Is that really me in my avatar ??


Well-Known Member
The strawberries taste like strawberries!
And the shnozberries taste like shnozberries!

I highly doubt your coochie taste like strawberries..unless you put some strawberry flavor in it every day.


Well-Known Member
^^^hahahaha oh super troopers. you are trippin

I highly doubt your coochie taste like strawberries..unless you put some strawberry flavor in it every day.
strange....i do. no not really flavoring. it's a sort of pill. but yeah. same concept.


Well-Known Member
tru dat thats a lil overdoard.. never smelt one like that. aint possible, im with one of the hottest chick ive ever been with and she dont smell like roses, but that part of the fun:twisted:. maybee ill get her to let me take a pic of the tatas.
we'll see. gotta get one of her and me in the avatar. ill get some sexy tatas for my brothas. you think her back sides nice, youll see the front:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Really, tell me the name of it. I want to get my g/f some of these
well it's just like eating fruits everyday of your life. and not alot of fish. ok this is weird...i'm talking about my fun's just a viatmin pill called enzara. i never had a previous problem with my odor but it does make it smell like nothing...thats why you add pussy pucker pots. hahahaha sounds funny, but it's for real.

so yeah tell your boyfriend loves me because of it...and i love me because of it.


Well-Known Member
yea dude lol that would be so stupid, "hey baby this gurl on the internet told me this would make your pussy smell good"


Well-Known Member
Aha! now we got a real test! I speak arabic as well... Syrian dialect

Ahalan wasahalan dalia, Shlonak ya habibti?


Well-Known Member
Ahalan wasahalan dalia, Shlonak ya habibti? don't lie when you say you speak. shlonak? sounds like your asking me what color i am in my dialect.(lebanese) but i know everything else. ahlan wasahalan feek. and habibti?? you're so sweet. habibi.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit! Dalia is the real deal! Please come to OK... I have this ring and i want to give it to you... by the way habibiti, will you marry me?

Shlonak(how are you)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha. awwww ok!! to OK. el oh elles.

see. keefuk means how are you in my dialect. but that's to a guy. keefik is to a girl.

mishel hal. oo enta?