• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you.

If you really believe that "Socialism" is a destructive force, tell me why Canada has a stronger economy and better healthcare.

Try to do this without invoking a vast international conspiracy to enrich countries with "un-American" policies in order to make white men look bad and found a thousand year afroreich of anti-constitution welfare eating lizard niggers.

Or countries with historically corrupt and broke governments (Greece, Italy, All of Latin America).


*republican in this case also denotes "conservative", "constitutionalist", "libertarian", "tea-partier" and any other name for somebody who votes Republican in every election but is embarrassed about it.


Well-Known Member
whats your deal, i'm a registered republican. sounds like your the paranoid crazy person. smoke a joint and chill out a bit. "thousand year afroreich of anti-constitution welfare eating lizard niggers." what the fuck have you been smoking, and can you let me in on that shit.


Well-Known Member
Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you.

If you really believe that "Socialism" is a destructive force, tell me why Canada has a stronger economy and better healthcare.

Try to do this without invoking a vast international conspiracy to enrich countries with "un-American" policies in order to make white men look bad and found a thousand year afroreich of anti-constitution welfare eating lizard niggers.

Or countries with historically corrupt and broke governments (Greece, Italy, All of Latin America).


*republican in this case also denotes "conservative", "constitutionalist", "libertarian", "tea-partier" and any other name for somebody who votes Republican in every election but is embarrassed about it.
A higher percentage of Canadians have access to healthcare than Americans but make no mistake about it, our healthcare is better.

Brush up on your history and look at the reasons why we broke off from Great Britians tyranny and get back to me.


Active Member
Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you.

If you really believe that "Socialism" is a destructive force, tell me why Canada has a stronger economy and better healthcare.

Try to do this without invoking a vast international conspiracy to enrich countries with "un-American" policies in order to make white men look bad and found a thousand year afroreich of anti-constitution welfare eating lizard niggers.

Or countries with historically corrupt and broke governments (Greece, Italy, All of Latin America).


*republican in this case also denotes "conservative", "constitutionalist", "libertarian", "tea-partier" and any other name for somebody who votes Republican in every election but is embarrassed about it.
Who cares what you think about Republicans or America, your Canadian.


Well-Known Member
america would kick canadas ass. but republicans and democrats are all pieces of shit. our politicians were supposed to be made of regular citizens who do their best to serve the needs of the people. there was never supposed to be a rich ass "career politician" who served the interests of corporations and other countries, abuses tax dollars, and all the other bullshit they all do. our economy is fucked and we give other countries billions of dollars every year. republican and democrat politicians are all liars, hypocrites, and they think they are above the law. fuck them all if they would stop acting like children they might be able to improve their own country a little bit. i am ashamed to have such retards running my country


Well-Known Member
you call it a immature rant then rep me for it? that was not an immature rant i am dead serious.


Well-Known Member
A higher percentage of Canadians have access to healthcare than Americans but make no mistake about it, our healthcare is better.

Brush up on your history and look at the reasons why we broke off from Great Britians tyranny and get back to me.
a higher percentage of canadians have access to health care when compared to america, therefore their system is BETTER.

america's health care is good, if you can afford it. and even then it's not great, just ask glenn beck:


this debate is kinda pointless because health care just got overhauled in the US. we have to see how the changes pan out....

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you.

*republican in this case also denotes "conservative", "constitutionalist", "libertarian", "tea-partier" and any other name for somebody who votes Republican in every election but is embarrassed about it.
Indeed, we are fiction based life forms, bigot mongers, nazis and yada yada etc ad nausium.

Thats a wide sweeping brush you got there. In case it escaped your attention.... people of the Republican persuasion who frequent a forum such as this.... are most likely a different breed than Super Church Conservatives, Neo-Cnservatives etc.

As for people being frightened of Socialism.... Environmentalists should be scared shitless of Socialism. Seriously.


To the post above, I wrote libertarian and constitutionalist on purpose. I realize that nobody on this board is going to be a corporatist megachurcher, but it you vote republican your giving your support to their larger agenda. Your personal politics aren't heard when you tick off the box beside the republican candidates name.

As far as my "rant" failing, me not knowing why America seceded (lol you think we don't learn the history of the North American continent here or something?) or my opinion being invalid because I'm canadian goes.....


Why is Canada's economy stronger?

Why do we have better public service?

I can keep poking you like this all day...


Well-Known Member
The fact that Canada does not have 12 to 30 million illegals competing with your citizens for jobs, as well as public services might be the difference.

But........ if your healthcare is so good why do your wealthy come to the USA for medical treatment?


Here in Canada we have some smaller clinics with co-pays (no private hospitals) and that really takes care of the rich people who can't wait in line for hip surgery like everybody else.

A very slim minority of wealthy Canadians (very slim) goes to America to pay out the ass for surgery because you don't have to wait for anything if your rich in America.

I think the second group is ideologically opposed to living in Canada, they are pissed off at our high top tax rate and just do it to tell people that they do it.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
The fact that Canada does not have 12 to 30 million illegals competing with your citizens for jobs, as well as public services might be the difference.
Another HUGE difference is that Canada doesn't have the same NIMBY problem we do. Canada is our primary go to Country when we outsource pollution. Since Canada doesnt mind exploiting its natural resources. IF it weren't for the environmental disaster, and largest point source in North America for Sulfur dioxide & acid rain.. the Inco Mine... the Toyota Prius wouldnt even be possible. If you didnt mind Drilling it up Sarah Palin style.... we would have to outsource more drilling to Nigeria or Saudi Arabia.

Our NIMBY's who cant tolerate a nieghbor with a Clothesline will soon be outsourcing our 300ft tall wind turbines to 10 miles inside Canada so no American has to look at the eyesore.

Dont act like you lot don't have your fair share of "stoopid". Canada recently switched census forms, to a shorter less invasive one to "appease the Ron Paul Tea Party Base"...


We do have stoopids, but they weren't demanding a change to the census form. That was our federal Conservative government bullying the public sector out of a few hundred jobs! It was kind of a Canadian version of an "executive order", parliament doesn't sit in summer, and took everyone off guard! Just doing what Conservative governments do.


They are truly atrocious. Aformentioned Conservatives aren't helping matters, they make us look like asses (compared to bullshit polluters like China even) at international environmental meetings.

I would agree about NIMBYism. Canadians aren't afraid of an ugly landscape if they know it will benefit them. This attitude carries over to a much more important part of public debate however. TAX POLICY. We aren't afraid to pay up if it will improve our lives.

Booze is very expensive here, my one gripe about our tax policy.


Well-Known Member
The fact that Canada does not have 12 to 30 million illegals competing with your citizens for jobs, as well as public services might be the difference.

But........ if your healthcare is so good why do your wealthy come to the USA for medical treatment?
it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that in Canada patient care comes before cost. the all holy "profit-motive" was removed from health care.

it has nothing to do with the fact that Canada does not allow patents for medicine, so if a company wants to sell their medicine in canada, they have to provide the 'recipe' so that cheaper Canadian-made generics are widely available.

there's NOOTHING to do with how the US spent itself into bankruptcy with enless war.

it doesn't have anything to do with how the US has the largest prison population of any place on earth, spending more on locking up it's own citizens....


it's those damn illegals. who don't work for shit but get all the perks.... right?? those illegals, who don't clean houses, cut lawns, paint, clean toilets, and shine shoes...... it's them, the 'non-working' illegals......:joint:


Well-Known Member
Every republican* on this board is paranoid, gullible and crazy. I'm glad I don't have to share a country with you.

If you really believe that "Socialism" is a destructive force, tell me why Canada has a stronger economy and better healthcare.

Try to do this without invoking a vast international conspiracy to enrich countries with "un-American" policies in order to make white men look bad and found a thousand year afroreich of anti-constitution welfare eating lizard niggers.

Or countries with historically corrupt and broke governments (Greece, Italy, All of Latin America).


*republican in this case also denotes "conservative", "constitutionalist", "libertarian", "tea-partier" and any other name for somebody who votes Republican in every election but is embarrassed about it.
The fact that you choose lump everyone on the Right under the Republican umbrella speaks volumes regarding to your grasp of American politics.

Riddle me this: What is so wrong with a desire for limited government and free markets?

To put a finer point on it: What is so heinous about a system which rewards individuals who demonstrate initiative and hard word; and conversely does not reward parasites with an entitlement mentality?