Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I've got 4 seedlings outside that sprouted 10 days ago, you guys i can get a descent yeild?
well assuming they are all female, and you have to think about strain. also those plants will pretty much go straight into flowering cuz its so late in the season. from four seedlings if they make it expect a 20 sac and be happy if you get more than that


Well-Known Member
Florida Haters need to Blaze off, Cali is Broke. Surfed there and Married on The Cliff's just North of Santa Cruz. The Only thing Cali has is good Smoke and good waves. Florida has best beaches and Diving in the states and pretty nice Cllimate for everything year round.MM will be on ballot and pass 2012..:hump:
just because it gets on the ballot does not mean shit, Florida is a republican state, even if the Florida Voters vote in favor of MMJ the Florida House in Tallahassee will VETO it and then Florida is at square 1 again.

it will be a long long long time before Florida changes there MMJ laws.

as long as Florida has a republican as the head of state there will never be MMJ there.

Florida has the most strict laws in country against MMJ

in fact a few years ago while alot of other states are going medical, Florida Voted in the (Grow House Act Laws) implimenting manditory minimum prison sentences on pot. Florida is going backwords.

if Florida went Medical I would move back but they are not.

Florida now has a new law implimented a couple months ago outlawing the sales of bongs and pipes unless the store sells 75 percent of there monthly sales of tabbacco. and when the Florida Congress Voted it in it was unanamus vote all in favor of they law.

so dont hold your breath for MMJ

Florida needs to vote in some Democrats to help get it past the Florida House.


Well-Known Member
Get your facts straight.
That law was put on the books to keep convenient stores from selling the stuff.It does not affect your regular smoke shop at all.And most of mine do not sell any tobacco at all.
And we do not need no dumacrat in office.


Well-Known Member
Get your facts straight.
That law was put on the books to keep convenient stores from selling the stuff.It does not affect your regular smoke shop at all.And most of mine do not sell any tobacco at all.
And we do not need no dumacrat in office.
YOUR WRONG! get your facts straight, the law does effect smoke shops, my brother owns a head shop in south florida and the law does effect them, with every pipe or bong purchase they also also receive a tabbaco product to get around the law. Look it up, go talk to your local headshop get your facts staright.

in fact the congressmen that came up with the law specificly said he wanted to go after the head shops.

and you live in florida? why dont you know what you are talking about?


Well-Known Member
I think u have ur facts wrong humbolt....:peace:

My head shop told me that the law is so every gas station on every corner cant have a display full of pipes 4 all the lil kids to see...:leaf:

And they also told me that they like the new law cause it means people will have to go 2 a head shop 2 get some new glass.....bongsmilie
actually, the only stores that will be able to sell glass are the gas stations. The law is that 75% of sales must be tobacco in order to sell pieces also. Seems like gas stations are the only ones that sell mostly tobacco.


Active Member
man stop bangin your head on the law business. visit your local FLEA MARKET and buy a glass. i bought mine and i didnt even GET tabacco with it. if your close by to sunrise blvd they have a woman selling all sort of bong, mask, toys, flashlight,fake newport looking bong all kind. they are located around the car audio stuff outside (under a big tent).

people who live nearby know where im talkin bout.


Well-Known Member
The Daytona flea market has several glass dealers. It's been awhile since I been there, however I have several nice pieces including a 36" blue cobalt glass bong. I need a new Florida Gator piece.... anyone steer me in that direction? I'm not driving to Daytona anytime soon...


Well-Known Member
I think u have ur facts wrong humbolt....:peace:

My head shop told me that the law is so every gas station on every corner cant have a display full of pipes 4 all the lil kids to see...:leaf:

And they also told me that they like the new law cause it means people will have to go 2 a head shop 2 get some new glass.....bongsmilie
yea your way wrong, gas station are the only place that sell 75 % tabbaco products, the law is to try to shut down the head shops.

THATS THE POINT not to shut down gas stations. Shut down Head Shops


Well-Known Member
yea your way wrong, gas station are the only place that sell 75 % tabbaco products, the law is to try to shut down the head shops.

THATS THE POINT not to shut down gas stations. Shut down Head Shops
Dude, you in Florida or Humboldt Co Cali? Cause if your not in Florida......... gtfo?

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
The Daytona flea market has several glass dealers. It's been awhile since I been there, however I have several nice pieces including a 36" blue cobalt glass bong. I need a new Florida Gator piece.... anyone steer me in that direction? I'm not driving to Daytona anytime soon...
flea world in sanford got some good glass 2 bro!!!