• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/


Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
there's NOOTHING to do with how the US spent itself into bankruptcy with endless war.

it doesn't have anything to do with how the US has the largest prison population of any place on earth, spending more on locking up it's own citizens....
Its not just War.. Providing Military Welfare to Germany and Japan hasn't helped much.

We don't really know what the situation is in China, as they wouldn't air dirty laundry that makes Communism look bad. We are fairly certain however that in China Environmentalists, Republican's, or any other political prisoner are "Organ Donors". That is to say, they are awaiting a match, so they can be exectuted for organ harvest.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member

They are truly atrocious. Aformentioned Conservatives aren't helping matters, they make us look like asses (compared to bullshit polluters like China even) at international environmental meetings.
Conferences like Copenhagen are pointless and a waste of Tax dollars for all involved participants. The ONLY way for Canada, China, India, Nigeria, and a dozen others to clean up their environment is to throw the US out. Simple as that. Stop letting us outsource our pollution. Please grow a pair Canada. We need a few of the jobs our NIMBY's are happy to outsource.

Unfortunately our ignorant Congress is stuck on Cap & Trade legislation. A policy that will in fact result in polluting the Earth MORE. The horrible polluting factory is moved to China, along with the Coal fired power plant supplying it. The new factory in China is built with bricks that are made with slave labor. The Coal fired plant... which they manage to open a new one every week without years of environmental imact studies, public hearings etc.. is going to pollute far more than one in the USA would ever be allowed to. And much of the Coal is mined with slave labor. Never mind the labor situation at the factory. They cant even make high end electronics like an Ipod or Blackberry without slave labor. This is what our NIMBY's prefer. And they call Republicans racist???


Well-Known Member
america would kick canadas ass. but republicans and democrats are all pieces of shit. our politicians were supposed to be made of regular citizens who do their best to serve the needs of the people. there was never supposed to be a rich ass "career politician" who served the interests of corporations and other countries, abuses tax dollars, and all the other bullshit they all do. our economy is fucked and we give other countries billions of dollars every year. republican and democrat politicians are all liars, hypocrites, and they think they are above the law. fuck them all if they would stop acting like children they might be able to improve their own country a little bit. i am ashamed to have such retards running my country
I agree totalyy brudda... preach


Well-Known Member
it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that in Canada patient care comes before cost. the all holy "profit-motive" was removed from health care.

it has nothing to do with the fact that Canada does not allow patents for medicine, so if a company wants to sell their medicine in canada, they have to provide the 'recipe' so that cheaper Canadian-made generics are widely available.

there's NOOTHING to do with how the US spent itself into bankruptcy with enless war.

it doesn't have anything to do with how the US has the largest prison population of any place on earth, spending more on locking up it's own citizens....


it's those damn illegals. who don't work for shit but get all the perks.... right?? those illegals, who don't clean houses, cut lawns, paint, clean toilets, and shine shoes...... it's them, the 'non-working' illegals......:joint:
Nice post on the illegals, the major majority of illegals i know are working some sort of job under the table, and they enjoy it... oil rigs even have illeals on them, the rigs can pay them less and they work harder than americans in alot of cases, but not all obviously...


Well-Known Member
Let me get this right. Canada is better than the USA because of socialized healthcare? You don't think it has more to do with Canada's vast natural resources, Lower population, huge reserves of oil and gas, huge mines of base and precious metals? Nope its the free healthcare. Keep trolling.


Yes it's the free healthcare. No employer based heallth insurance is one of our trade secrets for siphoning jobs away from America.

Also the lack of a party whose sole goal is to take money out of government programs and spend it on tax cuts for the wealthiest tax bracket. While growing the military through money wasting defence contracts. And fighting two wars at once. And not cracking down on offshore tax havens.

If your really afraid of ending up in an Idioacracy-style corporate wasteland, NoDrama, you should seriously consider what the republican party stands for.

Heres a hint, it's not freedom of the individual (see: drug wars, gay basing, wiretapping scandal etc...)


Well-Known Member
Yes it's the free healthcare. No employer based heallth insurance is one of our trade secrets for siphoning jobs away from America.

Also the lack of a party whose sole goal is to take money out of government programs and spend it on tax cuts for the wealthiest tax bracket. While growing the military through money wasting defence contracts. And fighting two wars at once. And not cracking down on offshore tax havens.

If your really afraid of ending up in an Idioacracy-style corporate wasteland, NoDrama, you should seriously consider what the republican party stands for.

Heres a hint, it's not freedom of the individual (see: drug wars, gay basing, wiretapping scandal etc...)
You mean to tell me you aren't even an American citizen and you are bashing republicans?:roll: I'm going out on a limb here but I'm guessing you probably don't have as good of a grasp on American politicis as you think you do. Republicans suck, Democrats suck..........period! You can go on and redistribute your wealth and enjoy that FREE healthcare. Just pray you don't get sick. If you have a lot of money you'll probably end up here in the good old U.S. to get treated since you will likely die before you are seen in Canada. Keep trollin' it up.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
You mean to tell me you aren't even an American citizen and you are bashing republicans?:roll: I'm going out on a limb here but I'm guessing you probably don't have as good of a grasp on American politicis as you think you do. Republicans suck, Democrats suck..........period! You can go on and redistribute your wealth and enjoy that FREE healthcare. Just pray you don't get sick. If you have a lot of money you'll probably end up here in the good old U.S. to get treated since you will likely die before you are seen in Canada. Keep trollin' it up.:dunce:

what world do you live in??

by all accounts, every single serious study of the Canadian vs. US health care system has found:

1) Canadians are generally healthier than americans.

2) Canadians live longer than Americans.

3) The mortality rate in Canada for genetic diseases such as cancer and such in canada is just about the same in both canada and the US. Yes, there is a difference, but it's about 4-11% points in a study with a standard deviation of 16. that means the only statistical conclusion you can reach is that both survival rates are equal, and the difference between them has to do with sampling. only a few syndicated pundits will actually argue otherwise, because every serious scientist already knows the truth.

and guess what???? canada spends a WHOLE LOT LESS per capita on health care.........

AAAND their health care system actually provides coverage for ALL it's citizens.....

ganja girl

New Member
Better healthcare, I think not. Why was my 86 year old aunt in London, Ont. told no for an x-ray after she fell? And when she paid for it herself she had to wait 8 months to get her hip fixed? Socialism=control.


Well-Known Member
The OP is right. Many boards have posters from the right that make up all type of BS claims and when you hit them with facts, they come back and call you a Socialist or communist, as if the two were interchangeable. One of our biggest problems in america is we allow a non citizen, to achieve citizenship so he can buy up all of our media outlets and then trash our politics. Fox News is nothing more than Rupert Murdoch's mouth piece. The sad thing is, millions of Americans fall for it and the BS spewed by Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh comedy hours.

LOL GWN at your quotes in the sig.... Human intelligence sometimes isn't


Well-Known Member
what world do you live in??

by all accounts, every single serious study of the Canadian vs. US health care system has found:

1) Canadians are generally healthier than americans.

2) Canadians live longer than Americans.

3) The mortality rate in Canada for genetic diseases such as cancer and such in canada is just about the same in both canada and the US. Yes, there is a difference, but it's about 4-11% points in a study with a standard deviation of 16. that means the only statistical conclusion you can reach is that both survival rates are equal, and the difference between them has to do with sampling. only a few syndicated pundits will actually argue otherwise, because every serious scientist already knows the truth.

and guess what???? canada spends a WHOLE LOT LESS per capita on health care.........

AAAND their health care system actually provides coverage for ALL it's citizens.....
cancer is only partially genetic.... go stand next to any radioactive material... you will have cancer, its not the DNA that is gives you cancer it is the material.... also the same with skin cancer (from the sun) mouth cancer (chew) lung cancer (smoking)..

if it works in canada, doesnt mean that its gonna work here, or anywhere else in the world.... your comparing apples and oranges bro... your health care is what it is because your small, we on the other hand have been runnin ourselves in to debt by joinin every war since the 1900's began... my 2cents


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you put your balls next to a microwave and smoke too much weed

easy on the canadas ass would be kicked by americans see thats the type of remarks that stereotypes americans. im canadian and take great pride in being and seeing as we are supplying you with oil electricity and clean drinking water you should show some respect too. were your neighbors to the the north and the only reason usa hasnt invaded canada yet is because we do sell you oil at a reasonable price just what do you think would happen if we just said now you cant have any more well it would end up just like what you guys are dealing with now. but i do agree with the way the government runs our countries we do end up with the same problems as you guys end up with by a shadily run government

america would kick canadas ass. but republicans and democrats are all pieces of shit. our politicians were supposed to be made of regular citizens who do their best to serve the needs of the people. there was never supposed to be a rich ass "career politician" who served the interests of corporations and other countries, abuses tax dollars, and all the other bullshit they all do. our economy is fucked and we give other countries billions of dollars every year. republican and democrat politicians are all liars, hypocrites, and they think they are above the law. fuck them all if they would stop acting like children they might be able to improve their own country a little bit. i am ashamed to have such retards running my country


Well-Known Member
The OP is right. Many boards have posters from the right that make up all type of BS claims and when you hit them with facts, they come back and call you a Socialist or communist, as if the two were interchangeable. One of our biggest problems in america is we allow a non citizen, to achieve citizenship so he can buy up all of our media outlets and then trash our politics. Fox News is nothing more than Rupert Murdoch's mouth piece. The sad thing is, millions of Americans fall for it and the BS spewed by Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh comedy hours.

LOL GWN at your quotes in the sig.... Human intelligence sometimes isn't
I don't really care for any of the cable news outlets. Especially MSNBC and Fox. They are both extremely one sided and cater to specific demographics with opposing political ideologies. You mention how the right makes up BS. The left does the same exact thing and nobody can deny it. That's the problem with politics. Everybody wants, essentially the same things.........we just disagree on how to acheive it.:o


Well-Known Member
easy on the canadas ass would be kicked by americans see thats the type of remarks that stereotypes americans. im canadian and take great pride in being and seeing as we are supplying you with oil electricity and clean drinking water you should show some respect too. were your neighbors to the the north and the only reason usa hasnt invaded canada yet is because we do sell you oil at a reasonable price just what do you think would happen if we just said now you cant have any more well it would end up just like what you guys are dealing with now. but i do agree with the way the government runs our countries we do end up with the same problems as you guys end up with by a shadily run government
great post bro... +rep


Well-Known Member
The OP is right. Many boards have posters from the right that make up all type of BS claims and when you hit them with facts, they come back and call you a Socialist or communist, as if the two were interchangeable. One of our biggest problems in america is we allow a non citizen, to achieve citizenship so he can buy up all of our media outlets and then trash our politics. Fox News is nothing more than Rupert Murdoch's mouth piece. The sad thing is, millions of Americans fall for it and the BS spewed by Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh comedy hours.

LOL GWN at your quotes in the sig.... Human intelligence sometimes isn't
Get off your high horse, Mister.

Every negative characteristic you ascribe to the Right is equally attributed to the many on the Left. Simply replace mindless accusations of Socialism/Communism with Fascism.

The Left also has its share of wealthy foreigners injecting themselves into American political dialogue.

Adrianna Huffington (Huffington Post) and George Soros (MoveOn.org).


Well-Known Member
I don't really care for any of the cable news outlets. Especially MSNBC and Fox. They are both extremely one sided and cater to specific demographics with opposing political ideologies. You mention how the right makes up BS. The left does the same exact thing and nobody can deny it. That's the problem with politics. Everybody wants, essentially the same things.........we just disagree on how to acheive it.:o
Exactly, it seems if your on the right or the left, you say the same exact thing about the other side... These two groups keep pullin each other down instead of helping/working together.... Its pathetic....
Right and Left are both full of shit, if you trust one or the other side your part of the problem and not of the solution... Thats what they want, they want us divided, not united... What better way then to use religion, race and sexual orientation as well as politics to keep us seperated and ununited... Our country has done amazing things, think if we werent so divided what we could do... Thats my rant for the day....lol

ganja girl

New Member
The OP is right. Many boards have posters from the right that make up all type of BS claims and when you hit them with facts, they come back and call you a Socialist or communist, as if the two were interchangeable. One of our biggest problems in america is we allow a non citizen, to achieve citizenship so he can buy up all of our media outlets and then trash our politics. Fox News is nothing more than Rupert Murdoch's mouth piece. The sad thing is, millions of Americans fall for it and the BS spewed by Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh comedy hours.

LOL GWN at your quotes in the sig.... Human intelligence sometimes isn't
Obama isn't socialist or communist, he's a Marxist.


Well-Known Member
easy on the canadas ass would be kicked by americans see thats the type of remarks that stereotypes americans. im canadian and take great pride in being and seeing as we are supplying you with oil electricity and clean drinking water you should show some respect too. were your neighbors to the the north and the only reason usa hasnt invaded canada yet is because we do sell you oil at a reasonable price just what do you think would happen if we just said now you cant have any more well it would end up just like what you guys are dealing with now. but i do agree with the way the government runs our countries we do end up with the same problems as you guys end up with by a shadily run government
that was more of a joke because they kept talking about how great canadas this and that were. i dont have a problem with canada. and you shouldnt judge people by one thing you hear them say (type?) . eh


Well-Known Member
Get off your high horse, Mister.

Every negative characteristic you ascribe to the Right is equally attributed to the many on the Left. Simply replace mindless accusations of Socialism/Communism with Fascism.

The Left also has its share of wealthy foreigners injecting themselves into American political dialogue.

Adrianna Huffington (Huffington Post) and George Soros (MoveOn.org).
No doubt, people that get on the bandwagon of either side are still clueless about american politics.... Hate thy neighbor ( especially if they arent like you) its a flippin joke....