used for smoke


Well-Known Member
This may be a little deep for a stoned forum, but do you ever get the feeling your "friends" use you for bud? Like everyone thinks you're awesome when you've got a big stash and you're generous. I've always believe in pot karma, so if I have a friend who I know smokes and they're out, of course I'm going to offer to smoke them hopes that one day when I'm in that situation they (or someone else) will return the favor and all will be right in the universe. Maybe I just have shitty friends, but since I've been staying home with my son, and therefore don't have a ton of $ for pot, I've been seeing a hell of a lot less of them.

I'm in the middle of a grow and I'm wondering, in this situation, would you rather have fair-weather friends or live a lonely life? I haven't even told my closest friends about my grow because I don't want them showing up in 2 months when I'm getting ready to harvest acting like we're tight.

I live in a midwestern state where if you say the wrong thing about smoke to the wrong person you're likely to get your ass busted, so how do you make friends with less douchey smokers when you're only links to the stoner community are assholes?
i totally feel you on this its kinda depressing


Active Member
i totally feel you on this its kinda depressing
I apologize for bringing ya down. Normally I'm way more upbeat, just pissy that day. Could have also been influenced by the fact that I was out of smoke at the time. That situation has been remedied. :)


Well-Known Member
you know what helped me threw my smoke free vacation. carving! i made these over my 3 day break... tell me what you think (going to post about this prob in the morning or next few minutes):sleep:



Active Member
you know what helped me threw my smoke free vacation. carving! i made these over my 3 day break... tell me what you think (going to post about this prob in the morning or next few minutes):sleep:
I tried my hand at carving back in the day when I first started smoking and couldn't afford a decent pipe. Just a kid with a shared 20 trying to find a way to light up without getting caught. So glad things have changed. lol. Do the 2 in the middle have a 3rd hole on the sides? Couldn't tell. :)


Well-Known Member
no the the second one from the left has a shot gun hole (on the other end of the bowl) actually used it yesterday works beautifully. the third one is a straight up pipe and thats about it. oh i put screens in the middle ones too! they came out great!

btw where would i post this? i wana share my ideas about this.


Active Member
Nice bigill!
I have made plenty of pipes and bongs over the years, have a few of them still!
If anyone is interested, bamboo is fucking awsome for making pipes and bongs!


Active Member
I've definitely cut back when they come over. It used to be I'd break out my entire stash and roll up a few joints at a time, but now I've actually resorted to pre-rolling so they don't know how much I actually have. I feel super shady doing it though. As for music, I listen to pretty much anything other than country and "slap a ho" rap. Never made it up to Chicago for a show. Usually go to Omaha, Lincoln or KC. PM me if you want. :)

And I know some people are anti-roach, but I always re-roll and smoke them. Waste not, want not. ;)
ooooh im on the other side of Chi then. well good luck with growing and moochy friends and whatnot. and listen to STS9. and Phish. and stay high.