Big Problems


Well-Known Member
i'm not defending cheesy but equating the despicable practice of curb stomping to being a nazi is quite a stretch don't you think?
I think he said nazi because cheeseboy said black kids money instead of just some kid there for sounding like a nazi


Well-Known Member
welllll.... sounds like he deserved whats happened to him.....

"he ditched me cuz i ripped some black kids ten dollars.. then i kicked his ass after i got a taxi cab... he moved out and said i better not count my chickens and then i went looking for a gun... couldn't find one... so im going to get a machete... and then post all of it on the internet... on a marijuana growing website because im growing weed" ....

stupidest shit ive read on this forum... and theres been plenty of stupid shit ive read here... let u kick my ass and me move out n still have a key... haha... ull be waking up in the morning with nothing... not even the blanket and pillow u were sleeping with... hahahahaha....get that machete and vertically slit ur wrists.


Well-Known Member
How'd you not get a snot bubble knocked outta your eye by the "BLACK" kid who's ten spot you ripped up is beyond me.

But it pretty much sounds like you're getting everything you deserve.


Active Member
Originally Posted by email468

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.

i dont know where you got this from man but it sure cracked me up. i think you made my day. thanks