used for smoke

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Sharing is caring. Mooching gets you punched in the mouth. I'll leave people out of rotations if I know they mooch em out man. Then cut their heads off! Wait to far....? Sorry. :D

We can call roaches.... spents. Like hey man roll up all those spents. As in spent. As in no more. Eh?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
We can call em roaches because they're as nasty as roaches :D Never re-roll roaches, straight in the bin and start afresh.


Active Member
Spents...not bad.

The group I started smoking with back in the day always called them 'ends'. But if I call 'em that around anyone else they have no clue what I mean, so I've slowly given in to roach. :/


Well-Known Member
Sharing is caring. Mooching gets you punched in the mouth. I'll leave people out of rotations if I know they mooch em out man. Then cut their heads off! Wait to far....? Sorry. :D

We can call roaches.... spents. Like hey man roll up all those spents. As in spent. As in no more. Eh?
haha...not too far at all...IMO, you're not going far enough! Make him squeal a little, a pistol down his throat should accomplish this...haha j/k
Spents??? Not too bad...How about "clips"????? or "scars" derived from the italian term "scarafaggio", meaning roach...:) haha...seems like a latteral move to me! lmfao


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Spents...not bad.

The group I started smoking with back in the day always called them 'ends'. But if I call 'em that around anyone else they have no clue what I mean, so I've slowly given in to roach. :/
Ends is typically what i'd call them, but as you say, not many understand. To me, a roach is just a piece of cardboard at the end of your joint.


Active Member
i am a less douchey smoker from a small town in the midwest also. i know exactly what you mean, man. our situations sound close (midwest, 18 mo. daughter, pot grower) so hopefully this helps. that question always comes up in my head too whenever i pull a harvest. i think its a pretty natural thing though, i find myself doing it when i don't have weed. you could always just stop smoking so much when they come over, and see how they react. what kind of music do you like? i go to chicago for alot of shows. i dont know where you live but i'm not an asshole, if you wanna go to a show sometime.


Well-Known Member
Ends is typically what i'd call them, but as you say, not many understand. To me, a roach is just a piece of cardboard at the end of your joint.
Sometimes when I'm completely dry, I'll go find a few roaches and and re-roll em', but that's only when I'm really in need of a smoke and no dealers are available! haha



Active Member
Sometimes when I'm completely dry, I'll go find a few roaches and and re-roll em', but that's only when I'm really in need of a smoke and no dealers are available! haha

i dont really smoke joints but i take resin hits from my bowl when i'm out.


Active Member
I'm in the "Loner" catagory, but that's not surprising. A 51yo female, church going, no kids at home.
I do know several people who smoke weed, but they are old bar-buddies that I see infrequently. We don't have friends over very often, and my husband won't smoke it with me because of random drug testing in his union.

I have perfected the art of smoking alone. I can handle almost anything as long as my really good stereo system with surround sound doesn't give out!

And I agree with those who have said you ought to say something to your friends. Maybe give them a jingle and say you're out of weed? That you just wanna try a different strain?
All they can do is say no, then you have a better idea as to how thoughtful they really are or are not.


Active Member
i am a less douchey smoker from a small town in the midwest also. i know exactly what you mean, man. our situations sound close (midwest, 18 mo. daughter, pot grower) so hopefully this helps. that question always comes up in my head too whenever i pull a harvest. i think its a pretty natural thing though, i find myself doing it when i don't have weed. you could always just stop smoking so much when they come over, and see how they react. what kind of music do you like? i go to chicago for alot of shows. i dont know where you live but i'm not an asshole, if you wanna go to a show sometime.
I've definitely cut back when they come over. It used to be I'd break out my entire stash and roll up a few joints at a time, but now I've actually resorted to pre-rolling so they don't know how much I actually have. I feel super shady doing it though. As for music, I listen to pretty much anything other than country and "slap a ho" rap. Never made it up to Chicago for a show. Usually go to Omaha, Lincoln or KC. PM me if you want. :)

And I know some people are anti-roach, but I always re-roll and smoke them. Waste not, want not. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of in the same boat guys. A friend of mine recently moved in with me to get away from the troubles in his hometown ie, getting arrested every couple of days. Well we both had to stop smoking ciggarettes, at least until he can get a job. I was doing okay on my own but I'de rather quit then deal with the hassle of trying to support both of our habits. Weed however, is somthing I WILL NOT give up. lol

I don't think hes using me but theres like no motivation to get up and make some money! I smoked my whole harvest and then some with him within 2 weeks. An amount that would usually last me at leat a month and 1/2. Still, I'm ok with it. But now I have a harvest coming up that I refuse to smoke in 2 weeks. Not only that but some was promised to a contributer in my op. I don't wanna be a dick and just smoke out in front of him, but I can't smoke it all with him either. So am I being greedy?


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of in the same boat guys. A friend of mine recently moved in with me to get away from the troubles in his hometown ie, getting arrested every couple of days. Well we both had to stop smoking ciggarettes, at least until he can get a job. I was doing okay on my own but I'de rather quit then deal with the hassle of trying to support both of our habits. Weed however, is somthing I WILL NOT give up. lol

I don't think hes using me but theres like no motivation to get up and make some money! I smoked my whole harvest and then some with him within 2 weeks. An amount that would usually last me at leat a month and 1/2. Still, I'm ok with it. But now I have a harvest coming up that I refuse to smoke in 2 weeks. Not only that but some was promised to a contributer in my op. I don't wanna be a dick and just smoke out in front of him, but I can't smoke it all with him either. So am I being greedy?
You're not greedy, just naturally conservative! No problem w/ that, if you were to tell him, " We have to limit ourselves", and he gets all "guilt trip" and shit, then he's not much of a true friend! Just keep it real, there's nothing wrong with trying to make it last...



Well-Known Member
Yeah thats one of my pet peeves actually. When someone wants you to smoke your whole sac with a crowd of 10. Its like, if you wanna smoke 1/2 oz with 10 people and worry about how your gonna get high in a few hours, be my guest. Me, I take a few hits and put it away. Do people not realize theres a ceiling? Gets me pissed just thinking about it. Either way, its been a month and I've kept us high everyday of it. What does piss me off though, is when he talks about coming into some money and all the shit hes gonna buy for himself. Not even a "heres a couple bucks for the weed, ciggs, food, ect." Its whatever though. I guess his bro is gonna be coming up this way for a visit. He said hes gonna ask him to buy some smokes and its like, why? Your just gonna run out in a few days. Plus, by the time he gets up here, we will both have been without for a week. Why would you start again knowing damn well you don't have any money to support this habit? Its probly a stupid move having him here for the fact he does have warrents. Which brings me to the job situation. I don't know what hes gonna do for work. Any good jobs do backround checks. I'm trying to help out a friend but I feel like I'm digging my own grave now...


Active Member
Fuck yes. People may say it's because I'm not smoking medical grade, but I can only get so fucking high. I mean really!

I hear ya on the selfishness when coming into money. A kid I smoked out at least 3 or 4 times a week for 6 fucking months just got an amazing job where he's bringing in about $1300 every 2 weeks...haven't seen him once since he started the job (they don't drug test)...yet get texts all the time "man my check was huge", "just bought a new 360/bong" I give a fuck now. He probably smoked at least a half a month of my shit and then when he's rolling he doesn't smoke me out once. Cutting the little fucker off.

Warrants are a bad deal. Cause if he gets busted you're going down too. I know you wanna watch out for your friend, but there's nothing you can do for him if they toss your ass in jail for aiding and abetting. Best of luck with it man.


I sometimes get like that when im choong, but then i realise how times they've sorted me on other shit aswell as weed.

I say if you can't remmember ANY times where they've sort you on piff, allow them.
Try meeting people in your area on other forums or something :)
get connected, get high! ;)


Yeah thats one of my pet peeves actually. When someone wants you to smoke your whole sac with a crowd of 10. Its like, if you wanna smoke 1/2 oz with 10 people and worry about how your gonna get high in a few hours, be my guest. Me, I take a few hits and put it away. Do people not realize theres a ceiling? Gets me pissed just thinking about it. Either way, its been a month and I've kept us high everyday of it. What does piss me off though, is when he talks about coming into some money and all the shit hes gonna buy for himself. Not even a "heres a couple bucks for the weed, ciggs, food, ect." Its whatever though. I guess his bro is gonna be coming up this way for a visit. He said hes gonna ask him to buy some smokes and its like, why? Your just gonna run out in a few days. Plus, by the time he gets up here, we will both have been without for a week. Why would you start again knowing damn well you don't have any money to support this habit? Its probly a stupid move having him here for the fact he does have warrents. Which brings me to the job situation. I don't know what hes gonna do for work. Any good jobs do backround checks. I'm trying to help out a friend but I feel like I'm digging my own grave now...

thats a choong thing to say!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
A choong thing to say huh? You'll have to fill me in on that one. As for the warrents, I'm not to worried about that. Its not like the cops are gonna bust down my door for a bench warrent. If it was an arrest, then it would be a diffrent story. Either way, call me whatever. I'm just trying to save my friend from drowning while keeping my head above water aswell. If you were in my situation, I'm sure you'de be feeling about the same. I went from having enough weed all the time, and back to scraping resin! After 7-8 years of smoking, I quit to help out a friend. I don't think I'm being to unreasonable.....