threat to YOUR security

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Just some idiot
Buddy... I'm a Microsoft Certified software engineer. Do you know exactly what a proxy is? It is a computer that sends/recieves data for another computer this way the computer receiving data is hidden behind the other computers IP address. Their servers with all data are in Maryland and their proxy servers are in whatever state you said..
See NSW, now you can get lost....enjoy your new home. Tell your girlfriend I said hi.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
is he really half man, half bear and Half pig!?!?!?!?!
I think proxy servers are run by the government to see what people are trying to search anonimously... no seriously though, how do you know that the proxy you are using isnt recording every move you make and sendning it to their mom or somthing :P?


Well-Known Member
is he really half man, half bear and Half pig!?!?!?!?!
I think proxy servers are run by the government to see what people are trying to search anonimously... no seriously though, how do you know that the proxy you are using isnt recording every move you make and sendning it to their mom or somthing :P?

nominated for "best of"..........:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
best of what?! me being an asshole!? I just read my post... I dont rememeber saying that... but I MUSY haveright?

i hate when people misread my posts. didn't you see the XXX damned smiley face. :evil: don't make me whip out my badge.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: SEE IT? that's means hahahhahahahahaha :blsmoke::peace:

that was hella funny. people think they are safe online. ha, who owns the internet? lol. um............:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ah man!!! whats goin on man?!?!?! that dude = hahaha cool
I think the badge needs to be whiped out :P
whats the XXX???
I rememeber when I used to own, like 50% of the internet, and than sold it for drug money :P?


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmm turdles :D
good in soup... I like having pets I can eat... I saw that in a movie once :P pretty flufed up
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