Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I for one will kill any God,if i could,that dares to burn my children whatever mistakes they may have made and i do not believe that any God that was good would do anything of the sort assuming that is that he/she even exists.

and you MY friend win the prize...

Imagine you are GOD... don't imagine...

YOU ARE GOD... NOW THINK how you treat the world.. think how you treat the animals and the people and everything in this world...

Imagine the deep compassion and love you would need FOR YOURSELF to accept the FACT that you have been treating ALL YOUR CHILDREN in this MANNER...

EATING your children, fooking your children, saying vile things to your children, having vile thoughts toward your children, masterbating to your children.. everything is YOUR CHILD!!!!

THIS is what is going on here...

YOU ARE GOD... and YOU can't accept it, because the pain and surrender and humility that ONE needs to go through.. to face ONESELF ... is so extraordinary.. that only the most HUMBLE of men can actually take the first STEP.. the first steo is to look in the INTERNAL mirror and love thy self..

and to stop treating YOUR CHILDREN with any negativity... no matter what they do to you...

A parent that hits a child goes through serious inner conflict... now think about the massive slaughtering we do to our children...

To awaken and realize that YOU are god.. is so painful and so liberating...
and so full of love..

just my guess...



Well-Known Member
errr thats slightly over my head.
I understand the concept of a collective consciousness but i cant quite wrap my head around what your saying to be honest.
As for me being God,if i was or am or could be i seriously cant remember:mrgreen:
I do want to hear more though.


Well-Known Member
and you MY friend win the prize...

Imagine you are GOD... don't imagine...

YOU ARE GOD... NOW THINK how you treat the world.. think how you treat the animals and the people and everything in this world...

Imagine the deep compassion and love you would need FOR YOURSELF to accept the FACT that you have been treating ALL YOUR CHILDREN in this MANNER...

EATING your children, fooking your children, saying vile things to your children, having vile thoughts toward your children, masterbating to your children.. everything is YOUR CHILD!!!!

THIS is what is going on here...

YOU ARE GOD... and YOU can't accept it, because the pain and surrender and humility that ONE needs to go through.. to face ONESELF ... is so extraordinary.. that only the most HUMBLE of men can actually take the first STEP.. the first steo is to look in the INTERNAL mirror and love thy self..

and to stop treating YOUR CHILDREN with any negativity... no matter what they do to you...

A parent that hits a child goes through serious inner conflict... now think about the massive slaughtering we do to our children...

To awaken and realize that YOU are god.. is so painful and so liberating...
and so full of love..

just my guess...

Nice words! Never stop searching. :blsmoke:


Active Member
it does not really matter who believes in what or who.
everybody has there own opinion.i have mine and yous have yours.no one will ever tell me what to believe.i have my own mind.some people follow others,that is there choice,some are indoctrinated to believe in things,i feel sorry for them but everyone who has written on this thread seems to know there own mind and believe in what they want to believe in.
i do believe in ghosts as i have seen one


Well-Known Member
To my mind it would seem that if we live in an impossible universe then the answer must also be impossible because the question is.
It is just as likely that we are mini gods in training as it is that we are nothing but worthless space dust in time.

Whichever one it is i don't pretend to know,but i do know that the universe and everything in it is against the laws of physics itself and therefore not possible at all.

I know the next question will be how do i know that the universe is impossible so heres the answer.
In all life something had to come first,this in itself is impossible.
There is no question of chickens and eggs as both are impossible as neither could have come first without the other and neither can be without the other one existing first but neither can exist first so the only answer is that neither actually exists at all.

Swirl that around your stoned heads for a minute or two:mrgreen:
That's what a linear view of time'll do for ya...:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
That's what a linear view of time'll do for ya...:peace::blsmoke:
You try to define me as linear with a comment like that?
I am lmfao:mrgreen:
Any kind of life always requires a beginning.
Yes our universe is made of lines,its called string theory.

Even an imagined universe requires an imaginer.

Who or what do you propose imagined everything into existence on the basis that our and all other or not all other reality's are linear based life forms and who made that who or what that imagined that reality into existence:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You try to define me as linear with a comment like that?
I am lmfao:mrgreen:
Any kind of life always requires a beginning.
Yes our universe is made of lines,its called string theory.

Even an imagined universe requires an imaginer.

Who or what do you propose imagined everything into existence on the basis that our and all other or not all other reality's are linear based life forms and who made that who or what that imagined that reality into existence:mrgreen:

Yes, yes. a classic question. well, what's real? Are you alive? How? What keeps you alive? What makes you as you are?Apply.

Ever think you're mind is simply limited? Things exist outside our common perspective my friend...


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes. a classic question. well, what's real? Are you alive? How? What keeps you alive? What makes you as you are?Apply.

Ever think you're mind is simply limited? Things exist outside our common perspective my friend...
You can say things exist that we cant even fathom till the cows come home,still wont explain how you get a chicken with no egg and an egg with no chicken:blsmoke:


New Member
You can say things exist that we cant even fathom till the cows come home,still wont explain how you get a chicken with no egg and an egg with no chicken:blsmoke:

Genetics is the study of cellular science. It furthers our understanding of how DNA and the genetic make-up of species and can lead to cures for diseases and shape our future.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

This question appears regularly in the question file, so let's take a shot at it.
In nature, living things evolve through changes in their DNA. In an animal like a chicken, DNA from a male sperm cell and a female ovum meet and combine to form a zygote -- the first cell of a new baby chicken. This first cell divides innumerable times to form all of the cells of the complete animal. In any animal, every cell contains exactly the same DNA, and that DNA comes from the zygote.
Chickens evolved from non-chickens through small changes caused by the mixing of male and female DNA or by mutations to the DNA that produced the zygote. These changes and mutations only have an effect at the point where a new zygote is created. That is, two non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutation(s) that produced the first true chicken. That one zygote cell divided to produce the first true chicken. Prior to that first true chicken zygote, there were only non-chickens. The zygote cell is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal, and the zygote cell is housed in the chicken's egg. So, the egg must have come first.


Well-Known Member
Genetics is the study of cellular science. It furthers our understanding of how DNA and the genetic make-up of species and can lead to cures for diseases and shape our future.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

This question appears regularly in the question file, so let's take a shot at it.
In nature, living things evolve through changes in their DNA. In an animal like a chicken, DNA from a male sperm cell and a female ovum meet and combine to form a zygote -- the first cell of a new baby chicken. This first cell divides innumerable times to form all of the cells of the complete animal. In any animal, every cell contains exactly the same DNA, and that DNA comes from the zygote.
Chickens evolved from non-chickens through small changes caused by the mixing of male and female DNA or by mutations to the DNA that produced the zygote. These changes and mutations only have an effect at the point where a new zygote is created. That is, two non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutation(s) that produced the first true chicken. That one zygote cell divided to produce the first true chicken. Prior to that first true chicken zygote, there were only non-chickens. The zygote cell is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal, and the zygote cell is housed in the chicken's egg. So, the egg must have come first.
Thats great info skunky but my chicken was a proverbial chicken as was my egg.

I guess my real question and point is how did our entire universe and every other parallel universe and every other parallel reality come into existence from absolute nothing and absolute nowhere?


New Member
Thats great info skunky but my chicken was a proverbial chicken as was my egg.

I guess my real question and point is how did our entire universe and every other parallel universe and every other parallel reality come into existence from absolute nothing and absolute nowhere?
Yes, i understood... but this is a proverbial answer. meaning that every question has an answer.

If a god is explanation for the birth of the universe, then what is the explanation for the birth of this god?

If a god can come from nothing, then so can the universe.

Right now there is a planet being born, scientists are watching and learning about the birth of our own world from watching this unfold. Scientists now believe that planets are born much faster than previously believed, taking millions rather than billions of years.

Is a god shaping that planet now? And if so, for what purpose?


Well-Known Member
Thats also cool and i would like to know more about this new planet as well but i still believe that the universe is impossible and therefore some kind of simulation,maybe some kind of Actual Reality simulator like a hugely advanced virtual reality.

I don't pretend to have any kind of clue as to why or how but the universe is impossible according to physics anyway as there always has to be a beginning catalyst of some kind and as you said before if god made the universe who made god and so on and so on forever and ever.

Some people try to explain this away with the loops of infinity claim but this is also rubbish as even if you try to claim that time is an infinite loop the whole theory is bolloxed as if it was infinite it could never loop as an infinite loop is a contradiction in itself as if it was infinite it could never be a loop as loops are not infinite.

I say this is all impossible because there is no start point and no end point which has to suggest a kind of program of some kind.
Obviously way beyond programming of our understanding or level but a program never the less.

Mine is the old Tron theory i suppose if you want to break it down and it just goes as far in as it does out.
Nothing can just pop up from nowhere and nothing someone has to program it.

There are many kinds of programs and some of those as you know from your dna explanations create life.
They are still codes just as the crude computers we type on now.
Maybe we live in a giant dna computer owned by an omnipotent being of some kind i don't know but i still believe the universe to be impossible as we like to believe in it anyway.:blsmoke:

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Sorry guys didn't have time to read the whole thread but wanted to add my $.02.

I have for some time believed that 'God' is simply 'Santa Claus' for adults. If you don't be good he will get you. He sees you when your sleeping and knows when your awake and if you don't go to church on Sunday and donate 10% of your earnings to the church you will be going to hell.

Another prime example, no pork in several religions. Why? It was killing people as they had no knowledge of curing pork, so how do you save your people? Tell them God Said So.

I do believe in the possibility of a higher power but I often find myself leaning towards the Native American belief in the spirits of elders. Is that agnostic?

As for the Bible, what a great book someone wrote from several perspectives. It is maybe the longest standing story ever. Problem is if you look into the 'books banned from the bible' you find so much contradictary information.

God sent one of his angels down on a dare from the devil? I thought god was immune to that sort of temptation? It says he did it to prove the devil wrong, isn't that egotistical? Why does he have anything to prove to anyone especially the devil? Then there is Mary Magdelon (sp) which blows so many catholic beliefs outta the water.

Additionally if catholic priests are servants of the lord, he needs a totally revamped system for hiring and qualifying these clowns. If they could marry and reproduce maybe they wouldn't be molesting little boys? After all pro creation is the strongest of all human desires after survival, why take what you (god) programmed and try to take it away or supress it? It's like having a great computer without a keyboard, it becomes useless.

sorry for the rant but I lost all religion when my father passed away and if there is a God, Fuck You Buddy!

I will create my own opportunities in this life and world and deal with you if and when the time comes.

rant over.


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong i don't believe in doctrine,just the fact there is a higher order of some kind whether that be spirit guides or angels who can know.
How any man can profess to know what god said or wants or does is utter madness any more than an ant can know what we want or say.:blsmoke:

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks natmoon, I assumed I would get bashed outta here for that post.

I like the ant analogy, I'm with ya.

Like I said I believe in something but like you it doesn't come from doctrine.

I think as long as you are truly a 'good person' you will be fine and get the most out of life. I certainly believe in 'karma'.


New Member
Thats great info skunky but my chicken was a proverbial chicken as was my egg.

I guess my real question and point is how did our entire universe and every other parallel universe and every other parallel reality come into existence from absolute nothing and absolute nowhere?
Well, If you consider the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics and Feynman's two slit experiment we find that particles 'must' follow 'all possible paths'.

while we may not fully understand why, this opens up many posiblities like Einstein said: 'Did god have any choice in the creation of the universe.'

Einstein did not believe god. As Richard Dawkins points out, that poetic statement should read: "Could the universe have begun in any other way?" and 'God does not play dice' should be: "Randomness does not lie at the heart of everything."

But Einstien was wrong on that one. Quantum mechanics proves that random, uncertainties of particals ARE responsible for condition of this and all the other possible parallel universes. LET ME REPEAT THAT: the random uncertain properties of particals LIE AT THE HEART OF OUR KNOWN UNIVERSE.

I personally view this as: Once the physical properties of the chemical elements were decided (by who or what we do not yet know) this universe, and any other parallel to it, are free to 'create' themselves. They represent 'the every possible path' that can be acheived.

We occupy this universe and therefor are concerned with its principles. Thru the small window of the reflected and clouded glory of our present understanding we can marvel at its wonderous implications- none of which require a god person, yet. Meaning: everything we see so far moves forward in time without any need of assistance from a supernatural being. Its matter, evolving, re-creating itself into something new.

There is no reason to believe a supernatural force brought even the big bang into existance, if that is truly the beginning of this universe. It could be a function of any number of previously existing particals reaching a new possible path. As soon as you insist on including an invisible, unprovable god anywhere in the process you close you mind to limitless possiblities.

From Darwin on, we continue to rightfully exclude god from the equation of science and THAT has been responsible for the greatest advancements of modern man.

If you believe in God and shut your mind to this, I can only promise you this: It is only when you break free of this god ceiling in your mind, that the true state of the universe will be apparent. Once you do, you will find yourself reaching the same conclusions of everyone else who studies the universe. It is, in fact, the only way to advance. Science is the study of the natural, not the supernatural.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I love the science behind theories its great but totally flawed in all aspects as none of them dare to suggest that the universe does not exist at all in fact.
Where did the first quantum particles come from?
You say they created themselves but yet there must still be a catalyst for the energy to become quantum particles in the first place.

God obviously didn't create the universe as someone had to create god in the first place.
This is the theory that most scientists are scared to encroach on in paper or in public for fear of religious repercussions and nutters attacking them or their families.

Physics states that in its simplest and purest form everything and anything that exists ethereal or physical,imagined or real needs a beginning.

I propose that the universe had no beginning because it was designed in the same format that we would design a computer program.
We write it all and then we run it.
We would appear to be,imo,inhabitants of this hugely complex and beautiful program.

This as all theories is exactly that a theory i have no clue as to what actually happened and what is true and i don't claim that my way is the right way,this is just what i have chosen to understand and believe:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
^ So that'd be like the matrix then?

And yes, I can say things exist that we can't even fathom "till the cows come home". But haven't you said yourself you can't fathom the begining, or creation, or whatever? Yet it obviously exists to the extent that your mind makes it real--at the very least. It may be imaginary, but still your mind is making it real. sooo........yeah. :)