. lijke to know how the other co test on pot as its illegal to for them...but not us as im legal and work for a nute co...and we have Dr testing ours and others to compare them.,this isbnt a guess..its been fact proven by science and testing facilities.

and you didnt read..i said it kills your poets not you..google the miricle grpow and the fda..youll see the law suits. some ferts they use are even making their own staff ill because its reacvting with their smoking habbits. so instead of removing the nasty tioxin form the line they fire them..many law suits over that. and to me that alone is enough to stay away. all about profits it seems and dont care about their own staffs health

is funny its always the ones that dont test stuff saying mg is fine...its ok..enjoy the chemiacls, less potency and less yields.


Well-Known Member
ya so you ever have it tested top see what in it...like i said we have and it isnt good. and no a plant dosent need p and k in bloom..its more n than phos in bloom to. lijke to know how the other co test on pot as its illegal to for them...but not us as im legal and work for a nute co...and we have Dr testing ours and others to compare them.,this isbnt a guess..its been fact proven by science and testing facilities.

and you didnt read..i said it kills your poets not you..google the miricle grpow and the fda..youll see the law suits. some ferts they use are even making their own staff ill because its reacvting with their smoking habbits. so instead of removing the nasty tioxin form the line they fire them..many law suits over that. and to me that alone is enough to stay away. all about profits it seems and dont care about their own staffs health

is funny its always the ones that dont test stuff saying mg is fine...its ok..enjoy the chemiacls, less potency and less yields.
Plants like nitrogen in bloom? Never heard that one before.


Well-Known Member
So what if MG is all I can find or afford for bloom? Do you recommend water only for bloom, or the mg? And btw, I'vew used mg high nitrogen fert for veggie for the past 3 years and it works pretty good. Buds turned out decent too with nothing but water. Looking for bigger buds this year but on a tight budget.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
the guy's a fucking moron and doesn't even grow weed, he works for some guy named dr. doo-little and coming off as a know it all. hey, Medi, get a grow of your own and stop telling everyone on here how to grow their weed. I've used MG for many many years and it doesn't do SHIT to you as long as you flush with water prior to harvest. 1 come on here to help ppl. with their grows and all you do is cut everyone down for the way they grow. You work in a lab, big fucking deal, I work with the real thing and have had excellent yields and results each and every fucking year!!!! Find yourself another site to spread your bullshit for I ain't buying it.