New member and first time grower.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading a lot of threads off this site and I have to say you guys have helped me out tremendously. I've been planning and working on this grow for about 2 years. I am a farmer by trade and I compost roadkill for a living with the manure from my farm and that is what my plants are growing on . I collected bagseed for an entire winter and ended up with over 500 seeds. Out of those seeds 4 grew and they just happen to be all be girls! I am doing this for my own private use and no intentions of selling. Since it was bagseeds I have no idea what kind of strains I might have but I do know I am the luckiest SOB there is because the four girls that made it are the only kind that can grow at latitude 45. They have even survived 12" of snow and 70mph windstorms. I have some sativas also but got lucky enough to have put them in pots! If anyone can help me identify what kind I have that would be great.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, there are actually 4 plants right next to each other and of the 4 there are 3 different strains. I have them strung up on the inside to spread them out and support the lower branches. As far as the pic, I'm not worried about it, let's say its a cardboard cuttout. I figured it would be nice to have a size comparison. They just started their flowering stage so I'm expecting them to get even bigger!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Either that plant is a monster or you are a midget! I would get rid of the pic of the person also unless you are leagal to grow anyway. But still you don't know who is looking at these threads.


Well-Known Member
I didn't join this site for people to worry about a person you can't identify expecially when if you type "marijuana" into Google you end up with a billion pics of people with weed. Quit being pussies. If anyone has any idea what strains that would be more helpful. I can get some more pics of the leaves if that makes any difference.


Well-Known Member
I agree good attitude about the pic in my young days I was all paranoid now it is like if that is all they have to worry about is a few of my plants I use personally screw em. I don't think the country has enough money anymore to worry about a few growers with a couple of plants. That being said I would not stand in front of 100 plants and invite trouble.


Well-Known Member
I didn't join this site for people to worry about a person you can't identify expecially when if you type "marijuana" into Google you end up with a billion pics of people with weed. Quit being pussies. If anyone has any idea what strains that would be more helpful. I can get some more pics of the leaves if that makes any difference.
Ha ha no shit, thats right up there with watch out for the helicopters out looking for pot at $2 - $3k per hour... gimme a break. Dude, send me a cut of that monster.. I need that for next year, nice!

Ps. + rep.


Well-Known Member
A close buddy of mine says their size is insane and he's an experienced grower. I definitely think it's all because of the compost. I originally had way more come up but like I said these ones made it through a late season snow fall. Also, two of them have purple stems so I'm hoping for some cool colors this fall. Pretty much everything I learned was from this site so I have all you members to thank for these beauties. The compost I used was made from manures from horses, cows, goats, sheep, and range fed chickens, along with the carcasses of deer and cows. All the animals are fed without any kind of hormone additives. Couldn't get my hands on any bat guano but I'm pretty sure what I got is better than Fox Farm anyway.


Well-Known Member
I didn't join this site for people to worry about a person you can't identify expecially when if you type "marijuana" into Google you end up with a billion pics of people with weed. Quit being pussies. If anyone has any idea what strains that would be more helpful. I can get some more pics of the leaves if that makes any difference.
Things have a way of catching up to you.

How many people do you know that you would not show your garden to?

Do they smoke weed?

Do they like going out at night?

Security is something to take seriously.


Well-Known Member
Are you willing to sell any of this compost?HAHAHAHA
They look very beautiful, congrats
Cant wait to see what you get off of em


Well-Known Member
How about "Don't"?

(This is my personal opinion based on experience. Other's results may differ. If so, ask for specifics regarding timing, dilution, and frequency.)


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna start using diluted molasses tomorrow. Any thoughts on that?
How about "Don't"?

(This is my personal opinion based on experience. Other's results may differ. If so, ask for specifics regarding timing, dilution, and frequency.)


Well-Known Member
Hey Veggiegardener, I haven't gotten my beauties this big to have someone try and tell me I'm doing anything wrong so unless you have something helpful to say with a little something backing it up, shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
With that said, I heard the correct mixture would be 1tblsp molasses to 1 gallon of water. Does it make a difference on the size of the plant?