A Peek At My Outdoor Medical Garden.


Well-Known Member
So I think I had been over watering my two sour ds or somethin casue they have some shit wrong.I will post pics ina bit to see what people think


Well-Known Member
So I have been hitting the flowering ones with the three part flora,purple maxx,monster bloom,and cal mag plus.Shits goin pretty good.I am still havin problems with the sour ds if they keep it up they are goin in the trash.I posted a few pics above.left to right they are.Haze x skunk,salmon creek big bud,dj short bb and the lemon skunk and the martian is behind it it is 6 ft now and has not started to flower.I will post some more pics ina bit.Oh and this pic is blue cheese



Well-Known Member
Sweet my seeds came..I got Bcn diesel as the freebie,reserva Prevada Kandy kush,Sativa seeds Maui Waui,and Resin seeds LA Ultra


Well-Known Member
Video soon to come....Thanks man I hope it keeps goin well.Im worried about jackers now that its starting to get stinky