Favourite Game


Active Member
nah you guys are all wrong

battlefield 2 is not on ps3

bad company 2 is however

easy mistake but they are 2 different games, coming from both a bad company 2 and a battlefield 2 player


Active Member
Yeah, you only see improvements in games like CoD over long periods of time and multiple releases, kinda lame really. The same with sports titles, but for those who love these types of games it's great!

Well keenly I did not know that Battlefield 2 and Bad Company 2 were different games.

Isn't the full name of the game Battlefield: Bad Company 2?? And that is on most consoles I believe, is it not?
I don't own either, I did own MW2 on my xbox, but as I said, it fucking broke for the millionth time so I just grabbed a PS3, never looked back!

Noone on here play Street Fighter on the PS3??


Active Member
i'll agree with you, its just different maps but the same engine and skins.
i play mostly pc gaming and love battlefield 2 online its kick ass fun with the vehicles.
i play mostly 3d games as it brings it to a whole new level for me.


Active Member
yeah it s awesome and the ultimate way to play i use a acer h5360 dlp 3d projector with a 140" screen along with nvidia's 3d vision glasses.
all i can say is wow, car racing games are a must on this thing.


Active Member
How does it work though if the game isn't in 3D format? That I know of, no games have been released in 3D yet. Or have they? Hmmmm I'm stumped.
Also, anyone get into Batman: Arkam Asylum? Fuck that game was awsome! And in turn, anyone got any news on the 2nd one comming out??


Active Member
most games can be played in stereoscopic 3d formats as a pc gfx card renders the image twice (once for each eye). and displays them fractions apart, thus giving the 3d image.
and as for batman arkam asylum that game was rated as excellent in 3d mode and was absolutely jaw ropping,
one of the best games ive seen on this setup.
closely followed by cod mw2.

im in the progress of setting up my new room now and could give some pics if you like as im a bit of a gadget freak tbh lol.
and like to build pc's too.


Active Member
Sure man, post what ever you like! I'd like to see some shots for sure!! I'm a bit of gadget boy aswell in my spare time, unfortunately for me money can be a factor, but atleast I have my beloved PS3 and a nice big tv! I was impressed by the capabilities of the PS3 though, there are so many features on that thing!

I had no idea that a pc gfx card could project 3D, thats cool, nice man!
I'd imagine that Batman: AA would be jaw dropping in 3D! It was jaw dropping in.......normal (i dunno hehe) that game was pure brilliance!


Active Member
Anyone else!?

I also loved Assassin's Creed (the first one) I haven't played the second one, but the first one was brilliant, people got all antsy coz it was repetative and all, but god damn was it beautiful! And the atmosphere in it was just awsome.

Anyone recommend the sequel? I wanna get it, but am waiting for prices to drop a bit.


Active Member
PC is lightyears ahead of consoles

thats why PC games always look / run better

the only problem is affordability to the masses

yes green, i got the sequel and it is one hundred percent worth it