is this a silly question.


Well-Known Member
WTF, man. If you really want hardcore science regarding the 'original nature' of the mj plant, get a few scientific books on mj cultivation and horticulture. The status quo is that female mj plants are vastly superior to the males, like it or not.


Well-Known Member
sorry man...didn't mean to ruffel feathers....just thought I would put forward what I was thinking....but....wattev.


New Member
I think that there is some truth to this, I mean we can determine the sex of anything in the world, so why not seeds? lol but thats just me rambling on because im high lol


Well-Known Member
didn't mean any hostility :joint: i just didn't dig the comment about having a pollin sack shoved up my pune. Sounds like something a nerdy masterbating horticulture major would say.


Well-Known Member
It is entirely possible that some males contain thc in as high or possibly even higher concentrations than some females,i.e. a bigbud female may contain 5% thc yet produce 90 grams of sweet smokable surface area whereas an ak47 hybrid male may or will contain 22% thc but only produce 10 grams of not very nice smokable material.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
But the pollen in the ass thing makes you sound like a faggot.

But hey, if thats what you are into.


Well-Known Member
Really though, it's true that a male white widow, e.g., will be more potent and thus contain more thc than, say, a female generic ditchweed-shwag. But when compared to the males of their own strain, the female plants are stronger.


Well-Known Member
well i am female and i would still have to disagree, the female form displays more beauty in many diffrent instances from my point of view. As far as the seeds go, i keep a journal of all the seeds i have plant and no patterns in realtion to size of seeds and sex. You could try your own experiment?

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
dude, theres no way to judge sex by a seed, unless its feminized, and even then i guess they could still be male... did you also know that in nature, females are usually larger than males due to the more complex reproductive organs/organelle? not always true, but it sounds like your talking about the "normal" way of things...

just grow em all until they're sexed, then clone them beeeitches


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of seeds so lets try it with 4 seeds and see what happens.
I will take some pics and try as best as i can to select 2 supposedly female seeds and 2 supposedly male seeds and see what comes out.