These Girls were being looked after by a friend who unfortunately could not follow the simple instruction of 'Do Not open the Tent while the Light is Off'.
On more than 1 occasion when i had gone to see them there was branches that had been pulled out of the screen and tied to the main stalk (wat the f*ck), others wrapped throught the screen like a vine (wrapping up the leaves and all) & was an old wives tail grower rather than a science grower and was also too ignorant to listen (will have to pick who looks after my girls better in the future). I hate how some people think that beacuse they are older or grew a plant outdoors once they know what they are doing - NEWSFLASH for these people - Nature grows them outdoors, its pretty hard to F*ck em up!! & Just because you are older It Dont mean you know Sh*t!!
I went to visit them again last week only to find that the last bit of grace i had given this grower who i was TRYING to teach had been in Vain! Almost half the leaves had been removed off the Stems :O (Apparently to not take food away from & to make room for the Buds?!) I lost It! Started screaming loud enough for the neighbours to hear "How the F*ck do u expect the Plant to produce Buds if you take away it's ability to Make Food?)
That was that, i decided the plants were going to either Die or Turn Hermaphrodite, so i told him i was taking them back (can u believe this MoFo told me i couldnt take em back) - anyway a few heated words & they were in my car & on the way to their new home where they are recovering slowly..
Oh & if that wasnt bad enough they are recovering from a Bad case of Nute Lock Out as my care-grower decided that 'Rain-Water' was better for them, so drained my Specially Blended & Balanced Nutes and replaced it with a Nil EC 9.2 PH Mix :-s (Which in DWC is WAY outta the 'Happy-Zone'.
Anyway enough of a Rant - Lesson Learnt & hopefully every1 else has learnt something from this - Give People a Pop Quiz before allowing them to look after any plant. I do truly believe that the yeild from these plants has been effectively halved if not more. My SLH has barely stretched. Probably about 1/3 of what they should have