Yea, i wouldnt be suprised if i came home one night with her and there was a burning cross in our yard, that they put there.
Well, i like black women. My family are kinda raciest. What the fuck should i do, i dont wanna bring a black girls home and say this is my gf. Then my grandmother would dis own me.
tell your family to grow the fuck up we have a black president for christ sakes. you are your own person do what makes you happy and not for them.. is your family getting any type of aid from the government, if so then you have one up on them as to calling them a hypocrite. our black president is the one aiding them.. so if they are jump there asses.. and have fun with it.. hell i would, i'd drop the bomb on the, let them have it with both barrels.. LOL
Well, i like black women. My family are kinda raciest. What the fuck should i do, i dont wanna bring a black girls home and say this is my gf. Then my grandmother would dis own me.
hahaha i love it and most people dont understand the organizations like the kkk are made up of inbreed, poverty stricken, social awkward, conservative, Christian people that have nothing better to do then focus their time and energy into hate. for reasons as simple as jealousy and indifference.... think about itwe are animals. we instinctually want to "stick to our own". i got an uncle that was in the kkk. his step daughter had a mixed baby girl and now him and his wife are raising her. ironyyy
wou;dnt blame em your a sick dudeYea, i wouldnt be suprised if i came home one night with her and there was a burning cross in our yard, that they put there.
Hold on there. I can tell you for a fact that these neo-nazi's and skinheads are anything but Christian. The Christian doctrine does not teach rascism.
There is no Biblicial basis for their self serving hate.
Lots of people claim to be Christian without knowing what it even means. Some folks think they are Christian because they "aren't" Muslim or other religions.
There are lots of "churchgoers" that have no clue what it means to be Christian.
One of my favorite sayings is: Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car".
You sir, are a total fucking idiot. You're going to advise some kid who still lives at home with Mommy and Daddy to do that??? I can only assume that you are a high-school or college kid also. Newsflash --- you have NO freakin' rights that your parents do not grant you, as long as you are a parasite living under their roof! You want to do what ever you want to do? Fine, move your ass out and become self-supporting and quit sucking up other peoples money! One day you too will have children with the whole "I'm gonna do what I want to do. Everything is about me and what I want, blah, blah" self-centered delusional bullshit attitude, then perhaps you too will understand.
And by the way, where did you get this preposterous notion that "our black president is the one aiding them". He isn't aiding ANYONE except himself and those who made significant campaign contributions (plus other academians who are of the same ilk as him). I can only assume that you have already forgotten the number one premise of our form of government --- The bastards work for US. NOT the other way around (despite what Obama thinks. Speaking of racists.............).
My apologies if I offend anyones sensibilities. I just get Irate listening to a bunch of immature teenagers giving this poor guy horrible advice when he has a legitimate problem. He is apparently in a rather intolerant household. It is absolutely within their (his families) rights to be intolerant and to hold whatever beliefs they choose. And as long as he lives in THEIR house, then he has an obligation to live by their rules and to honor their wishes. To do otherwise would make him a low-life world-class piece of shit unworthy of even living in our society. If your not paying the bills, then what you think or want doesn't matter. Period.
Want to date Black chicks, but the family won't tolerate it?? No problem. Move out and become self-supporting rather than sucking off of your parents hard-earned money. THEN, when you are self-sufficient, you can pretty much do whatever floats your boat. In the mean time though, if you go against your parents beliefs, you deserve to get thrown out and dis-owned!!!! And ignore these little myrmidons with the whole "fuck your family, do what YOU want to do" attitude. Your family will still be around long after that pussy has moved on, so you had better get your priorities straight --- because they probably will NOT take you back when you come back with your tail between your legs after she leaves. At least not if you act like half of these jerk-off's are advising.
Rant over. Damn I need a bong hit now!
And for the record I like black chicks too! I also like white chicks, asian chicks, hispanic chicks, polynesian chicks, Indian chicks, and probably Martian chicks too!!! (actually, I really have a thing for Asian chicks, but I digress.........
this is the funniest post ever because as you can't tell i'm half black and half white hahaha(not exactly but you get the idea) and i have a question for you. where the hell do you live that your family could be so ignorant to other races and religions. no offense but i find it pretty ironic that a guy from a family like your own could have contracted such jungle fever. ahahahahahaha
damn dude want a hug? hahaha but yea i feel you, your either being called gringo or beaner either way it sucks. lucky my family (the Italian, irish side)was always quite to be honest they aren't openly racist, they are what you would call old school racist. they were just raised to look down on other races. but again i have no idea where you guys are from but growing up in new york in my generation was pretty chill. never saw racism growing up didn't care if my friends were black, white, hispanic, asian, gay or jewish.Get this, My mom is hispanic, my dad white. My mom's family (save her parents, who oddly hated white people, but knew my dad since he was young and approved of him
) but the rest of my family not only treated him like an outsider, but they all treated me as "the half white one", and its not like they were subtle. His family treated me the same way but reverse.
So I fell in love with a black women. No, not puppy love. The type of love where I found myself asking her to marry me a week after we started dating. GUESS WHO FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT? Yep, my parents. I expected the rest of my family to act like that, they always treated me like shit anyways, but I just couldnt' get over the hypocrisy. At this point my gorgeous wife and beautiful daughter are my only family.
Hate has no logic. Thats why it depends on emotions while ignoring common sense.
Maybe you should tell your family the truth. Tell them they are ignorant to live a life filled with hate and that you like black women. Instead of making yourself hide it and in doing so lower yourself to their ignorant level that believes their racist views to be okay. Take a stand and end the hate.