It's all so you the consumer will quit driving the same car you've had forever and go buy a new one that is more envirofriendly. Cause us humans have the answer to everything right. What if Henry Ford statring cranking out hydrigen cars a long time ago. Wouldn't we have to much water in our environment? I don't know just to many people with too much certainty in themselves. There is alot more things that we can't control. So instead of realizing it. The sheeple allow themselves into being scared of THE GLOBAL WARMING. It's called a state of fear. They keep you scared and you go to walmart to buy duct tape an plastic to protect your home. I remember in the early eighties it was the global cooling scare. Remember the summer before 911 and news stories wer nil? All ya heard about was the shark attacks in florida. If you took a couple minutes to research it on your own instead off CNN BREAKING (faking) NEWS, you would discover it was nearly a record breaking LOW in shark attacks. Makin mountains outta mole hills. State of Fear. Actually Michael Crichton has a book that goes into this stuff and it is called State of Fear. It has alot of factual info and references but it's presented in a novel form with a storyline so you are'nt bored trying to decypher the information. Anyway I could go on forever...
i love this post.
i love my '79 dodge 4 x 4 with the RV cam.
i love the book "state of fear". just finished it.
i love gorilla tape.
i love walmart.