Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk

Silent Running

Active Member
They are all so cute. Now I have to show my puppies (not the ones in the av). The first two are my Jack Russell boys when I first got them. They are two and a half months old in that picture. They are 10 months old now (Einstein on left and Rayden on right). In front of the fire is my toy Fox Terrier/Rat Terrier mix (Champ) and the last picture is tons of fun...female Jack (Hailey). I have two cats, Hades and Kayla...but I think they snuck in and deleted all the pictures I have of them. Wait...Newp, found one.



Well-Known Member
I love Jack Russells but my wife wanted a Corgi so bad, I was looking at those too, they're perfect for small homes.

Silent Running

Active Member
Jack Russels are pretty hyper too yea?
I guess that depends on how much exercise they get. Mine are very energetic which can translate to hyper. But they jog with me and I make sure to exercise them twice a day. I don't have hyper issues with them. Now with my toy fox terrier...extremely hyper. No matter how much exercise he gets, he is still ready to keep going. He has enough energy to power a small country.

Silent Running

Active Member
Second pic is my toy terrier standing off a 5 month old pincher. My terrier thinks he is 20x his size and has the attitude to match. The other one was my grandmother's corgi. He was an awesome dog and lived to be 17.



Well-Known Member
Long lived life for him.

My fiance wants a toy dog of some sort, I just feel my boxer will eat it alive.