Flowering ? Please help


Active Member
My plants are almost 5 weeks old and are about 6-9 inches tall. Ive kept them vegging under CFL's and some sunlight. They are extremely healthy. I was just wonder if now is a good time to start flowering? I don't want answers like you can flower whenever you want or anything like that. They are currently on a 24/0 lighting schedule. They are not showing any preflowers yet. One plant has been topped and has started showing alternate nodes. Should I should flowering now or wait a few more weeks? I am limited on height right now so I dont want them to grow to tall. Helpp!
-The WeedxManxEli!!!!!


Active Member
they will double or tripple in size, so change to 12/12 at say a ft. if you want them to be around 2 1/2 or 3 feet hope this helps


Active Member
ive flowered anywhere from 12/12 from seed to veging from 2 weeks to anywhere up to 4 months....depends how big you want em. the longer you veg the more yield obviously, just figure out what you can do in your space and what not. id keep the lights a normal of 16-20 inches away from the tops of plants. just to get a rough estimate like i said take inches x 3 for your estimated max height once changed to 12/12, yours are roughly 10 inches max right now so thats 30 inches, if you flipped to flower now expect them to get anywhere to about 3 ft tall


Active Member
ohh sorry and if you got them room most people will say its best to wait til you have interchanging nodes


Active Member
got to agree with him, im limited on light for my closet so i've already switched to 12/12, they were like 6 or 7 weeks old, and around 10 inches tall. if you can wait till they alternte nodes thats their way of showing sexual maturity.


Active Member
Ok. If I start flowering next Wednesday (which would be 6 weeks) and about another 2- 4 inches taller. How much do you think I should yield? It would be 3 plants about 8- 12 inches tall. How much do you think I would yeild from them?


Active Member
Ok. If I start flowering next Wednesday (which would be 6 weeks) and about another 2- 4 inches taller. How much do you think I should yield? It would be 3 plants about 8- 12 inches tall. How much do you think I would yeild from them?
its a question no one can tell you. all depends on genetics and conditions. its different all the time. wish i could help ya on that.


Active Member
under ideal situations most people say you can get damn near 1 gram a watt. so yes if you grow it right i can see you getting a ounce no problem, not everyone can get a gram a watt though


Active Member
Oh. Okay. I hope to get a gram a watt of every 3 watts. Thats still good with 3 23W Bulbs just to start flowering stage.


Active Member
how many plants, with only 23 watt cfls you might be under doing yourself also, you can grow with that but i wouldnt expect alot. i dunno never done a whole cfl grow, but from what i can think off my head is thats around 23000 lumnes? and what spectrum?


Active Member
Oh. Okayy. I'm hoping to get at least an ounce. Think that'll happen?
i've seen a single plant yield anywhere from an eigth, indoor micro grows, to a pound or more, outdoor long season grows. a friend of mine just croped 2.5 dry on a 4 week veg and 9 or 10 week flower on a cfl grow.