OH my god!


Well-Known Member
I harvested some today and I cut them too short like not much stem on the end of the bud so I can't really hang em. What should I do? Im thinking just like leave em on a tray and flip them over every once in a while until its time to put them in the jar to cure.


Well-Known Member
can put them in a paper bag instead of hanging them..flipping them every few hours..can go back and forth between the paper bag and the jars.


Well-Known Member
i have an old window screen that i lay the bud on that won't hang. works great!!


Well-Known Member
Paper bag idea works, don't close too tightly. Check them once a day and kinda toss inside bag. 3-5 days, depending on room temp, humidity, etc., then you can begin a burp cure.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Fish hooks are fine, but a roll of baling wire, cut in 3" lengths, make "hook" with needle nose plier on each end, and "Viola", perfect hooks to hang your buds. I don't care for the paper bag or screen methods because of the loss of trichomes in handling and moving the product around during the drying. Good luck & good grow.......BB

BTW, if you don't want to mess with making your own hooks, use Christmas tree ornament hangers. BB


Well-Known Member
I use tie wire, like the guy above was saying. You can do the same thing if you cut up a wire coat hanger. I also agree that hanging is the best option. More free moving air around the buds, and no surfaces for trichomes to stick to.


Well-Known Member
Fish hooks are fine, but a roll of baling wire, cut in 3" lengths, make "hook" with needle nose plier on each end, and "Viola", perfect hooks to hang your buds. I don't care for the paper bag or screen methods because of the loss of trichomes in handling and moving the product around during the drying. Good luck & good grow.......BB

BTW, if you don't want to mess with making your own hooks, use Christmas tree ornament hangers. BB
fish hooks were a good idea but yours is better. i can picture someone jumping up and down cussing with a fish hook drove through their thumb.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I use those hangers you get for christmas ornaments, they work great.
Might be a bitch to find Christmas tree ornament hooks this time of year.
I just either pull open the lower part of the bud & hang with that or use the screen method. If you're really worried about losing a few trich's lay down a newspaper under the screen & collect it later.