The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

PROP 19 - tax and regulate cannabis in California

  • YES

    Votes: 152 66.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 78 33.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
dont put words in my mouth i never said or implied that

im well aware of the flaws in this language, but like i already said, its a step forward from where I am

if i had a Card, i would most likely not even care, unfortunately i dont yet because im too much of a vag to walk in there and ask about one for insomnia

so ill check the yes box instead
that was clearly a QUESTION. i didn't put anything in your mouth. hehehhehehehe


Active Member
getting arrested ≠ going to jail

all three people were released after being taken to the station, being questioned, and filling out the court paperwork

no one spent any time locked up, unless you count the ride over there


Well-Known Member
The law is specifically designed to be amended once passed. Implying that it won't ever be changed once passed is complete nonsense. No, Moses isn't going to bring down a tablet from the mountain top with prop 19 carved into it for the purposes of it remaining the same till the end of time.

But by all means, don't let me interrupt your passive aggressive baseless implications and sarcasm. That's WAY better than having an honest discussion based on facts.
an honest discussion? like me being a baby killer? ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
an honest discussion? like me being a baby killer? ;)
Did I call you a baby killer? Please show me where. As I recall I disagreed with the person who said that multiple times.

Again, you're subtly implying that I did something I didn't do. You know I didn't do that. That's why you are implying things instead of directly saying them. That way you can make up whatever BS you want, then when you get called out on it, you can claim you never actually said that.

Your whole act isn't quite as slick as you think. It's very transparent.


Well-Known Member
Did I call you a baby killer? Please show me where. As I recall I disagreed with the person who said that multiple times.

Again, you're subtly implying that I did something I didn't do. You know I didn't do that. That's why you are implying things instead of directly saying them. That way you can make up whatever BS you want, then when you get called out on it, you can claim you never actually said that.

Your whole act isn't quite as slick as you think. It's very transparent.
another QUESTION.

i never said you said anything. i ASKED you a question.

wtf is wrong with you people?

it's transparent yet you keep replying to it all, in a direct way. i laugh out loud.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
another QUESTION.

i never said you said anything. i ASKED you a question.

wtf is wrong with you people?
The purpose of your question was obviously to imply that I agreed with that statement or said it myself. This is exactly what I was talking about. You're implying things without directly saying them. It's pretty transparent. Why else would you ask me that question?


Well-Known Member
to watch you rant. ;)
haha = )

tonight was interesting.

Likely Means Absolute
Califronia Law is now the same thing as Federal law.

learned quite a bit

and you dankone getting all pissy, your misquoting me just like keenly.
but someone pulls ur string a lil.... and you come with this "Ever get rid of your schwagg crop from last year or you still pleading with people to take it off your hands?"
wow bro.

Dan Kone has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
tonight was interesting.

Likely Means Absolute
Show me where anyone said that. My point was attaching the word "likely" to something doesn't make it ok to just make stuff up. No, prop 19 will not "likely" supersede prop 19. It won't supersede prop 19. Prop 215 is about medicine, not general cannabis use. If you have evidence to the contrary then please, show us.


Well-Known Member
2 people now have brought up MY personal business as a defense to voting for prop 19. it's good to know who the rats really are. :clap:

i'd hate to have people like you all as friends. "no officer, HE has all the dope." borderline snitches. :shock:

luckily i have nothing to hide. :cool:

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
2 people now have brought up MY personal business as a defense to voting for prop 19. it's good to know who the rats really are. :clap:

i'd hate to have people like you all as friends. "no officer, HE has all the dope." borderline snitches. :shock:

luckily i have nothing to hide. :cool:
I'm a snitch because I brought up a thread you started on these forums? ok

I apologize if it offended you. Was just giving you shit.


Well-Known Member
I'm a snitch because I brought up a thread you started on these forums? ok

I apologize if it offended you. Was just giving you shit.
sure, when you throw it out there in a "hey everybody" kinda way, i see it as snitching. in a sense. even if i post it, doesn't mean you have to go around announcing it. totally irrelevant as well. it's like you grabbed for the lowest thing you could think of in an attempt to insult me, i guess. pathetic, at the least. but i fully understand. ;)